Once you have located ancestors you can use the links from the Jerripedia searchable database to page images of the original transcriptions to view the particular spelling of names which were recorded at the time of a baptism, marriage or burial (or the spelling which the transcriber has deciphered from the original handwriting). You can then make your own decision as to which spelling fits best with records for other of your ancestors.
Here is a full list of the spellings which have been used for family names in the database and which appear in the latest updates to the Jerripedia indexes
Following recent updates to the database, this page was updated in May 2018. In the course of this work we have noted some names which are clearly spelling errors, but we need to work back through the original registers to correct them and some have yet to be checked.
- A'Court
- A'Herrren
- Aanensen
- Abbot/Abbott
- Abdy
- Abel
- Abernethy
- Abert
- Abey
- Abraham
- Abreu
- Abry
- Ache
- Achersley
- Acker
- Ackerman
- Ackland
- Acord
- Acourt
- Acton
- Adair
- Adam
- Adams
- Adamson
- Aday
- Adderson
- Addison
- Adequin
- Ader
- Adey
- Adison
- Adkins
- Adlam
- Adley
- Adlins
- Adolphe
- Adolphe Dit Dujardin
- Adouard
- Adshead
- Adson
- Adyvane
- Agate
- Aggatt
- Agling
- Agnes
- Agnew
- Agutter
- Ahearn
- Ahier
- Ahier Perchard
- Aiereton
- Aiken
- Aikins
- Ailey
- Aime
- Aimee
- Ainsley
- Ainsworth
- Airnton
- Airth
- Aison
- Aix
- Ake
- Alain
- Alais
- Aland
- Alavoine
- Albert
- Alberto
- Albiges
- Albo
- Albury
- Ald
- Aldam
- Aldaw
- Alday
- Alder
- Aldersey
- Alderson
- Aldred
- Aldrey
- Aldridge
- Alere
- Alever
- Alexander
- Alexandre
- Alexis
- Alford
- Alfred
- Algar
- Alger
- Alice
- Alicette
- Alisette
- Alit
- All
- Allain
- Allain/Allen
- Allaire
- Allams
- Allan
- Allard
- Allason
- Allbank
- Allberry
- Allbury
- Allchin
- Allcock
- Alldridge
- Alleband
- Allen
- Allenet
- Alley
- Allez
- Allford
- Alliaume
- Alliband
- Allii
- Allin
- Alling
- Allis
- Allison
- Allix
- Allnutt
- Allo
- Allport
- Allpress
- Alluto
- Allway
- Allwood
- Almond
- Alot
- Alridge
- Aluzouf
- Alves
- Alvey
- Alway
- Aman
- Amand
- Amant
- Ambrose
- Amer
- Amery
- Ames
- Amette
- Ami
- Amicel
- Amiette
- Amint
- Amiot
- Amiraux
- Amlet
- Amon
- Amoore
- Amor
- Amos
- Amourette
- Amy/Ami
- Anasey
- Anasy
- Anault
- Anderlow
- Anders
- Andersen
- Anderson
- Andow
- Andre
- Andres
- Andresoy
- Andrew
- Andrews
- Andrews - Bligh
- Andrews Bligh
- Andrison
- Andros
- Andry
- Anel
- Anensen
- Anfray
- Ange
- Angel
- Angel/Angell
- Angell
- Angleson
- Anglois
- Anher
- Anion
- Anisi
- Ankman
- Anley
- Anley/Anlet
- Anmont
- Ann
- Anne
- Annear
- Annersley
- Annesley
- Anning
- Annis (Or Hennesy)
- Annisey
- Anny
- Anobert
- Anquetil
- Anright
- Anscott
- Ansell
- Ansett
- Anslow
- Anson
- Anstee
- Anstey
- Anthoine
- Anthoine/Antoine
- Anthony
- Anton
- Anwell
- Aplin
- Appleby/Applebie
- Appliford
- Appligate
- Applin
- Apps
- Arbieu
- Archer
- Archibald
- Archot
- Ardagh
- Argo
- Argyriades
- Arhel
- Arias
- Aristam
- Arkins
- Arm
- Armand
- Armitage
- Arms
- Armstrong
- Armul
- Arnall
- Arnold
- Arnott
- Arrette
- Arrive
- Arrowsmith
- Arschot
- Arscott
- Artell
- Artht
- Arthur
- Arundel
- Ascock
- Ascott
- Ash
- Ashby
- Ashcroft
- Ashdown
- Ashelford
- Asher
- Ashfill
- Ashford
- Ashley
- Ashling
- Ashman
- Ashmole
- Ashmoles
- Ashton
- Ashwell
- Askell
- Asmat
- Asplaud
- Asplet
- Asplet/Aspley
- Asquet
- Asselin
- Astur
- Asvell
- Atcheson
- Atchins
- Atherton
- Atkins
- Atkinson
- Atrell
- Atrill
- Attenbrough
- Attrill
- Attwooll
- Aubert
- Aubin
- Aubree
- Aubren
- Aubreton
- Aubrie
- Audelle
- Audoine
- Audoire
- Audouard
- Audrain
- Auffray
- Auffret
- Aufray/Auffret
- Aufret
- Aufrey
- Auge
- Augee
- Augur
- Augustin
- Auiy
- Auldin
- Aulton
- Aumont
- Aunoury
- Austell
- Austin
- Auton
- Auvergne
- Auvrey
- Auzard
- Auzof
- Auzouf
- Avard
- Avaulee
- Averson
- Averty
- Averty/Laverty/l'Averty
- Avery
- Aveson
- Avis
- Avison
- Avril
- Avrill
- Axworthy
- Ayerst
- Ayerton
- Aylen
- Ayling
- Aylmer
- Aynge
- Ayre
- Ayres
- Baal
- Baal/Ball
- Baaley
- Bable
- Babot
- Babstock
- Bache
- Bachelor
- Bacher
- Bachier
- Backer
- Backhouse
- Backwell
- Bacon Spilsbury
- Baden
- Badet
- Badger
- Badgley
- Badie/Badier
- Badier
- Badin
- Badkins
- Badley
- Bagerell
- Bagley
- Bagnal
- Bagnall
- Bagniet
- Baguiet
- Bagwell
- Bahete
- Bailes
- Bailey
- Bailhache
- Bailhache/Baillehache
- Bailie
- Bailleul
- Bailley
- Bailliau
- Baillie
- Baillie (Bailley?)
- Bailly
- Bails
- Baily
- Bain
- Bainard
- Baines
- Bainey
- Bains
- Baird
- Baker
- Baker Manuel
- Bakes
- Balaine
- Balcam
- Balch
- Balchin
- Balcomb
- Balcombe
- Baldock
- Baldwin
- Bale
- Baleine/Balleine/Balaine
- Baley
- Ball
- Ballaine
- Ballam
- Ballantine
- Ballard
- Ballay
- Balleau
- Balleau/Bailliau
- Balleine
- Ballen
- Baller
- Balliau
- Ballin
- Balliscam
- Balls
- Ballune
- Baloeil
- Balsam
- Balson
- Balster
- Balston
- Balstone
- Baltam
- Baltus
- Balwin
- Bamber
- Bambery
- Bambury
- Bamford
- Bamsey
- Banan
- Banbury
- Band
- Bander
- Bandin
- Bandinel
- Bandle
- Banfield
- Bang
- Bangs
- Banham
- Banie
- Banister
- Banister/Bannister
- Bank
- Bankes
- Banks
- Banley
- Bannay
- Bannie
- Bannier
- Bannister
- Bant
- Bantolf
- Baptist
- Baptiste
- Barbe
- Barbedette
- Barbenson
- Barber
- Barbet
- Barbey
- Barbier
- Barbot
- Barcar
- Barcher
- Barclay
- Barden
- Bardil
- Bardon
- Barefoote
- Barester
- Barett/Barette/Barrett/Barrette
- Barette
- Barfoot
- Barge
- Baril
- Barker
- Barkett
- Barkham
- Barlase
- Barlay
- Barley
- Barlow
- Barnard
- Barne
- Barnecott
- Barnes
- Barnet
- Barnett
- Barnewall
- Barney
- Barnham
- Barns
- Baro
- Baron
- Baronnet
- Barot
- Barow
- Barr
- Barrand
- Barratt
- Barre
- Barre ?
- Barreau
- Barret
- Barrett
- Barrette
- Barri
- Barrien
- Barrier
- Barril
- Barrington
- Barron
- Barrot
- Barrow
- Barrowman
- Barry
- Bars
- Barteley
- Bartelot
- Bartelow
- Barter
- Bartheld
- Bartheleme
- Bartheley
- Bartho
- Bartholomew
- Bartier
- Bartle
- Bartlett
- Bartley
- Bartlow
- Barton
- Bartrop
- Barty
- Barwick
- Bascam
- Base
- Basford
- Bashford
- Basnier
- Bass
- Bassat
- Basse
- Basset
- Basset/Bassett
- Bassett
- Bassford
- Bassin
- Bassire
- Basspord
- Bassy
- Bastard
- Basterfield
- Basterville
- Basterville (?)
- Bastide
- Bastifell
- Bastifill
- Bastin
- Bastine
- Bastock
- Baston
- Batail
- Bataille
- Batamm
- Batcheler
- Batchelor
- Bate
- Bateley
- Bateman
- Bates
- Bateson
- Bath
- Bathe
- Bathers
- Bathgate
- Batho
- Batler
- Batley
- Baton
- Batrick
- Batstone
- Battam
- Batten
- Battenson
- Batters
- Batterson
- Battes
- Batto
- Battrick
- Battus
- Bauche
- Baucher
- Bauchet
- Bauchurg
- Baudains
- Baudains Dit La Gerche
- Baudains/Baudain
- Baudauis
- Baudel
- Bauden
- Baudet
- Baudet/Bosdet
- Baudic
- Baudier
- Baudin
- Baugard
- Baugh
- Baugie
- Bault
- Bausains
- Baux
- Bavis
- Baware
- Bawden
- Baxter
- Bayait
- Bayers
- Bayfield
- Bayler
- Bayles
- Bayley
- Baylis
- Bayly
- Baynes
- Baynor
- Bayshaw
- Bazin
- Bazley/Bazly
- Beach
- Beacon
- Beadeley
- Beaden
- Beadle
- Beakbane
- Beal
- Bealby
- Beale
- Bealey
- Beames
- Beams
- Bean
- Beans
- Beard
- Beardon
- Bearfoot
- Bearley
- Bearman
- Bearn
- Bearne
- Bearsley
- Beasant
- Beasland
- Beasley
- Beathy
- Beaton
- Beats
- Beattie
- Beatty
- Beaty
- Beaucamp
- Beaucamp/Beauchamp
- Beauchamp
- Beaucourt
- Beaucousin
- Beauday
- Beaudet
- Beaudouin
- Beaufils
- Beaugeard
- Beaugie
- Beaulieu
- Beaumond
- Beaumont
- Beaupere
- Beauprenat
- Beauregard
- Beaurepaire
- Beauvier
- Beauvir
- Beauvis
- Beauzeval
- Beavers
- Beavis
- Beazeley
- Bechele
- Bechelet
- Bechelieve
- Bechelin
- Bechemin
- Becher
- Becheray
- Bechervaise
- Bechley
- Bechlin
- Beck
- Becker
- Becket
- Beckford
- Becquet
- Becquet/Bequet
- Bedbrook
- Beddows
- Bedel
- Bedell
- Bedelle
- Bedford
- Bedlecombe
- Bednas
- Bedwell
- Beebe
- Beech
- Beechwood
- Beecroft
- Beedell
- Beeho
- Beek
- Beer
- Bees
- Beeson
- Beest
- Beeton
- Beevor
- Beghin
- Beguerel
- Behoe
- Behot
- Beignet
- Beihee
- Beine
- Beingham
- Bekes
- Belcher
- Beldt
- Belego
- Belford
- Belhomme
- Belin
- Beliot
- Bell
- Bellais
- Bellam
- Bellamy
- Belle
- Bellec
- Bellee
- Bellego
- Bellejambe
- Bellenger
- Belleroche de Diesbach
- Bellet
- Bellew
- Belliers
- Bellin
- Belling
- Bellingham
- Bellis
- Belliss
- Bellman
- Belloc
- Belloeil
- Bellot
- Bellow
- Belman
- Beloeil
- Belot
- Belson
- Bemont
- Benard
- Bendal
- Bendell
- Bender
- Bendixen
- Bendixon
- Benes/Benest
- Benest
- Benett
- Benett/Bennet/Bennett
- Benfield
- Benger
- Bengnie
- Benham
- Bennett
- Benney
- Bennison
- Benoist
- Benoit
- Bensa
- Bensosan
- Bensted
- Bentell
- Bentham
- Bentley
- Bentsen
- Benyen
- Benyon
- Berchad
- Berendt
- Beresford/Berresford
- Berezai
- Berezay
- Berg
- Berger
- Bergue
- Berham
- Berhet
- Berkeley
- Berkerley
- Berkford
- Bermale
- Bern
- Bernal
- Bernard
- Berne
- Berney
- Bernicot
- Bernie
- Bernock
- Berny
- Berriman
- Berrow
- Berry
- Berryman
- Bertaille
- Bertaut/Bertault/Bertauld/Berteau
- Berteau
- Bertelet/Berteleyt
- Berterant
- Berth
- Bertheley
- Berthelot
- Bertho
- Berthon
- Bertian
- Bertin
- Bertlett
- Bertosme
- Bertout
- Bertram
- Bertrand
- Berying
- Besley
- Beslievre
- Besnard
- Bessel
- Besselievre
- Besselin
- Bessell
- Bessent
- Besset
- Bessette
- Bessin
- Bessinhamon
- Best
- Besteley
- Beswick
- Bet
- Bete
- Bethelet
- Bethell
- Bethem
- Bett
- Bettenson
- Betters
- Bettes
- Bettle
- Betton
- Betts
- Beuchet
- Beuse
- Beuttell
- Beuve
- Beuzeval
- Bevan
- Bevans
- Beverly
- Bevert
- Bevis
- Bewes
- Bewhay
- Bewhey
- Bewicke
- Bews
- Bewsher
- Beyo
- Bianchi
- Biard
- Bibbings
- Bibby
- Bibes
- Bichair
- Bichard
- Biche
- Bichel
- Bichelet
- Bichnell
- Bickerson
- Bicknell
- Bicks
- Bidan
- Bidder
- Biddle
- Biddlecombe
- Bideford
- Bidelcom
- Bidois
- Bidou
- Bienaime
- Bienvenu
- Biere
- Bigareau
- Bigge
- Biggins
- Biggs
- Bighard
- Biglay
- Bigley
- Bigmore
- Bignall
- Bignell
- Bigot
- Bigrel
- Bigrel/Bigrell/Beguerel
- Biguerel
- Bigwood
- Bihel
- Bihet
- Bilding
- Biles
- Bill
- Bille
- Billee
- Biller
- Billet
- Billot
- Bills
- Billson
- Bilot/Billot/Billiot
- Bilton
- Bimbert
- Binard
- Binder
- Binet
- Bingham
- Binning
- Binnington
- Binos
- Binstead
- Binston
- Birch
- Birchenall
- Bird
- Birette
- Birkby
- Birley
- Birmingham
- Biroard
- Birt
- Birtch
- Birtwhistle
- Biscoe
- Bishoff
- Bishop
- Bisset
- Bisson
- Bisson/Le Gros Bisson
- Bito
- Bitter
- Bittoret
- Bivar
- Bizet
- Bizzy
- Blachford
- Black
- Blackburn
- Blacke
- Blackford
- Blackhouse
- Blackler
- Blacklin
- Blackman
- Blackmore
- Blackwell
- Blackwood
- Blades
- Blain
- Blainey
- Blair
- Blais
- Blaise
- Blaize
- Blake
- Blakemore
- Blakeney
- Blampied
- Blanc
- Blanch
- Blanchard
- Blanche
- Blanchet
- Blanchford
- Blanchy
- Bland
- Blandamour
- Blandford
- Blandiard
- Blandin
- Blandy
- Blane
- Blanlo
- Blanning
- Blashe
- Blashford
- Blatchford
- Blatt
- Blaxland
- Blay
- Blayto
- Blazland
- Bleaux
- Bleck
- Bledes
- Bledhone
- Blee
- Bleteau
- Blevid
- Bleving
- Blewett
- Bley
- Bliaul
- Bliault
- Bliaux
- Blicq
- Bligh
- Blight
- Blin
- Blindell
- Blinkhorn
- Blip
- Bliss
- Blisset
- Blissett
- Blivet
- Bloce
- Blomendahl
- Blomfield
- Blond
- Blondeau
- Blondel
- Blondett
- Blong
- Blood
- Blot
- Blouet
- Blow
- Blowers
- Bluett
- Blundell
- Blundy
- Blunt
- Blutel
- Bly
- Blyth
- Blythe
- Bmus
- Boak
- Boar
- Boardman
- Boaring
- Boas
- Boase
- Boast
- Bobbets
- Bobinet
- Bock
- Bocley
- Bocon
- Bodd
- Boddie
- Bodecot
- Bodecott
- Bodicot
- Bodman
- Bodnem
- Bodnum
- Body
- Bodycut
- Boehmer
- Boelle
- Boessard
- Boeuf
- Boeuve
- Bogatty
- Boggs
- Boiavin
- Boielle
- Boileau
- Boille
- Boinel
- Boinet
- Bois
- Boisadam
- Boisard
- Boishardi
- Boisivon
- Boissard
- Boissier
- Boistard
- Boitte
- Boivers
- Boivin
- Boizard
- Bold
- Boleat
- Boliat
- Bolitho
- Boll
- Bolland
- Bollen
- Bolls
- Bolsom
- Bolson
- Bolston
- Bolt
- Bolton
- Bonamy
- Bond
- Bondall
- Bone
- Bonelleur
- Bonette
- Bonhomme
- Boniface
- Bonission
- Bon-jean
- Bonjour
- Bonmer
- Bonmer?
- Bonn
- Bonndy
- Bonne
- Bonnel
- Bonnemain
- Bonnesson
- Bonnet
- Bonney
- Bonning
- Bonnings
- Bonnissent
- Bonnois
- Bonny
- Bons
- Bonte
- Bony
- Boobyer
- Bool
- Boomer
- Boone
- Boor
- Boord
- Boore
- Booth
- Boots
- Borcham
- Bordays
- Boreham
- Bores
- Borford
- Borham
- Boring
- Borland
- Borny
- Borr
- Borrot
- Borrow
- Borrowman
- Borrows
- Bors
- Boryean
- Bosanquet
- Bosbu
- Boschat
- Boscher
- Bosdet
- Bosher
- Bosley
- Bosre
- Bossey
- Bossy
- Bost
- Bostick
- Bostock
- Boston
- Bosvell
- Boswell
- Bot
- Boterel
- Boterley
- Bothamly
- Botler
- Botrel
- Bott
- Bottam
- Bottom
- Bottomley
- Botton
- Bouandy
- Boucault
- Boucaut
- Bouchan
- Bouchard
- Bouchel
- Bouchere
- Bouchet
- Boucier
- Boudain
- Boudet
- Boudier
- Boudin
- Bouette
- Bouge
- Bougeard
- Bouger
- Bouget
- Bougin
- Bouher
- Bouiller
- Bouilli
- Bouillier
- Bouillion
- Bouillon
- Boulaire
- Boulanger
- Boulant
- Boule
- Bouler
- Boulevard
- Boulger
- Boulie
- Boulinot
- Boulleir
- Boulley
- Boullier
- Boullough
- Boulton
- Bounday
- Bounds
- Boune
- Bouneir
- Bounou
- Bounsall
- Bourcette
- Bourcier
- Bourdache
- Bourdic
- Bourdon
- Bourgaize
- Bourge
- Bourgeois
- Bourgeois/Bourgoise
- Bourgeoise
- Bourgois
- Bourgoise
- Bourgoyne
- Bourino
- Bourinot
- Bourke
- Bourne
- Bourrieaux/Boureaux
- Bourrouge
- Bousher
- Bousle
- Bousseau
- Boustouler
- Bouteloup
- Bouteme
- Boutflower
- Bouther
- Bouthflower
- Boutice
- Boutier
- Boutillier
- Bouton
- Bouvel
- Bouvier
- Bouyer
- Bovey
- Bovis
- Bow
- Bowbridge
- Bowcliffe
- Bowden
- Bowdidge
- Bowdige
- Bowditch
- Bowdridge
- Bowe
- Bowen
- Bower
- Bowers
- Bowhill
- Bowie
- Bowin
- Bowl
- Bowler
- Bowles
- Bowling
- Bowman
- Bowring
- Bowswell
- Bowyer
- Box
- Boxall
- Boyatt
- Boyce
- Boyd
- Boydell
- Boyer
- Boyes
- Boyett
- Boyle
- Boyles
- Boyne
- Braae
- Braan
- Braban
- Bradbury
- Bradby
- Bradchard
- Bradchas
- Bradely
- Braderidge
- Bradford
- Bradley
- Bradly
- Bradmore
- Bradshaw
- Bradstaff
- Brady
- Braford
- Bragg
- Bragu
- Braham
- Brahan
- Brailsford
- Brain
- Braine
- Brais
- Braithwaite
- Brake
- Braley
- Bramalle
- Bramble
- Bramear
- Bramhall
- Bramley
- Brammall
- Branan
- Branch
- Brand
- Brandish
- Brandy
- Branker
- Brannam
- Brannan
- Brant
- Branton
- Braque
- Brasford
- Brasford/Brassford
- Brasiercreagh
- Bratby
- Bratcha
- Bratehard
- Braut
- Brawar
- Bray
- Brayan
- Brayer
- Brayley
- Brayn
- Brayne
- Braynen
- Brazidec
- Brazier
- Breadmore
- Breadth
- Bready
- Break
- Breany
- Breard
- Breban
- Bredlot
- Bredonchel
- Bree
- Bree/Bray/Braye
- Breeden
- Breedon
- Breen
- Brehaut
- Breider
- Brelade
- Brell
- Bremaud
- Bremiell
- Brempton
- Brenan
- Brenen
- Brenham
- Brennam
- Brennan
- Brennen
- Brenon
- Brent
- Brenton
- Breq
- Brequin
- Breslin
- Bressat
- Bret
- Bretagne
- Bretel
- Bretelle
- Brett
- Breuilly
- Breulley
- Breunet
- Brevet
- Brevost
- Brewer
- Breygs
- Brian
- Briand
- Briant
- Briard
- Brib
- Brice
- Bricheridge
- Bricknell
- Bridaut
- Bride
- Brideaux
- Brideauy
- Bridge
- Bridges
- Bridgland
- Bridle
- Bridonneaux
- Bridou
- Brien
- Brient
- Briere
- Brierley
- Briges
- Briggs
- Bright
- Brighting
- Brighton
- Brighty
- Brignell
- Brignonen
- Briller
- Brimet
- Brimmer
- Brimson
- Brine
- Bringham
- Brinson
- Brint
- Bris
- Brisbands
- Brisben
- Brise
- Brislean
- Brissac
- Brissel
- Brisset
- Bristol
- Bristow
- Britel
- Briton
- Britt
- Brittain
- Britten
- Britter
- Britton
- Broad
- Broadbent
- Broadbiere
- Broadhurst
- Broadhust
- Broadstreet
- Brochand
- Brochard
- Brochart
- Broche
- Brochen
- Brochet
- Brockenshire
- Brocker
- Brockway
- Brocliand
- Brocq
- Broder
- Broderick
- Brodhurst
- Brody
- Broedzay
- Brogan
- Brohier
- Broin
- Brokenshire
- Broker
- Bromage
- Bromer
- Bromfield
- Bromley
- Bronchard
- Brononchel
- Bronuer
- Brook
- Brooke
- Brooker
- Brookes
- Brooks
- Broom
- Broomer
- Broomfield
- Brophy
- Broquet
- Brother
- Brotherick
- Brothers
- Brouard
- Broucier
- Broudic
- Broughton
- Broun
- Broussier
- Brown
- Brown/Browne
- Brownie
- Browning
- Browniow
- Brownjean
- Brownlow
- Brownney
- Brownsea
- Brownsey
- Brownson
- Browse
- Bruce
- Bruck
- Bruck/Brucke
- Brudier
- Bruil?
- Bruins
- Bruit
- Brumelo
- Brummer
- Brumwich
- Brun
- Brunel
- Brunet
- Brunker
- Brunnock
- Brusaud
- Brusey
- Brush
- Bruss
- Bruston
- Brusy
- Bruton
- Bruyn
- Bryan
- Bryand
- Bryant
- Bryer
- Bryers
- Bryson
- Buan
- Buard
- Buau
- Bubear
- Bubiar
- Buch
- Buchan
- Buchanan
- Buchanon
- Bucher
- Buck
- Buckingham
- Buckland
- Buckle
- Buckler
- Buckley
- Bucknell
- Buckney
- Buckrell
- Budd
- Budden
- Budds
- Budge
- Buene
- Buesnel
- Buesnel/Busnel
- Buet
- Buethney
- Bufar
- Buffard
- Buffart
- Bugg
- Bughel
- Buhet
- Buhot
- Buhts
- Buhy
- Builcher
- Building
- Buisson
- Bulbeck
- Bulch
- Bulger
- Bulgin
- Buliot
- Bulklen
- Bull
- Bullaine
- Bulled
- Bullen
- Buller
- Bulley
- Bullin
- Bullion
- Bullock
- Bullough
- Bulmore
- Bulson
- Bulsun
- Bultitude
- Bumford
- Bunbury
- Bunchy
- Bundy
- Bung
- Bunker
- Bunn
- Bunter
- Bunton
- Bunyan
- Buon
- Buot
- Buou
- Burbier
- Burbury
- Burch
- Burchell
- Burchison
- Burden
- Burdett
- Burdish
- Bureau
- Burfoot
- Burford
- Burg
- Burg/Burge
- Burge
- Burges
- Burgess
- Burgogne
- Burgoyne
- Burgreen
- Burham
- Burk
- Burke
- Burland
- Burley
- Burlo
- Burlot
- Burlton
- Burman
- Burmese
- Burn
- Burnack
- Burnard
- Burne
- Burnel
- Burnell
- Burnery
- Burnes
- Burnet
- Burnett
- Burney
- Burnham
- Burnop
- Burnouf
- Burns
- Burnside
- Burr
- Burrard
- Burrell
- Burridge
- Burrough
- Burrow
- Burrowes
- Burrows
- Burry
- Burston
- Burt
- Burtellow
- Burton
- Burts
- Burvingt
- Burwel
- Bury
- Busby
- Bush
- Bushel
- Bushell
- Bushnell
- Bushop
- Bushrod
- Busk
- Buss
- Bussan
- Busson
- Buswell
- Butchard
- Butcher
- Butel
- Butelle
- Butes
- Buthel
- Butler
- Butler/Buttler
- Butlin
- Butrell
- Butsam
- Butt
- Buttel
- Butten
- Butter
- Butterfield
- Butterley
- Butters
- Butterworth
- Buttery
- Buttfield
- Buttler
- Buttles
- Button
- Buttrin
- Buttrine
- Butts
- Buxton
- Buzulier
- Byas
- Bye
- Byers
- Bynam
- Byne
- Byrn
- Byrne
- Byrnes
- Cabanne
- Cabe
- Cabeldu
- Cabeldu/Cabelduc/Capeldu
- Cable
- Cabot
- Cachel
- Cacheur
- Caddy
- Cadec
- Cadett
- Cadin
- Cadio
- Cadiot
- Cadiou
- Cadman
- Cadogan
- Cadoret
- Cadou
- Cadwaleder
- Cagan
- Cager
- Cagnetta
- Cahell
- Cahill
- Caille
- Caillet
- Cailleteau
- Caillot
- Caillou
- Cain
- Caissel
- Cake
- Cakes
- Calais
- Caldecott
- Calder
- Cale
- Calet
- Calf
- Caliot
- Callac
- Callaghan
- Callaway
- Callely
- Callichan
- Callicott
- Callings
- Callins
- Calvenec
- Calvenic
- Calwell
- Camaille
- Cambell
- Camcloud
- Camelan
- Cameron
- Camerton
- Camill
- Camio
- Camiot
- Camlan
- Camp
- Campbell
- Campell Frazer
- Campenfelt
- Campin
- Campion
- Campobello
- Camus
- Cancloud
- Candelle
- Candy
- Canel
- Canell
- Canese
- Canham
- Canivet
- Canivet/Cannivet
- Cann
- Cannabear
- Cannel/Cannell
- Cannet
- Canney
- Canning
- Canninget
- Cannon
- Cannu
- Cant
- Cantell
- Canttay
- Canu
- Canuet
- Canut
- Canway
- Caoutman
- Capetack
- Capewell
- Caplain
- Caple
- Caplin
- Capmon
- Capuron
- Carabin
- Caraby
- Caraigq
- Carboulec
- Carboullec
- Carby
- Carcaud
- Carcaud/Carcos
- Carcaux
- Carcoran
- Card
- Cardan
- Cardar
- Carden
- Carder
- Cardey
- Cardien
- Cardin
- Cardinal
- Cardon
- Cardwell
- Cardy
- Care
- Carel
- Carel/Carrel
- Careless
- Carey
- Carez
- Carfanton
- Carhart
- Cariou
- Carley
- Carlile
- Carme
- Carmel
- Carmich
- Carmichael
- Carn
- Carndouff
- Carnec
- Carney
- Carnogie
- Carotre
- Carpenter
- Carpentier
- Carr
- Carre
- Carreau
- Carrel
- Carrell
- Carrey
- Carrigan
- Carrington
- Carrique
- Carrol
- Carroll
- Carrow
- Carrwell
- Carry
- Carson
- Carswell
- Cart
- Cartault
- Cartaux
- Carter
- Carteret
- Carterey
- Cartheu
- Carthew
- Cartington
- Cartmell
- Cartrell
- Cartrey
- Cartwright
- Carty
- Carvall
- Carvel
- Carvel/Carvell
- Carvell
- Carvenec
- Carvennec
- Carver
- Carveth
- Carving
- Cary
- Cary/Carey
- Caryl
- Casale
- Casar
- Case
- Caseley
- Cash
- Cashel
- Cashell
- Cashier
- Casly
- Cass
- Cassedy
- Cassel
- Cassin
- Castel
- Castell
- Castels
- Castle
- Caswall
- Casy
- Catchpole
- Catel
- Catelinet
- Cater
- Catherine
- Catherine Dit Houssel
- Catherine Dit Roussel
- Cathers
- Catherwood
- Cathrin
- Cathrine
- Catlin
- Catnor
- Caton
- Catrine
- Catrinne
- Catt
- Catton
- Cauchard
- Cauchebrais
- Caunfray
- Caurel
- Cautard
- Cauvain
- Cauvin
- Caux
- Cavallot
- Cavalo/Cavalot
- Cavanagh
- Cave
- Cavelier
- Cavet
- Cavey
- Cavington
- Cawley
- Cawn
- Cawse
- Cawthra
- Cayley-webster
- Cayzer
- Cazer
- Cdoutanche
- Cecelate
- Ceouch
- Ceres
- Ceron
- Cerson
- Cettel
- Chabrel
- Chadder
- Chafe
- Chaffe
- Chaffin
- Chafman
- Chaine
- Chainon
- Chales
- Chalker
- Chall
- Challe
- Challenor
- Challerton
- Challes
- Challis
- Challoner
- Chalmers
- Chalton
- Chamber
- Chamberlain
- Chambers
- Champell
- Champion
- Champman
- Chandler
- Chaney
- Changingdon
- Chanley
- Channel
- Channing
- Channon
- Chanon
- Chanor
- Chant
- Chantelou
- Chantepie De Boiviers
- Chanter
- Chapeau
- Chapel
- Chapelhow
- Chapelle
- Chaperon
- Chaplan
- Chaplin
- Chapman
- Chapmean
- Chapmel
- Chapmen
- Chapon
- Chappau
- Chappe
- Chappel
- Chappell
- Chappelle
- Chapple
- Chappon
- Chappuis
- Chapron
- Charbonnier
- Chard
- Chardine
- Chardinne
- Charleque
- Charles
- Charlesworth
- Charleton
- Charley
- Charlock
- Charlotte
- Charlton
- Charly
- Charman
- Charnock
- Charpentier
- Charre
- Chartier
- Charty
- Chaseau
- Chasley
- Chassot
- Chastre
- Chasty
- Chateaubriand
- Chatel
- Chatellier
- Chattel
- Chatterton
- Chattnel
- Chaude
- Chausard
- Chauvier
- Chaux
- Chavell
- Chawkley
- Chayney
- Chazuel
- Cheal
- Cheblin
- Chedweek
- Cheek
- Cheese
- Cheesman
- Chefdor
- Chelet
- Chellingworth
- Cheminant
- Cheney
- Cheperd
- Chepmell
- Cheron
- Cherpilloud
- Cherry
- Chestalain
- Chester
- Cheston
- Chettenden
- Chevalier
- Chevalier/Chevallier
- Chevallier
- Chevert
- Chevreaux
- Chevrier
- Chevy
- Chezel
- Chicherie
- Chichester
- Chick
- Chide
- Chilard
- Chilard/Chillard
- Chilcott
- Child
- Childes
- Childs
- Chill
- Chillingsworth
- Chillingworth
- Chillongworth
- Chimmo
- Chinery
- Chiney
- Ching
- Chinnery
- Chinnick
- Chiperd
- Chipman
- Chipp
- Chishalm
- Chisholm
- Chisier
- Chislard
- Chittock
- Chiverton
- Chizim
- Choll
- Chopin
- Chorley
- Chottin
- Chouet
- Chouet De Vaumorel
- Choupot
- Chouquet
- Choux
- Chown
- Chretien
- Christend
- Christey
- Christian
- Christie
- Christmas
- Christophe
- Christy
- Chubb
- Chubbs
- Chuques
- Chuquet
- Church
- Churchall
- Churcher
- Churchill
- Churchward
- Clack
- Claget
- Claireaux
- Clairipel
- Clan
- Clanalbin
- Clancy
- Clann
- Clans
- Clarc
- Clare
- Clarence
- Clarendon
- Clarey
- Clark
- Clarke
- Clarkson
- Clary
- Claske
- Clavell
- Claxton
- Clayden
- Claypole
- Clayson
- Clayton
- Cleal
- Cleale
- Clean
- Cleane
- Cleary
- Cleasty
- Cleave
- Cleaveland
- Cleaver
- Clegg
- Cleghorn
- Clelland
- Clem
- Clemens/Clement
- Clement
- Clementi
- Clements
- Clemons
- Clemow
- Clendon
- Clerck
- Clerckangley
- Clercq
- Clereaud
- Clereaux
- Clerehew
- Cleripe
- Cleripel
- Clerk
- Clerke
- Cleverley
- Cleverly
- Cleytond
- Clezio
- Cliff
- Clifford
- Clift
- Clifton
- Climo
- Clinan
- Clinch
- Clinton
- Clissold
- Clitheroe
- Clive
- Cloarec
- Cloff
- Cloke
- Close
- Clother
- Clothier
- Clough
- Clozier
- Clubley
- Clum
- Clumm
- Clun
- Cluney
- Clunn
- Coad
- Coaker
- Coalhear
- Coals
- Coase
- Coatanoan
- Coatanroch
- Coate
- Coates
- Coats
- Cobden
- Cobichon
- Cobley
- Cochard
- Cochelet
- Cochet
- Cochran
- Cochrane
- Cock
- Cockborn
- Cockell
- Cocker
- Cockerell
- Cockerham
- Cockerton
- Cockeston
- Cockin
- Cocking
- Cockling
- Cockram
- Cockrane
- Cockroft
- Cocks
- Cocq
- Codd
- Coddington
- Codnell
- Coen
- Coeuniard
- Coffey
- Coffin
- Coghlan
- Coghlin
- Cogis
- Coignard
- Coignard/Coignart/Cognard
- Coilard
- Coipe
- Cojanet
- Cokayne
- Coker
- Cokes
- Colan
- Coland
- Colas/Collas
- Colback
- Colback/Coleback
- Colbeck
- Coldbeck
- Colden
- Cole
- Coleback
- Colebrook
- Colefroy
- Coleman
- Colere
- Colerre
- Coles
- Colet
- Coleville
- Colibeaux
- Coliche
- Coliford
- Coligny
- Colin
- Colins
- Coliny
- Colivet
- Collar
- Collard
- Collas
- Collaway
- Colle
- Colleau
- Colledges
- Collenette
- Coller
- Colles
- Collet
- Collett
- Collette
- Colley
- Colleypriest
- Collez
- Collier
- Colliette
- Colligney
- Collignon
- Colligny
- Collin
- Collings
- Collington
- Collini
- Collins
- Collis
- Collishawa
- Collivet
- Collman
- Collon
- Colls
- Collum
- Collyer
- Colman
- Colmer
- Colomb
- Colombat
- Colomberie
- Colombier
- Colomford
- Colon
- Colston
- Coltas
- Colton
- Colvill
- Colville
- Colwell
- Coman
- Comb
- Combe
- Comber
- Combes
- Combone
- Comboue
- Combs
- Comer
- Commerford
- Commins
- Comms
- Comon
- Compton
- Conain
- Conald
- Conan
- Conboy
- Conch
- Concklin
- Cond
- Conden
- Condon
- Condray
- Condron
- Conefray
- Conefroit
- Conespel
- Conett
- Coney
- Congan
- Congden
- Congdon
- Conie
- Coningham
- Conkling
- Conly
- Connabear
- Connaber
- Connan
- Connel
- Connell
- Connelly
- Conner
- Connolly
- Connor
- Connors
- Conoll
- Conor
- Conquest
- Conroy
- Considine
- Constant
- Constante
- Contanoan
- Conu
- Conway
- Conwell
- Coobs
- Coode
- Cook
- Cooke
- Cooking
- Cooley
- Cooling
- Cooly
- Coom
- Coombe
- Coomber
- Coombes
- Coombs
- Coombs/Coombes/Cooms
- Cooms
- Coon
- Coone
- Cooney
- Coop
- Coope
- Cooper
- Coote
- Cope
- Copland
- Copley
- Copp
- Coppe
- Copper
- Coppin
- Coquelin
- Coquellin
- Coquemelle
- Coquerel
- Coquerelle
- Coram
- Coran
- Corban
- Corbeau
- Corbel
- Corbell
- Corben
- Corbet
- Corbett
- Corbin
- Corde
- Cordell
- Cordery
- Cordial
- Cordon
- Core
- Corey
- Corfield
- Corie
- Corigan
- Corin
- Cork
- Corlay
- Corley
- Corline
- Corlouer
- Corma
- Cormack
- Cormau
- Cormier
- Corne
- Cornec
- Corneille
- Cornel
- Cornet
- Corney
- Cornick
- Cornieau
- Cornier
- Corniere
- Cornillet
- Cornily
- Cornish
- Cornlouer
- Cornu
- Cornuau
- Cornwall
- Corom
- Coron
- Corpe
- Corpen
- Corr
- Corrie
- Corsair
- Corson
- Cort
- Corville
- Cory
- Cosannet
- Cosby
- Cosens
- Cosgrove
- Cosine
- Cosins
- Cosnard
- Cosnefrey/Conefroy
- Cosnet
- Cosnu
- Cosonec
- Cosquer
- Coss
- Cosset
- Cossins
- Cosson
- Costard
- Costelloe
- Costellow
- Coster
- Costil
- Costous
- Costuos
- Cotard
- Coterel
- Cotgrove
- Cothbert
- Cotillard
- Coton/Cotton
- Cotrel
- Cott
- Cottard
- Cotte
- Cottell
- Cotterell
- Cotteville/Colville
- Cottle
- Cotton
- Cottrell
- Couch
- Coucq
- Coudray
- Coueines
- Couespel
- Couet
- Couez
- Couillard
- Couilliard
- Coulabin
- Couliard
- Couliette
- Coulliette
- Coullons/Coulomb
- Coulomb
- Couls
- Coulson
- Coulston
- Coulter
- Coumbe
- Couner
- Counor
- Coupe
- Couper
- Couppa
- Couppe
- Couppey
- Couquefort
- Cour
- Couran
- Courant
- Courbanon
- Courbaron
- Courbarron
- Courcoux
- Couriette
- Courrouge
- Coursin
- Court
- Courtaize
- Courtaut
- Courtbaron
- Courtel
- Courtenan
- Courtenay
- Courteney
- Courtis
- Courtman
- Courtney
- Courtney/Courtenay
- Courtois
- Courtol
- Courval
- Cousin
- Cousins
- Coustbaron
- Coutanche
- Coutauche
- Couteur
- Coutney
- Couts
- Coutumier
- Couturier
- Couturnier
- Couve
- Covdery
- Cove
- Coveny
- Covian
- Coward
- Cowdall
- Cowdery
- Cowdray
- Cowdrey
- Cowdy
- Cowell
- Cowen
- Cowine
- Cowle
- Cowley
- Cox
- Coxhead
- Coxson
- Coy
- Coyde
- Coyen
- Coyle
- Coyne
- Cozanet
- Cozannet
- Cozin/Cosins
- Crabb
- Crabe
- Crabtree
- Cracknel
- Cracknell
- Cradick
- Cradie
- Crag
- Crago
- Cragoe
- Crahan
- Craig
- Craique
- Crampe
- Crampton
- Cran
- Crane
- Cranford
- Crang
- Crapp
- Crasbey
- Crash
- Crassard
- Craven
- Crawford
- Crawley
- Crawshaw
- Crawshay
- Crawthorn
- Craythorne
- Creagh
- Creances
- Crease
- Creasey
- Creasy
- Creatoux
- Creber
- Crees
- Creese
- Creeser
- Cregoe
- Creighton
- Crenan
- Crenon
- Crepin
- Cresard
- Crescart
- Creser
- Crespin
- Crespinel
- Cressard
- Cressy
- Crevel
- Crewe
- Creythorne
- Creze
- Crianche
- Criblez
- Crichard
- Crickleton
- Criddle
- Cridland
- Crighton
- Crill
- Crimp
- Crisement
- Crisp
- Crispin
- Cristin
- Criswel
- Crisy
- Critchard
- Croad
- Crocher
- Crocker
- Crockford
- Croft
- Crofts
- Croissard/Croissart
- Croix
- Croizard
- Croizhir
- Croker
- Crompton
- Cronan
- Cronier
- Cronin
- Crook
- Crooke
- Crooks
- Croom
- Croome
- Crop
- Cropp
- Cropper
- Crosberg
- Crosbery
- Crosbisge
- Crosby
- Crosley
- Croslin
- Crosman
- Cross
- Crossbery
- Crossby
- Crossey
- Crossley
- Crosslin
- Crossman
- Crotty
- Crouch
- Croucher
- Crouguer
- Crouillet
- Crouin
- Crout
- Crouzier
- Crouziers
- Crowe
- Crowe/Crow
- Crowell
- Crowhurst
- Crowley
- Crowthorne
- Crozair
- Crumpe
- Crumpton
- Crupp
- Crus
- Cruse
- Crussell
- Crussley
- Crutch
- Cubberley
- Cuddeford
- Cudlip
- Cudlipp
- Cudore
- Cuel/Cuell
- Cuerton
- Cuff
- Cuffe
- Cugill
- Cuirot
- Culiam
- Cull
- Culleford
- Cullen
- Cullens
- Culliford
- Cullis
- Cullum
- Culver
- Cumberland
- Cumbey
- Cuming/Cumins/Cumming/Cummings
- Cummerford
- Cummiford
- Cumming
- Cummings
- Cummins
- Cundey
- Cunliffe
- Cunnah
- Cunner
- Cunning
- Cunningham
- Cunnings
- Cunyngham
- Cunynghame
- Cuquemelle
- Cuqus
- Curdle
- Curley
- Curme
- Curne
- Curnow
- Currell
- Currie
- Currir
- Curry
- Curtis
- Curwood
- Cusack
- Cusmiford
- Cussins
- Cutbush
- Cuthbert
- Cuthberton
- Cuthbertson
- Cuthburton
- Cutland
- Cutmore
- Cuttender
- Cuvrey
- Cuyer
- Cuzner
- D'Ade
- D'allain
- D'Allain/Dallain
- D'Alley
- D'Amesne
- D'Anjou
- D'Arcey
- D'arglandes
- D'Arthenay
- D'Arundel
- D'Assigny
- D'Audierne
- D'Authreau
- D'Auvergne
- D'Avoine/Davoine
- D'Avous
- D'Escaudeville
- D'Estade
- D'Esterre
- D'Herbet
- D'heureux
- D'Orellana
- D'orglande
- D'orleans
- D'Oyle
- Da Costa
- Dabbs
- Dabson
- Dacam
- Dacam/Dacan
- Dace
- Dache
- Daen
- Daghorn
- Daher
- Daiget
- Dain
- Daiper
- Dair
- Daisy
- Dake
- Dalcam
- Dalcam/Dacam
- Daldry
- Dale
- Dale-Torque
- Daley
- Dallain
- Dalley
- Dalli
- Dallin
- Dalloway
- Dally
- Dalston
- Dalthill
- Dalton
- Daly
- Damant
- Damar
- Damariel
- Damat
- Damato
- Dambael
- Damer
- Dameret
- Damergue
- Dames
- Damick
- Damill
- Dammet
- Damois
- Damon
- Dan
- Dancaster
- Daney
- Danford
- Danguin
- Danic
- Danican
- Daniel
- Daniell
- Daniels
- Danielson
- Danilo
- Daninik
- Danison
- Danlope
- Danlos
- Danly
- Dannier
- Danproue
- Danston
- Danton
- Danty
- Darbey
- Darby
- Darby-Griffith
- Darbyshire
- Darcel
- Darcy
- Dare
- Daretau
- Darisson
- Dark
- Darke
- Darlay
- Darley
- Darlow
- Darragh
- Dart
- Darthenay
- Dartnall
- Darton
- Dasey
- Dash
- Dason
- Date
- Daubert
- Daubert/D'Aubert
- Dauney
- Daunt
- Dauny
- Daurin
- Dauthreau
- Dauton
- Dauvain
- Dauvergne
- Dauvergne/Dauverne/d'Auvergne
- Dauvin
- Davage
- Davarn
- Davau
- Dave
- Davenet
- Davenport
- Davers
- Davey
- Davey/Davy
- David
- Davidge
- Davidson
- Davie
- Davies
- Davige
- Davis
- Davison
- Davison/Davisson
- Davits
- Davlin
- Davoine
- Davon
- Davot
- Davrity
- Davson
- Davy
- Daw
- Dawborn
- Dawe
- Dawes
- Dawney
- Dawsey
- Dawson
- Dawton
- Dawze
- Day
- Dayer
- Dayley
- Ddu Feu
- de Al Haye
- De Beaudenis
- De Beauvoir
- de Belier
- De Bermingham
- De Bois
- De Boisnay
- de Bonghad
- de Bonyhad
- De Bourblanc
- de Bourcier
- De Broder
- de Broucier
- De Bry
- De Butts
- De Caen
- de Carteret
- De Caus
- De Caux
- De Chantelou
- De Chaumont
- De Coeurdoux
- de Costa
- De Courcy
- De Covian
- De Crux
- De Cuisses
- De Farcy
- De Faye
- De Feo
- De Feu
- De France
- De Fries
- De Galle
- De Gare
- de Garis
- de Garry
- De Gouyon
- De Grammont
- De Grantmont
- De Grouville
- de Gruchny
- de Gruchy
- de Gruchy/Gruchy
- De Guelle
- De Havilland
- de Herupe
- de Housset
- de Jersey
- De Jour
- De Joux
- De Kernel
- De Kerpezdrow
- De L'Etat
- De L'Isle
- De La Chaisnee
- De La Cheur
- De La Cloche
- de La Cote
- De La Cour
- de La Court
- De La Croix
- De La Feuille
- De La Fons
- De La Fontenelle
- De La Fosse
- De La Frainee
- De La Garde
- De La Haulle
- De La Haye/de la Haie
- de la Heuse
- de la Hey
- de la Hougue
- De La Houssaye
- de La Lande
- De La Main
- De La Mare
- De La Moe
- de La Mothe
- de La Motte
- de la Perrelle
- de la Perrelle/de la Perelle
- de La Pierre
- De La Place
- de La Porte
- De La Rie
- de La Riviere
- De La Rocque
- De La Rue
- de la Salle
- De La Taste
- De La Vallee
- De La Ville
- de Lacotte
- De Lagneaux
- de Lantivy de Tredion
- De Launay
- de Launcy
- De Laune
- de Launey
- De Lavalle
- De Lecq
- de Lepine
- De Lestac
- de Lisle
- De Longree
- de Louch
- De Louche
- De Lundi
- De Mai
- De Marigny
- De Mars
- de Matteo
- de Mattos
- De Mirtre
- De Mitre
- De Monbrun
- De Monlieu
- de Morinni
- De Morlaincourt
- de Moulpied
- De Myere
- De Orelanna
- De Orellana
- De Ponthieu
- de Poulin
- De Quand
- de Quetteville
- De Quetteville/de Queteville
- De Ravenel
- De Rinzy
- De Rose
- de Rouffe
- De Rue
- de Ruffo
- de Sacote
- de Saint Paer
- de Satge
- De Saumares
- de Sauney
- De Soulemont
- de St Denis
- De St Genys
- de St George
- De St Helier
- De St Jeore
- De St Jore
- de St Paer
- De St Pierre
- De Ste Croix
- de Thaly
- De Than
- De Thomas
- de Tommenault
- De Tracy
- de Travet
- de Tredion de Lantivy
- de Trzcinski
- De Vallois
- De Vaumorel
- De Vaux
- De Veau
- De Veaux
- De Veulle
- De Veusies
- de Vicq
- de Vida
- De Ville
- De Villeneuve
- De Vine
- de Visme
- de Vismes
- de Vismes Et de Ponthieu
- De Vivier
- de Vuax
- de Wet
- Deable
- Deacon
- Deager
- Deakins
- Deal
- Dealy
- Deamen
- Dean
- Deane
- Deans
- Deardin
- Deare
- Dearle
- Dearn
- Deason
- Death
- Debden
- Debenham
- Debos
- Debourg
- Debout
- Debroden
- Debroder
- Dechanteloup
- Decrapedoit
- Dee
- Deed
- Deem
- Deerey
- Deffains
- Defian
- Defo
- Deguelle
- Dehmen
- Deise
- Delacotte
- Delafield
- Delalande
- Delamain
- Delaney
- Delange
- Delapierre
- Delaporte
- Delaunay
- Delauney
- Delaunez
- Delaval
- Delcour
- Delile
- Delisle
- Delivet
- Dell
- Dellebel
- Dellon
- Delot
- Delouche
- Delpratt
- Delpsch
- Demaine
- Demarigny
- Demerique
- Demick/Dimmick
- Demique
- Demoit
- Demond
- Demoy
- Demport
- Dempsey
- Dempster
- Dence
- Dene
- Denes
- Dengiloe
- Denham
- Denis
- Denise
- Denise/Denize
- Denize
- Denly
- Denman
- Dennehy
- Denness
- Dennett
- Denney
- Dennick
- Dennis
- Denny
- Dennys
- Densley
- Dent
- Dentith
- Denton
- Denus
- Derbel
- Derbishire
- Derhot
- Derise
- Derival
- Derkin
- Derment
- Derouet
- Derrick
- Derrien
- Derriman
- Derry
- Deruaire
- Derumple
- Derwin
- Des Augeres
- Des Auges
- Des Caves
- Des Croutes
- Des Hayes
- Des Heulles
- des Mares
- Des Noyers
- Des Ouches
- Des Petits
- Des Reaux
- Des Roncerets
- Des Rues
- Des Vaux
- Des Vignes
- Desages
- Desalliond/Desallioud
- Desaugrez
- Desborough
- Descaudeville
- Deschamps
- Deschateaux
- Desdevises
- Desiree
- Desjardins
- Deslande
- Deslandelle
- Deslandelles
- Deslandes
- Deslandes/des Landes
- Desmares
- Desmier
- Despard
- Desperque
- Despleches
- Despointes
- Despres
- Despres/des Pres
- Desquesne
- Desreaux
- Destournel
- Desveaux
- Desvergez
- Dethan
- Detravert
- Deuhamel
- Deutot
- Devalseme
- Devanay
- Devaux
- Deveau
- Devenish
- Devicq
- Devine
- Devis
- Devitt
- Devlin
- Devonport
- Devonshire
- Devot
- Dewar
- Dewer
- Dewey
- Dewhurst
- Dewing
- Dezallioud
- Dial
- Diamandy
- Diaper
- Diare
- Dibb
- Dibble
- Dibden
- Dick
- Dickens
- Dickenson
- Dicker
- Dickerson
- Dickinson
- Dickman
- Dicks
- Dickson
- Dido
- Didot
- Dieiner
- Dieper
- Dieuaide
- Diggins
- Dignum
- Diguet
- Dilen
- Dillon
- Dimand
- Dimant
- Dimble
- Diment
- Dimond
- Dinan
- Dingle
- Dinmead
- Dinning
- Dinnis
- Dinot
- Dinsdale
- Diomd
- Dirvant
- Discombe
- Disson
- Diston
- Dit Durell
- Ditchfield
- Ditmas
- Ditvasslin
- Divers
- Divier
- Divine
- Dix
- Dixon
- Dixon Scott
- Dixson
- Doalby
- Dobbin
- Dobel
- Dobilo
- Dobin
- Doble
- Dobree
- Dobs
- Dobson
- Dockarty
- Docker
- Docks
- Dockworth
- Dodd
- Dodge
- Dodsworth
- Doe
- Doer
- Dofford
- Doggan
- Doggly
- Dogherty
- Dogles
- Dogrell
- Doherty
- Doidge
- Doke
- Dolbel
- Dolbel/Dolbell
- Dollard
- Dolle
- Dollet
- Dolmage
- Dolman
- Domalain
- Domalin
- Dominy
- Dommell
- Dommett
- Domville
- Don
- Donagh
- Donaldson
- Donavan
- Donaver
- Dones
- Doney
- Donguin
- Donkins
- Donn
- Donnald
- Donnell
- Donnelly
- Donner
- Donney
- Donoghue
- Donohoe
- Donohue
- Donovan
- Doocey
- Doolan
- Dootson
- Dopping
- Doran
- Doras
- Dore
- Dorel
- Dorellana
- Dorey
- Dorflande
- Dorglande
- Dorglandes
- Dorin
- Dorkins
- Dorleans
- Dorlich
- Dormott
- Dorner
- Dorr
- Dorsey
- Dorton
- Dorvell
- Dorward
- Dosse
- Dosson
- Dossy
- Doswell
- Doublard
- Doud
- Dougall
- Dougherty
- Doughty
- Douglas
- Douglas/Dougland?
- Doulan
- Doulin
- Doulty
- Doumaille
- Dournel
- Douse
- Douten
- Douvard
- Dovey
- Dowd
- Dowdell
- Dowden
- Dowdeon
- Dowding
- Dower
- Dowey
- Dowgless
- Dowing
- Dowington
- Dowinton
- Dowiton
- Dowland
- Dowling
- Dowman
- Down
- Downer
- Downes
- Downey
- Downing
- Downs
- Downston
- Downton
- Dowse
- Dowson
- Dowton
- Doyle
- Drage
- Drake
- Drakely
- Draper
- Drayton
- Drelaud
- Drelaud/Drillot
- Dren
- Dresmond
- Drew
- Drewry
- Drews
- Drieu
- Drillien
- Drillot
- Driscol
- Driscoll
- Driver
- Drivers
- Droluin
- Drouet
- Drought
- Drouin
- Drouyn
- Druce
- Drudge
- Drue
- Druet
- Druillenec
- Druitt
- Drumgoole(Dromgoole?)
- Drummond
- Drumond
- Druorowe
- Drurowe
- Drury
- Druse
- Dryant
- Dt Ste Croix
- Du Bal
- Du Bois
- Du Bosc
- du Boscq
- du Chamin
- du Chemin
- Du Chene
- Du Commun
- Du Crocq
- Du Feu
- du Four
- Du Frene
- Du Fresne
- Du Gas
- du Guet
- du Hamel
- du Heaume
- du Heaume/Heaume/Duheaume
- Du Hucquet
- Du Huray
- Du Hurel
- Du Jardin
- du Marche
- Du Mesnil
- Du Mont
- Du Moulin
- Du Mune
- du Pacey
- Du Paques
- Du Parcq/du Parc
- du Pays
- Du Perrot
- du Perrouzel
- Du Pierre
- Du Plein
- Du Pont
- du Pre/Dupre/Pre
- Du Printemps
- Du Rousseau
- Du Sause
- Du Tocq
- du Tot
- Du Vair
- du Val
- Du Val/Duval
- du Vernet
- Du Vey
- Dual
- Dubois
- Duboscq
- Dubosq
- Dubost
- Dubot
- Dubreil
- Dubuisson
- Ducat
- Ducey
- Duchaine
- Duchemin
- Duchesne
- Ducie
- Duckens
- Duckett
- Duclos
- Ducrocq
- Ducy
- Dudley
- Dudman
- Dudoret
- Dudot
- Duewell
- Dufay
- Dufeu
- Duffet
- Duffet(T)
- Duffett
- Duffiel
- Duffield
- Duffy
- Dufort
- Dufour
- Dufraisse
- Dufresne
- Dugardin
- Dugdale
- Duggan
- Duggen
- Duggin
- Duglas
- Duglass
- Dugmore
- Dugue
- Duguey
- Duhamel
- Duhauselle
- Duins
- Dujardin
- Duke
- Dulongh
- Dumaresq
- Dumaresq/Dumarest/du Maresq
- Dumas
- Dumble
- Dumesnil
- Dumford
- Dummagen
- Dumoncel
- Dumond
- Dumont
- Dumosch
- Dun
- Dunboit
- Duncan
- Dundass
- Dune
- Dunell
- Dunford
- Dunham
- Dunkason
- Dunlop
- Dunn
- Dunna
- Dunne
- Dunnell
- Dunning
- Dunscombe
- Dunsford
- Dunstan
- Dunsterville
- Dunston
- Dunton
- Dunwood
- Dupays
- Duperousel
- Dupont
- Dupre
- Dupreuil
- Dupuy
- Duquemin
- Durand
- Durand/Durant
- Durant
- Durden
- Dureham
- Durel/Durell
- Durell
- Duret
- Durham
- Duriwick
- Durman
- Durner
- Durragh
- Durrant
- Durrener
- Durrent
- Durrie
- Durward
- Dusedau
- Dustin
- Duston
- Duterte
- Dutertre
- Duthel
- Duthie
- Dutho
- Dutnell
- Dutoret
- Dutot
- Dutot Dit Vautier
- Dutot/Du Tot
- Dutton
- Duval
- Duverdier
- Duvey
- Dwire
- Dwyer
- Dyer
- Dyer-Watts
- Dyhes
- Dyke
- Dymond
- Dyne
- Eade
- Eagan
- Eager
- Eares
- Earl
- Earle
- Earles
- Earley
- Early
- Earyes
- Eason
- East
- Eastabrook
- Easter
- Easterbrook
- Eastgate
- Eastham
- Eastley
- Eastly
- Eastman
- Eastmond
- Easton
- Eastwood
- Eaton
- Ebbeson
- Ebdon
- Ebton
- Eccles
- Ecford
- Eckford
- Ecobichan/Ecobichon
- Ecobichon
- Ecolivet
- Ecollivet
- Ecoublet
- Eddon
- Edds
- Eddy
- Eden
- Edgar
- Edgcombe
- Edge
- Edgeler
- Edger
- Edhes
- Edith Florence
- Edkins
- Edmond
- Edmonds
- Edmunds
- Edney
- Edoire
- Edom
- Edouard
- Edouin
- Edread
- Eds
- Edsal
- Edsall
- Edson
- Edward
- Edwards
- Edyvean
- Eeales
- Eeds
- Eeles
- Effard
- Egan
- Egey
- Eggett
- Eggleton
- Egland
- Egleand
- Egre
- Eguiyon
- Ehn
- Elby
- Elcum
- Elder
- Eldred
- Eldridge
- Eleau
- Elene
- Elers
- Elett
- Eleum
- Eley
- Elford
- Eli
- Elie
- Elier
- Elin
- Eliott
- Elison
- Eliza
- Elizabeth
- Ellard
- Ellen
- Ellerington
- Elles
- Ellet
- Elletson
- Ellett
- Ellien
- Elliett
- Ellin
- Ellion
- Elliot
- Elliott
- Ellis
- Elliston
- Ellock
- Ellum
- Elmer
- Elmes
- Elms
- Elmsley
- Elmy
- Elsie
- Elsley
- Elson
- Elston
- Elsworth
- Elton
- Elwy
- Elwyn
- Elyot
- Emille
- Emily
- Emmanuel
- Emmet
- Emmett
- Emslie
- Enault
- Ender
- England
- Englefiedd
- English
- Enies
- Ennis
- Enquety
- Enright
- Enry
- Enwright
- Eon
- Epsom
- Erbrace
- Ereaut/Ereault/Ereaux
- Ergo
- Erhe
- Ericier
- Erith
- Eritle
- Erminton
- Erneur
- Ernouf
- Erold
- Erren
- Errington
- Erskine
- Ertram
- Ervin
- Erwin
- Erylish
- Esau
- Escey
- Escock
- Escott
- Esmond
- Esmund
- Esnaud
- Esneault
- Esnouf
- Essai
- Esse
- Essex
- Este
- Esther
- Esthur
- Esthur/Estur
- Estienne
- Estlake
- Estur
- Etace
- Etasse
- Etes
- Etherington
- Ethes
- Ethur
- Etiemble
- Etienne
- Eude
- Eudes
- Eugene
- Eugenie
- Eunemy
- Eustache
- Eva
- Evalley
- Evans
- Evatt
- Eve
- Eveillard
- Eveleigh
- Evelliard
- Evelyn
- Evemy
- Even
- Evenden
- Evendens
- Evendon
- Eveno
- Evenon
- Evenou
- Evens
- Everest
- Everett
- Everson
- Every
- Evett
- Evil
- Evin
- Evrett
- Ewart
- Ewens
- Ewett
- Ewing
- Ewins
- Eyett
- Eyles
- Eyre
- Eyres
- Fabian
- Fabien
- Fabre de La Grange
- Fabulet
- Fade
- Fader
- Faed
- Fag
- Fagan
- Fagely
- Fagg
- Fahey
- Faint
- Fainton
- Fair
- Fairbairn
- Fairchild
- Fairfield
- Fairgrieve
- Fairlie
- Fairweather
- Falaise/Fallaize
- Falant
- Falk
- Falla
- Fallaize
- Falle
- Fallin
- Fallis
- Fallu
- Fanback
- Fancey
- Fane
- Faning
- Fanley
- Fannay
- Fanney
- Fanning
- Fanny
- Fanoulien
- Fanshawe
- Fanstone
- Fantaman
- Faramus
- Farar
- Farbeck
- Farcell
- Farchild
- Farell
- Farey
- Fargison
- Faria
- Faries
- Farley
- Farmer
- Farnall
- Farnes
- Farnham
- Farone
- Farquarson
- Farr
- Farrant
- Farrel
- Farrell
- Farren
- Farrer
- Farrey
- Farrier
- Farrington
- Farrisk
- Farroe
- Farror
- Farrow
- Farthing
- Fartier
- Faruel
- Fasson
- Fatherston
- Fatter
- Fauchon
- Faucon
- Faudemer
- Faudet
- Faudron
- Faugh
- Faulconer
- Faulkner
- Faunay
- Fauncy
- Fauney
- Faung
- Fauny
- Fauquier
- Faurot
- Fausse
- Faust
- Fautrart/Faultrart
- Fauvel
- Fauvot
- Favez
- Fazackerley
- Fazackerly
- Fean
- Fearing
- Fearly
- Fearnale
- Fearon
- Featherstone
- Feaver
- Feben
- Fechan
- Feeley
- Feeney
- Fegan
- Feguier
- Feiling
- Feinly
- Feinton
- Felard
- Felingham
- Fell
- Fellows
- Feltham
- Felton
- Felwell
- Fenesey
- Fenic
- Fenn
- Fenner
- Fennisy
- Fensh/Finsh
- Fenston
- Fenstone
- Fenten
- Fenton
- Fentum
- Fenwick
- Ferbrache
- Ferchal
- Ferchat
- Fercy
- Ferdon
- Ferel
- Ferell
- Feret
- Feret/Ferey
- Ferey
- Ferey Dit Menage
- Ferge
- Fergus
- Ferguson
- Fergusson
- Feries
- Ferin
- Ferner
- Fernham
- Ferns
- Feron
- Ferrand
- Ferrant
- Ferreby
- Ferrel
- Ferrell
- Ferres
- Ferret
- Ferrett
- Ferrey
- Ferrier
- Ferriers
- Ferrins
- Ferris
- Ferry
- Ferte
- Fery
- Festou
- Fetter
- Feu
- Feudemer
- Feuillet
- Feuvre
- Fewin
- Fewings
- Fewins
- Ffrask
- Fichon
- Fichou
- Fichous
- Ficquet
- Fiddler
- Fidgett
- Field
- Fielder
- Fieldine
- Fielding
- Fiellatre
- Fient
- Fier
- Figg
- Figgins
- Filard
- Filch
- Filford
- Filing
- Fill
- Filleul/Fillieul
- Filmore
- Filsell
- Filton
- Finch
- Finckham
- Findlay
- Finemore
- Finerty
- Finilley
- Finlay
- Finlayson
- Finley
- Finn
- Finnesey
- Finney
- Finney/Finnie
- Fiot/Fiott
- Fiott
- Firminger
- Firth
- Fish
- Fisher
- Fiske
- Fitch
- Fitchard
- Fitchett
- Fither
- Fitsch
- Fitton
- Fitz-george
- Fitzgerald
- Fitzgibbon
- Fitzmoris
- Fitzpatrick
- Fitzsimmons
- Fitzwalters
- Fivens
- Fixot
- Fixott
- Flack
- Flaherty
- Flambard
- Flamstead
- Flanagan
- Flanegan
- Flaps
- Flatro
- Flavin
- Fleetwood
- Fleming
- Flemington
- Fletcher
- Fleurent
- Fleuret
- Fleurey
- Fleury
- Flexier
- Flight
- Flin
- Flinn
- Flipo
- Flisher
- Floch
- Flocmoine
- Flood
- Florance
- Florant
- Florence
- Florkson
- Flower
- Floyd
- Flut
- Flynn
- Foard
- Fobert
- Focett
- Foden
- Foeler
- Fogarty
- Fogaty
- Fogerty
- Fogetey
- Fogetty
- Foggetey
- Fogo
- Folain
- Foley
- Folkman
- Foll
- Follain
- Folle
- Follett
- Folley
- Follin
- Follows
- Folly
- Folvil
- Fommervault
- Fommervault de Pasqueron
- Fonbon
- Fond
- Fondan
- Fondre
- Fontaine
- Fontenay
- Fonteno
- Fookes
- Fooks
- Foord
- Foot
- Foote
- Foott
- Foran
- Forbeck
- Forbes
- Ford
- Forder
- Forestier
- Forgarty
- Forgeard
- Forrest
- Forrey
- Forsay
- Forse
- Forsey
- Forster
- Fort
- Fortescue
- Fortun
- Forty
- Forward
- Fosse
- Fossey
- Foster
- Foszard
- Fotcjett
- Fotheringham
- Fott
- Foualles
- Fouchard
- Fouche
- Foucher
- Fougeraiy
- Fougere
- Fougeron
- Fould
- Foulds
- Foulkes
- Fountain
- Founy
- Fouquelle
- Fouquerel
- Fourche
- Foure
- Foureraiy
- Fourneau
- Fournier
- Foutin
- Fowler
- Fowll
- Fox
- Foxall
- Foy
- Frachy
- Fradin
- Fraisy
- Frame
- Frampton
- France
- Frances
- Franch
- Franchard
- Francis
- Francis Frederick
- Francois
- Frankfitt
- Frankish
- Franklin
- Frankpitt
- Frankum
- Franouilliere
- Franpitte
- Frasce
- Fraser
- Frasher
- Fraye
- Frazer
- Frecker
- Fredell
- Frederick
- Free
- Freeland
- Freeman
- Freemantle
- Freer
- Freet
- Freethy
- Freius
- Freke
- Fremk
- French
- Freno
- Frentum
- Freret
- Fressard
- Fretwell
- Frewine
- Frey
- Frezieres
- Frezise
- Frichold
- Fricker
- Friebold
- Friedheim
- Friend
- Frigell
- Frigo
- Frigot
- Frigott
- Frigout
- Frisby
- Frisk
- Fristo
- Frith
- Fritot
- Fritzing
- Frobisher
- Frogley
- Froiy
- Fromage
- Fromanger
- Fromy
- Frost
- Frotin
- Froward
- Fruing
- Fry
- Frydell
- Fudge
- Fuham
- Fulford
- Fulham
- Fullam
- Fulle
- Fuller
- Fullerton
- Furbauk
- Furg
- Furge
- Furlong
- Furmedge
- Furniful
- Fury
- Furze
- Furzer
- Furzers
- Furzland
- Fusset
- Fustec
- Fuszard
- Futhey
- Fuur
- Fuzard
- Fybrand
- Fyers
- Fynmore
- Gabb
- Gabbett
- Gabeldu
- Gabeldu/Cabeldu
- Gable
- Gaborel
- Gabourel
- Gabsley
- Gacke
- Gacoin
- Gacquoil
- Gadelin
- Gadiou
- Gadsby
- Gadsden
- Gadsly
- Gadway
- Gaeshay?
- Gaffe
- Gage
- Gagnet
- Gagnion
- Gaiger
- Gaillaird
- Gaillard
- Gaillard/Gailliard
- Gain
- Gaindley
- Gaine
- Gainer
- Gair
- Galaher
- Galbraith
- Galbrath
- Galdin
- Gale
- Galender
- Galer
- Galery
- Galez
- Galiar
- Galien
- Galiker
- Galilie
- Gallaghan
- Gallagher
- Gallais
- Galled
- Galley
- Galliane
- Galliard
- Gallichan
- Gallie
- Gallie/Gallez
- Gallien
- Gallienne
- Gallienne/Galienne
- Gallighan
- Gallin
- Galliott
- Galliry
- Gallode
- Gallois
- Gallonvry
- Gallop
- Gallou
- Galloudec
- Galloue
- Gallway
- Galode
- Galot
- Galoue
- Galpin
- Gals
- Galway
- Gamble
- Gambrel
- Gambrell
- Gambut
- Gamell
- Gammon
- Gander
- Gandiche
- Gands
- Ganey
- Gange
- Ganier
- Ganion
- Gann
- Gannaway
- Ganne
- Gannion
- Ganoire
- Garath
- Gard
- Garde
- Gardener
- Gardien
- Gardiner
- Gardiol
- Gardiole
- Gardner
- Gare
- Gareau
- Garel
- Gargantini
- Garland
- Garlantezee
- Garn
- Garner
- Garnett
- Garnier
- Garrard
- Garrat
- Garrath
- Garratt
- Garratte
- Garrett
- Garrette
- Garretty
- Garrey
- Garrick
- Garritty
- Garrood
- Garstin
- Gartell
- Garton
- Gartrel
- Gartrell
- Gascoyne
- Gasnier
- Gastain
- Gastein
- Gatain
- Gaten
- Gates
- Gatier
- Gaton
- Gaubert
- Gaudain
- Gaudiche
- Gaudin
- Gaudion
- Gaudiou
- Gaudron
- Gauf
- Gauffenic
- Gauffini
- Gauffinic
- Gaufray
- Gauge
- Gault
- Gaundin
- Gauney
- Gaunion
- Gaunny
- Gaunt
- Gauquelin
- Gaurd
- Gauslin
- Gauther
- Gautier
- Gautron
- Gauvain
- Gauvin
- Gauvoir
- Gauvry
- Gauzette
- Gavet
- Gavey
- Gavey/Gavet
- Gaveyu
- Gavin
- Gawler
- Gawley
- Gay
- Gaydon
- Gayley
- Gaylor
- Gaytor
- Gaze
- Gaziou
- Geard
- Geary
- Geber
- Gebert
- Gedeon
- Gee
- Geeve
- Geffrard
- Geffray
- Geffrey
- Geffreys
- Geffroy
- Gefray
- Gego
- Gegou
- Gehan
- Gelard
- Gelat
- Gelender
- Gelender/Gellender
- Gell
- Gellender
- Gelley
- Gelliatt
- Gemmel
- Gendle
- Gendron
- Genee
- Genelle
- Generois
- Genet
- Geneur
- Genevois
- Genge
- Gennes
- Genoa
- Gent
- Geon
- Geore
- George
- Georgelin
- Gerald Fitz
- Gerard
- Gerhardi
- Germain
- German
- Gerne
- Gernek
- Gerold
- Gerrard
- Gerraud
- Gersh
- Gervaise
- Gervin
- Getehouse
- Ghaland
- Giard
- Gibaut
- Gibaut/Gibault
- Gibbins
- Gibbons
- Gibbs
- Gibeause
- Gibert
- Gibin
- Giblett
- Gibon
- Gibson
- Gicquel
- Gidley
- Giffard
- Giffard/Gifard
- Giffoni
- Gifford
- Giggin
- Gigien
- Gigon
- Gihomar
- Gilbaut
- Gilbert
- Gilberthorpe
- Gilby
- Gilchrist
- Gildas
- Gilder
- Gile
- Gilead
- Giles
- Gilfillan
- Gilian
- Gill
- Gillain
- Gillam
- Gillard
- Gille
- Gilles
- Gillespie
- Gillet
- Gillett
- Gilley
- Gillham
- Gilligan
- Gillim
- Gillingham
- Gillins
- Gillman
- Gillmore
- Gillon
- Gillot
- Gillou
- Gillouet
- Gilmard
- Gilmine
- Gilmor
- Gilmore
- Gilmour
- Gilpin
- Gilson
- Gilt
- Ginchy
- Gindle
- Ginet
- Ginton
- Gionta
- Giot
- Giquel
- Girard
- Giraudot
- Girault
- Giraux
- Girdlestone
- Girette
- Girling
- Giroll
- Girou
- Gish
- Giskra
- Gisson
- Gittins
- Givens
- Gladdis
- Gladston
- Gladys
- Glascock
- Glasey
- Glasgow
- Glasien
- Glass
- Glassey
- Glazbrook
- Glazebrook
- Gleeson
- Glemet
- Glendewar
- Glenross
- Gleve
- Gleyo
- Gloucester
- Glover
- Gloyns
- Gluyas
- Goad
- Goarin
- Goasdoue
- Goate
- Goaziou
- Gob
- Gobes
- Gobichon
- Goble
- Godard
- Godbillot des Lauriers
- Godbold
- Godbolt
- Goddard
- Goddelin
- Godden
- Godder
- Godeaux
- Godefe
- Godefray
- Godefroy
- Godel
- Godeley
- Godet
- Godfray
- Godfray/Godfrey/Godefroi etc
- Godfrey
- Godfroy
- Goding
- Godion
- Godley
- Godolphin
- Godrich
- Godrick
- Godson
- Godwin
- Goeffic
- Goelle
- Goertz
- Goetz
- Goff
- Goffney
- Goggin
- Goguet
- Gohay
- Goillon
- Goillou
- Goin
- Goirin
- Gold
- Goldby
- Golden
- Goldfrap
- Goldine
- Golding
- Goldrich
- Goldsmith
- Goldstone
- Goldsworthy
- Gollher
- Golling
- Gollon
- Gombrell
- Gomet
- Gomm
- Gondel
- Gondon
- Gonfrey
- Gonfroy
- Gonoa
- Gonrio
- Gontio
- Good
- Goodall
- Goodare
- Goodbarne
- Goodbarnes
- Goodburne
- Goode
- Gooden
- Goodenough
- Goodey
- Goodfellow
- Goodfray
- Goodge
- Goodger
- Goodin
- Goodings
- Goodman
- Goodread
- Goodridge
- Goodwell
- Goodyear
- Goodyer
- Gooldstog
- Goquet
- Gordain
- Gorden
- Gordge
- Gordon
- Gordonsmith
- Gordyn
- Gore
- Goret
- Gorevel
- Gorey/Gourey/Gouray
- Gorgelain
- Gorin
- Gorman
- Gormin
- Gornin
- Gorringe
- Gorvel
- Gosden
- Gose
- Gosey
- Gosh
- Goslin
- Gosline
- Gosling
- Gosnay
- Gosney
- Gosret
- Goss
- Gosse
- Gosselin
- Gosset
- Goterel
- Gothard
- Gotherel
- Gotlige
- Gotrey
- Gottard
- Gottrel
- Gottrel/Gottrell
- Gouanny
- Gouany
- Gouarin
- Gouasiau
- Goubert
- Goubin
- Goudard
- Goudeau
- Goudeaux
- Goudemier
- Goudge
- Goudon
- Gouedar
- Gouedard
- Goueffic
- Gouefic
- Gouello
- Gouellon
- Goueret
- Gouffic
- Gouffini
- Gouget
- Gough
- Gouguelin
- Gouguet
- Gouillette
- Gouin
- Gouin du Fief
- Gould
- Goulding
- Gouldsbury
- Gouliet
- Goulliette
- Goundrill
- Goupil
- Goupillot
- Goupin
- Gouppy
- Goupy
- Gourbesville
- Gourdan
- Gourdon
- Gourio
- Gourley
- Gourvenec
- Goutier
- Goutte
- Gouyette
- Gouzeth
- Gouziou
- Govan
- Gove
- Gover
- Govier
- Gowdy
- Gowlidge
- Goyer
- Goymer
- Grabwood
- Grace
- Grady
- Grafton
- Graham
- Grahtham
- Grainger
- Granados
- Grand
- Grandais
- Grandcamp
- Grandfield
- Grandin
- Grandison
- Grandy
- Granger
- Grant
- Grant/Grante
- Grantley
- Grard
- Grat
- Gratlan
- Grault
- Graureno
- Graut
- Graut/Grault
- Graveran
- Graves
- Graviou
- Gray
- Graydon
- Graythorne
- Greag
- Greard
- Gredy
- Greece
- Green
- Greene
- Greenger
- Greenham
- Greenogh
- Greenslade
- Greenward
- Greenway
- Greenwood
- Greep
- Greer
- Greffin
- Gregg
- Gregoire
- Gregory
- Greig
- Grellier
- Grenelle
- Grente
- Grenwood
- Gres
- Gresielle
- Gresille
- Gresley
- Gressy
- Gretton
- Greut
- Grey
- Griams
- Griard
- Griasy
- Gribault
- Gribble
- Grice
- Grichy
- Grier
- Griffies
- Griffin
- Griffith
- Griffiths
- Griffon
- Grigg
- Grigo
- Grigor
- Grigory
- Grigriy/Grigueray
- Grilley
- Grillier
- Grily
- Grimaux
- Grimes
- Grimley
- Grims
- Grimshare
- Grimshaw
- Grin
- Grinde
- Grindin
- Grindlay
- Grindley
- Grinfil
- Gringer
- Grisby
- Gritton
- Grizel
- Grodoire
- Grois
- Groisieau
- Groizard
- Gromsell
- Groom
- Groombridge
- Groomer
- Gros
- Groselin
- Grosney
- Grosselin
- Grossier
- Grossin
- Grosvalet
- Grosvallet
- Grouat
- Grouh
- Groult
- Ground
- Grounds
- Grounsell
- Grouse
- Grout
- Grouvel
- Grove
- Groves
- Grozard
- Grubb
- Gruchjy
- Gruchy
- Gruenais
- Grumbrell
- Grussy
- Guant
- Guard
- Guardner
- Guarns
- Guay
- Gubbins
- Gudfray
- Gudge
- Guedard
- Gueffart
- Guegan
- Gueganic
- Gueganie
- Guegeien
- Guegein
- Guegon
- Gueguen
- Guelle
- Guenaut
- Guenier
- Gueno
- Guenot
- Guerdain
- Gueret
- Guergal
- Guerin
- Guernier
- Guerrand
- Guerrier
- Guersault
- Guet
- Guevain
- Guezennec
- Guhin
- Guiard
- Guiberteau
- Guiborel
- Guidey
- Guigan
- Guigo
- Guigon
- Guiho
- Guilbert
- Guilcher
- Guilhot
- Guiliard
- Guillard/Guilliard
- Guillaume
- Guillaume/Guille
- Guille
- Guilleaume
- Guillemet
- Guillemette
- Guillemot
- Guillet
- Guilliouse
- Guillomet
- Guillon
- Guillonet
- Guillons
- Guilloou
- Guillopu
- Guillos
- Guillot
- Guillou
- Guillouet
- Guilloux
- Guillow
- Guilmine
- Guimard
- Guimon
- Guinard
- Guinet
- Guingeur
- Guinness
- Guion/Guyon
- Guiquel
- Guise
- Guiton
- Guitton
- Guiyon
- Gulley
- Gullick
- Gullifer
- Gulliford
- Gulliger
- Gullouet
- Gully
- Gumaux
- Gumbrell
- Gundin
- Gundrey
- Gunn
- Gunner
- Gunnerbear
- Gunney
- Gunnik
- Gunnill
- Gunning
- Gunny
- Gunson
- Gunter
- Gunton
- Guppy
- Gurd
- Gurney
- Gusset
- Gutteridge
- Guttridge
- Guy
- Guyles
- Guyomard
- Guyon
- Guyot
- Gwynn
- Gwynne
- Gybaut
- Gyhomard
- Gyhon
- Gyles
- Gynney
- Hackel
- Hackett
- Hacking
- Hackwood
- Hacquoil
- Hacquoil/Haquoil
- Hadden
- Haddick
- Hadey
- Hadfield
- Hadgland
- Hadley
- Hafey
- Haffran
- Hafner
- Hafren
- Hagan
- Hagemann
- Hagen
- Haggard
- Haggie
- Haggiey
- Haggle
- Haguais
- Haguine
- Haigh
- Haigs
- Hailer
- Hailstone
- Hainault
- Hainds
- Haines
- Hains
- Hainsworth
- Hair
- Haire
- Hairon
- Haise
- Haize
- Hake
- Hakeham
- Halbour
- Halcombe
- Haldane
- Halden
- Haldren
- Hale
- Haley
- Halford
- Halfyard
- Haliday
- Halings
- Halkett
- Hall
- Halle
- Halles
- Hallet
- Hallett
- Halliday
- Hallings
- Halliwell
- Hallman
- Hallott
- Halloway
- Hallowes
- Halls
- Halman/Halmann
- Halmar
- Halock
- Halouin
- Halpes
- Halse
- Halton
- Haly
- Ham
- Haman
- Hamand
- Hambey
- Hambley
- Hamblin
- Hambling
- Hambly
- Hamblyn
- Hamel
- Hamelin
- Hamell
- Hamer
- Hameray
- Hamill
- Hamilton
- Hamley
- Hamling
- Hamlyn
- Hamm
- Hammall
- Hammatt
- Hammett
- Hammond
- Hamon
- Hamon/Hammond
- Hampden
- Hampshaw
- Hamptonne
- Hams
- Hanaford
- Hancock
- Hancy
- Hand
- Handcock
- Handle
- Hands
- Handscomb
- Handsford.hansford
- Handsford/Hansford
- Handwood
- Handy
- Hanham
- Haning
- Hanley
- Hanling
- Hanly
- Hann
- Hanna
- Hannaford
- Hannah
- Hannam
- Hannay
- Hannequin
- Hanney
- Hanning
- Hanry
- Hanscombe
- Hansfeld
- Hansford
- Hansill
- Hanson
- Hanton
- Hantonne
- Hants
- Hanvy
- Hanwood
- Hapgood
- Hapkins
- Haps
- Harang
- Harben
- Harbin
- Harbitt
- Harbuck
- Harcourt
- Harde
- Hardeley
- Hardeman
- Harden
- Hardence
- Hardie
- Hardiman
- Hardin
- Harding
- Hardinge
- Hardley
- Hardman
- Hardouin
- Hardwick
- Hardy
- Hardyway
- Hare
- Harel
- Harfield
- Hargraves
- Harguex
- Harivell
- Harken
- Harker
- Harkness
- Harle
- Harley
- Harlopp
- Harman
- Harmer
- Harne
- Harnell
- Harnett
- Harney
- Harold
- Haroy
- Harper
- Harradence
- Harral
- Harrel
- Harrems
- Harries
- Harrigan
- Harrington
- Harriot
- Harris
- Harrison
- Harrogate
- Harry
- Hart
- Harte
- Hartel
- Hartland
- Hartley
- Hartley-Smith
- Hartlon
- Hartman
- Hartoble
- Harton
- Hartopp
- Hartton
- Hartung
- Harty
- Harvey
- Harvy
- Harwood
- Harys
- Harzard
- Harzen
- Harzo
- Hase
- Hash
- Haskell
- Hasker
- Haskett
- Haskings
- Haskle
- Haslet
- Hassel
- Hassell
- Hassett
- Hasted
- Hastie
- Hastings
- Hatch
- Hatchell
- Hatcher
- Hatchet
- Hatchman
- Hatkin
- Hatt
- Hattle
- Hatton
- Haufret
- Haufrey
- Haughey
- Haughton
- Hauldin
- Haume
- Haupin
- Hautcliffe
- Hauvet
- Havard
- Havell
- Havillan
- Havron
- Haward
- Hawes
- Hawker
- Hawkes
- Hawkey
- Hawkin
- Hawkings
- Hawkins
- Hawley
- Hawlin
- Hawlings
- Hawood
- Haword
- Haworth
- Hawson
- Hawthorne
- Hawtry
- Hay
- Hayball
- Haycock
- Hayde
- Haydon
- Haye
- Hayes
- Hayet
- Hayles
- Hayley
- Hayllar
- Haylock
- Hayly
- Hayman
- Haymon
- Hayne
- Haynes
- Hays
- Haysom
- Hayson
- Hayter
- Hayton
- Hayward
- Haywood
- Hazait
- Hazard
- Haze
- Hazelip
- Hazell
- Heacott
- Head
- Heal
- Heald
- Heale
- Healey
- Healsip
- Healy
- Heaney
- Heap
- Heard
- Hearle
- Hearn
- Hearne
- Heart
- Heasley
- Heasty
- Heath
- Heathcote
- Heather
- Heathy
- Heatley
- Heatly
- Heaume
- Heaut
- Heavy
- Hebblett
- Hebbs
- Hebert
- Hebird
- Heblett
- Hecour
- Hedding
- Hedgeland
- Hedger
- Hedges
- Hedgland
- Hedley
- Hedney
- Hedouin
- Heesom
- Heetey
- Heffron
- Hefron
- Heggan
- Heggs
- Heitz
- Helaine
- Helbury
- Helby
- Heleine
- Helene
- Helfinband
- Helgros
- Helgrove
- Helie
- Heliene
- Helier
- Hell
- Hellain
- Helland
- Hellard
- Helleine
- Hellen
- Helles
- Hellet
- Helleur
- Helleur/Hellyer
- Hellings
- Hellio
- Hello
- Hellock
- Helloco
- Helly
- Hellyer
- Helman
- Help
- Helsley
- Helton
- Hely
- Helyer
- Hemage
- Hemery
- Hemmings
- Hemmingway
- Henault
- Hend
- Hender
- Henderson
- Hendery
- Hendreson
- Hendrick
- Hendy
- Henery
- Henesy
- Heney
- Henley
- Henly
- Henna
- Hennaford
- Hennequin
- Hennersley
- Hennessey
- Hennesy/Annis
- Henniker
- Henning
- Henniquin
- Henno
- Henns
- Heno
- Henreys
- Henri
- Henriette
- Henriod
- Henry
- Henry-ollivier
- Henstridge
- Henwood
- Hepburn
- Hepburne
- Heppels
- Herault
- Herault/Heraut/Heraux
- Heraut
- Herauville
- Herb
- Herbelue
- Herbert
- Herby
- Herdon
- Here
- Herenton
- Hergaung
- Hergot
- Hericier
- Herivel
- Herivel/Herrivel
- Heriz-smith
- Herman
- Hermes
- Herminne
- Herminson
- Hermon
- Hernett
- Hernio
- Hernot
- Hero
- Heron
- Heroult
- Herp
- Herpe
- Herrell
- Herrick
- Herring
- Herriot
- Herron
- Herrott
- Herston
- Hervbe
- Herve
- Herveic
- Hervey
- Hervieu
- Hervieux
- Herviou
- Herwood
- Hescott
- Hesketh
- Heskey
- Hespiradory
- Hetcher
- Hettich
- Heuchet
- Heude
- Heulle
- Heurel
- Heureux
- Heurtaux
- Heurteaux
- Heusley
- Heuze
- Hewat
- Hewell
- Hewett
- Hewick
- Hewie
- Hewitson
- Hewitt
- Hewlet
- Hewlett
- Hews
- Heybyrne
- Heyden
- Heydon
- Heyland
- Heyman
- Heynes
- Heysom
- Heyward
- Heywood
- Heywood Marsh
- Hezbiy
- Hezel
- Hezell
- Hibbs
- Hibert
- Hick
- Hickay
- Hickey
- Hickinbotham
- Hickman
- Hicks
- Hickson
- Hide
- Hides
- Hidrio
- Hierel
- Higen
- Higginbotham
- Higginbottom
- Higgins
- Higginson
- Higgintotton
- Higham
- Highmore
- Highnegnem
- Highton
- Higman
- Hilary
- Hilder
- Hildine
- Hiles
- Hilgrove/Hilgrow
- Hill
- Hill Earle
- Hillersdon
- Hilliard
- Hillier
- Hillion
- Hillman
- Hills
- Hillson
- Hilshaw
- Hilton
- Hime
- Hinard
- Hinault
- Hinaut
- Hinchcliffe/Hinchliffe
- Hinchey
- Hinchley
- Hind
- Hinde
- Hindley
- Hinds
- Hine
- Hines
- Hing
- Hingam
- Hingston
- Hink
- Hinkley
- Hinton
- Hiques
- Hird
- Hirel
- Hireson
- Hiscock
- Hiscott
- Hislock
- Hitchcock
- Hitchcot
- Hitchcox
- Hitchings
- Hiue
- Hixon
- Hoar
- Hoare
- Hoars
- Hob
- Hobb
- Hobberd
- Hobbs
- Hobday
- Hober
- Hobert
- Hobin
- Hobson
- Hobsons
- Hocart
- Hocguard
- Hock
- Hockey
- Hocking
- Hocquard
- Hocquard/Hoquard/Hocard
- Hocquet
- Hodden
- Hodder
- Hodel
- Hodge
- Hodgers
- Hodges
- Hodgeson
- Hodgest
- Hodget
- Hodgetts
- Hodgkins
- Hodgkinson
- Hodgson
- Hodon
- Hodson
- Hoel
- Hoff
- Hoffman
- Hoffmann
- Hofsler
- Hogan
- Hogg
- Hogge
- Hoggen
- Hoggett
- Hogleby
- Hogros
- Hoidge
- Hoileur
- Holb
- Holborn
- Holbourn
- Holcombe
- Holdaway
- Holde
- Holden
- Holder
- Holdin
- Holding
- Holdoway
- Hole
- Holey
- Holford
- Holgate
- Holin
- Holison
- Holister
- Holits
- Holl
- Holladay
- Holland
- Hollet
- Holley
- Holliday
- Hollingsworth
- Hollinshead
- Hollis
- Hollister
- Holliwell
- Hollom
- Holloway
- Holm
- Holman
- Holme
- Holmes
- Holness
- Holorn
- Holsen
- Holsten
- Holsworth
- Holt
- Holt/Host
- Holtman
- Holton
- Holwill
- Holybank
- Holyman
- Homan
- Homar
- Home
- Homfray
- Homrigh
- Honecombe
- Honey
- Honeyband
- Honeycomb
- Honeycombe
- Hongston
- Honguet
- Honivet
- Honore
- Honytel
- Hood
- Hook
- Hooker
- Hookin
- Hookway
- Hooper
- Hoot
- Hope
- Hopes
- Hopgood
- Hopkins
- Hopkinson
- Hopper
- Hoppey
- Hopson
- Horburgh
- Horder
- Hordox
- Hore
- Horgan
- Horley
- Horlock
- Horman
- Horman/Hormen/Horment
- Horn
- Horn/Horne
- Hornbrook
- Hornby
- Horne
- Hornell
- Horner
- Hornsby
- Horrell
- Horrigan
- Horrin
- Horrix
- Horrox
- Horsburgh
- Horseham
- Horseman
- Horsfall
- Horsham
- Horson
- Horsteade
- Horton
- Hortop
- Horty
- Horwood
- Hosburn
- Hosie
- Hoskett
- Hoskey
- Hoskin
- Hosking
- Hoskings
- Hoskins
- Hosmond
- Host
- Hostein
- Hostingue
- Hotchings
- Hotton
- Houbin
- Houcouet
- Houe
- Houeldon
- Houf
- Houghton
- Houguet
- Houguez
- Houiellebecq
- Houitel
- Houitmor
- Houkey
- Houlbe
- Houlden
- Hoult
- Hounsell
- Hounson
- Houpe
- Houpel
- Houper/Hooper
- Houquet
- Hous
- House
- Housel
- Housell
- Housman
- Houssel
- Housset
- Houssin
- Houston
- Houtin
- Houymet
- Houyvet
- Houze
- Hovnel?
- How
- Howard
- Howarth
- Howat
- Howe
- Howeard
- Howel
- Howell
- Howells
- Howes
- Howick
- Howlett
- Howley
- Howorth
- Hows
- Howse
- Howton
- Hoxley
- Hoydon
- Hoyle
- Hoyles
- Hoysted
- Hozard
- Huard
- Huart
- Huaut
- Huaux
- Hubbard
- Hubert
- Hubin
- Hublin
- Hubson
- Huby
- Huchet
- Huchin
- Huclin
- Hucquet/Huquet/Le Hucquet
- Hucquord
- Hudd
- Hudleston
- Hudson
- Hudston
- Hue
- Huelbecq
- Huelet
- Huelin
- Hues
- Huet
- Huete
- Huett
- Huggett
- Hugh
- Hughes
- Hughs
- Hugo
- Huhot
- Huish
- Hulhe
- Hull
- Hullit
- Hulme
- Hulton
- Human
- Humber
- Humby
- Hume
- Humfrey
- Humphrey
- Humphreys
- Humphries
- Humphry
- Humphrys
- Hunby
- Hunns
- Hunt
- Hunter
- Huquet
- Hurel
- Hurell
- Hurford
- Hurley
- Hurll
- Hurrell
- Hurst
- Hurt
- Husband
- Hush
- Husk
- Husket
- Husks
- Huson
- Hussey
- Husson
- Huston
- Hutcheson
- Hutching
- Hutchings
- Hutchins
- Hutchinson
- Hutchison
- Huteau
- Hutson
- Hutter
- Hutton
- Huxford
- Huxham
- Huxon
- Huzzey
- Hyde
- Hyel
- Hyland
- Hynd
- Hyne
- Hynes
- Hynton
- Hyslop
- Hyson
- Hysten
- Ibberson
- Ibbotson
- Ibertin
- Iceley
- Icely
- Ichel
- Ichet
- Ick
- Idan/Ydan
- Iggleden
- Iggulden
- Igot
- Ildin
- Ilett
- Illien
- Illing
- Illiss
- Imon
- Inch
- Inderbinen
- Indreson
- Ingerson
- Ingland
- Ingleson
- Ingliche
- Inglis
- Ingouville
- Ingram
- Ingrouille
- Inman
- Innes
- Innis
- Inshaw
- Insley
- Inston
- Inton
- Ird
- Iredell
- Ireland
- Irevartan
- Irish
- Ironside
- Irvin
- Irvine
- Irving
- Irwin
- Irwing
- Irydwell
- Isaac
- Isaacs
- Isabel
- Isabeth
- Isache
- Isherwood
- Isley
- Itchet
- Ivain
- Iven
- Ivens
- Ives
- Ivey
- Ivimy
- Ivy
- Izdebski
- Ja
- Jack
- Jackett
- Jacklin
- Jackman
- Jackson
- Jacoangeli
- Jacob
- Jacob/Jacobs
- Jacobs
- Jacobson
- Jacomin
- Jacq
- Jacqmin
- Jacquelin
- Jacqueline
- Jacquemain
- Jacques
- Jacquet
- Jacquett
- Jaffars
- Jaffrelot
- Jaffrey
- Jago
- Jagot
- Jail
- Jallard
- Jambart
- James
- Jamet
- Jamieson
- Jamison
- Jamuneau
- Jandrell
- Jandron
- Jandron/Jeandron
- Jandson
- Jane
- Janees
- Janes
- Janin
- Janne
- Janner
- Jannes
- Jannet
- Janson
- Jantne
- Janvey
- Janvrin
- Janvrin/Janvri
- Jaouenne
- Jaquelin
- Jaquet
- Jardin
- Jardine
- Jaret
- Jarmet
- Jarnet
- Jarret
- Jarrett
- Jarvey
- Jarvis
- Jason
- Jaspar
- Jaspel
- Jasper
- Jauny
- Jaynes
- Jayres
- Jean
- Jeandron
- Jeane
- Jeanes
- Jeanne
- Jeans
- Jebert
- Jefferies
- Jeffery
- Jefferys
- Jeffray
- Jeffrey
- Jeffreys
- Jeffreyson
- Jeffries
- Jeffrys
- Jeffs
- Jegan
- Jego
- Jegou
- Jegoux
- Jegu
- Jehan
- Jekins
- Jell
- Jelly
- Jellyman
- Jengant
- Jenking
- Jenkins
- Jenkinson
- Jenne
- Jenner
- Jennes
- Jenni
- Jennings
- Jensen
- Jenson
- Jenue
- Jenvey
- Jepsom
- Jerman
- Jerome
- Jerram
- Jerrard
- Jerrett
- Jerrom
- Jersey
- Jervis
- Jervois
- Jessop
- Jesty
- Jeune
- Jeunesse
- Jewell
- Jewers
- Jik
- Jile
- Jinkins
- Jinks
- Jiquel
- Joachim
- Job
- Jobb
- Jobe
- Jobson
- Jocelyn
- Joel
- Joff
- Joguet
- John
- Johns
- Johnson
- Johnson-wood
- Johnston
- Johnstone
- Joine
- Jok
- Jokes
- Jolin
- Joll
- Jollet
- Jonah
- Jonan
- Jones
- Jonkinson
- Jope
- Jordan
- Jordon
- Joret
- Jorman
- Jory
- Joseph
- Josephine
- Joslin
- Josling
- Josse
- Josselin
- Jost
- Joste
- Jostle
- Jouan
- Jouanne
- Jouanny
- Jouault
- Joubaire
- Joubert
- Joudon
- Jouguet
- Joun
- Jouneau
- Jounet
- Jounit
- Jouny
- Jouquet
- Jourdain
- Jourdam
- Jourdan
- Journeaux
- Journeaux/Journeaulx
- Journeux
- Jousnne
- Jouvet
- Joyce
- Judas
- Judge
- Jugan
- Jugon
- Juhel
- Juillet
- Jukes
- Juland
- Julean
- Julian
- Julien
- Julienne
- Julius
- Jullett
- June
- Jupe
- Jurd
- Jurmel
- Jusselin
- Just
- Justard
- Juste
- Jutize
- Jutton
- Juxon
- Kackett
- Kadrewell
- Kaenel
- Kaest
- Kaewen
- Kager
- Kail
- Kaill
- Kaines
- Kains
- Kallaway
- Kallow
- Kalloway
- Kalson
- Kamp
- Kandall
- Kandick
- Kanes
- Kanew
- Kanison
- Kany
- Kaping
- Karch
- Karett
- Kark
- Karley
- Karney
- Karotre
- Karr
- Karruth
- Karshaw
- Kasell
- Kastel
- Kastor
- Kasy
- Katcher
- Kates
- Kattle
- Kavanagh
- Kay
- Kaye
- Kayly
- Kaymish
- Kays
- Kayser
- Kayworth
- Keagan
- Kealing
- Kealley
- Kean
- Kearley
- Kearne
- Kearney
- Kearslaice
- Keast
- Keates
- Keath
- Keating
- Keatly
- Keaton
- Keay
- Keays
- Kebr
- Keegan
- Keel
- Keeler
- Keeley
- Keeling
- Keen
- Keenan
- Keene
- Keepe
- Keeping
- Keess
- Keily
- Kelby
- Kelcher
- Keley
- Kelland
- Kellaway
- Keller
- Kellett
- Kelleway
- Kellie
- Kelling
- Kellow
- Kellsey
- Kelly
- Kelsall
- Kelter
- Kember
- Kemble
- Kemish
- Kemmel
- Kemmish
- Kemp
- Kempster
- Kempthorne
- Kenchington
- Kendall
- Kendell
- Kendra
- Kendrick
- Keneally
- Kenet
- Keney
- Kennedy
- Kenner
- Kennersley
- Kenney
- Kennish
- Kenny
- Kensey
- Kensington
- Kent
- Kenyon
- Keogh
- Keownkit
- Kepper
- Kerabes
- Kerambrun
- Kerautret
- Kerby
- Kerfant
- Kergal
- Kergan
- Kergoat
- Kerhardy
- Kerhoret
- Kerhout
- Kerichard
- Kerley
- Kermin
- Kermode
- Kernahan
- Kernot
- Kerotret
- Kerr
- Kerrien
- Kerrigan
- Kerry
- Kersey
- Kershaw
- Kerslake
- Kerstaline
- Kessell
- Kest
- Ketcher
- Kettle
- Kevil
- Kewney
- Key
- Keys
- Keyworth
- Kezourec
- Kiesel
- Kightly
- Kilbray
- Kilduff
- Kiley
- Kilgannon
- Kill
- Killagrew
- Killaix
- Killanah
- Killand
- Killick
- Killie ?
- Killing
- Killingray
- Killingrey
- Killminister
- Killmister
- Killy
- Kilmeister
- Kilminster
- Kilmister
- Kilner
- Kilpatrick
- Kilter
- Kilvington
- Kilvinton
- Kimber
- Kimish
- Kimmins
- Kimpson
- Kinchington
- Kine
- King
- Kingcome
- Kingdon
- Kingsberg
- Kingsborrah
- Kingsley
- Kingsnorth
- Kingston
- Kingsworth
- Kinlaw
- Kinleside
- Kinnear
- Kinnersley
- Kinney
- Kinnish
- Kinsay
- Kinselay
- Kinsley
- Kinsman
- Kinton
- Kinttes
- Kinzlaw
- Kiough
- Kirby
- Kirk
- Kirkby
- Kirke
- Kirkham
- Kirkman
- Kirkpatrick
- Kirley
- Kirlles
- Kirwan
- Kitchen
- Kitchener
- Kitcher
- Kitchin
- Kite
- Kith
- Kitt
- Kittle
- Kitto
- Kivill
- Knaggs
- Knale
- Knapp
- Knapper
- Knatchbull
- Kneashaw
- Kneeshaw
- Knell
- Knesler
- Knife
- Knight
- Knott
- Knowl
- Knowle
- Knowles
- Knowleur
- Knowlin
- Knox
- Krichard
- Krudewig
- Krudewig(H)
- Krug
- Kruger
- Kvill
- Kynaston
- L'Abbe/Labey
- L'Affequier
- L'Aigle
- L'Aine
- l'Amy
- L'Amy/Lamy
- L'Andrise
- L'anfant
- l'Archer
- l'Arrivin
- L'Arthenay
- L'Astel
- l'Averty
- L'Ecolier
- l'Ecureuil
- l'Ecuyer
- l'Eltiec
- l'Enfant
- L'Esquerre
- l'Etoile
- l'Etuale
- L'Eveille
- L'Eviston
- L'Her
- L'Herby
- l'Hermite
- l'Homame
- L'Homer
- l'Homme
- L'Honore
- L'Hotelier
- l'Ile
- l'Ollierou
- La Barbe
- La Brune
- La Chainee
- La Clerque
- La Cloche
- La Corne
- La Cour
- La Croix
- La Fallais
- La Feuille
- La Fleur
- La Fon
- La Fontaine
- La Fontenelle
- La Forge
- La Fossechatrie
- La Garde
- La Gerche
- La Gerche Dit Baudains
- La Haye
- La Houselle
- La Lande
- La Loe
- La Maille
- La Maitresse
- La Manquais
- La March
- La Marche
- La Mare
- La Masurier
- La Mauviot
- La Motte
- La Mottee
- La Niece
- La Niepce
- La Riviere
- La Rue
- La Ruesse
- La Sauce
- La Sauve
- La Source
- La Trouite
- La Troule
- Labat
- Labbe
- Labbe/Labey
- Labbey
- Labesse
- Labey
- Labou
- Labour
- Lacalet
- Lacey
- Lacheur
- Lack
- Lacolley
- Lacorne
- Lacote
- Lacouvee
- Lacy
- Laddes
- Ladyman
- Laeford
- Lael
- Laffargue
- Lafferty
- Laffeteur
- Laffoley
- Lafond
- Lafonte
- Lagadou
- Lagadu
- Lagatu
- Lagg
- Lagneau
- Lagouge
- Laignel
- Laille/L'Isle
- Lainans
- Laine
- Lainey
- Laingdon
- Lair
- Lairs
- Laisnay
- Laisne
- Laisney
- Laitto
- Lajoie
- Lake
- Lakeman
- Lakey
- Lakin
- Lalande
- Lallemand
- Lally
- Lalor
- Lalouel
- Laluan
- Lamarche
- Lamare
- Lamarton
- Lamb
- Lambard
- Lambell
- Lambert
- Lamberton
- Lambie
- Lamble
- Lambshands
- Lambshead
- Lambshed
- Lament
- Lamerton
- Lamin
- Laming
- Lammond
- Lamon
- Lamond
- Lamont
- Lamshad
- Lamshal
- Lamy
- Lanaghan
- Lancashire
- Lancaster
- Lance
- Lancelot
- Lanchon
- Land
- Landelle
- Lander
- Landes
- Landey
- Landhatherland
- Landick
- Landrick
- Landron
- Landymore
- Lane
- Lanergan
- Lanerton
- Lanes
- Lanet
- Laney
- Lang
- Langdon
- Lange
- Langelier
- Langeron
- Langford
- Langham
- Langler
- Langley
- Langlois/Langlais/Langlois
- Langly
- Langman
- Langmead
- Langoon
- Langridge
- Langriech
- Langril
- Langrishe
- Langrome
- Langshaw
- Langshaw/Longshaw
- Langston
- Langstreeth
- Langton
- Langworthy
- Laniot
- Lanlo
- Lanlot
- Lanning
- Lanoe
- Lanond
- Lanot
- Lansay
- Lansford
- Laoot
- Lapierre
- Lapsley
- Laraman
- Larance
- Larbalastier
- Larbalestier
- Larbaslastier
- Larby
- Larcher
- Larcombe
- Large
- Largeard
- Larivain
- Larivin
- Larkham
- Larkin
- Larner
- Larose
- Larrivain
- Larry
- Larue
- Lasance
- Lashbrook
- Lashels
- Lastel
- Lataconneur
- Late
- Lateman
- Lath
- Latham
- Lathey
- Latouche
- Latour
- Latrehanais
- Latty
- Lau
- Laubris
- Lauder
- Laufore
- Laugeard
- Laugee
- Laugee/Laugez
- Laughland
- Laughton
- Laulier
- Launay
- Launder
- Launey
- Laurains
- Laurana
- Laurans
- Laurence
- Laurens
- Laurens Dit Lesperance
- Laurent
- Lauzanne
- Lauzun
- Lavaloir
- Lavan
- Lavanlee
- Lavender
- Laventure
- Laverance
- Lavertty
- Laverty
- Lavie
- Lavington
- Lavis
- Law
- Lawder
- Lawen
- Lawford
- Lawlor
- Lawrence
- Lawson
- Lawton
- Lay
- Layard
- Laycock
- Layle
- Layn
- Laynel
- Le Bail
- Le Bailly
- Le Bailly/Le Bailiff/Le Bailli
- Le Baily
- Le Baleine
- Le Bar
- Le Barbu
- Le Barche
- Le Baron
- Le Bas
- Le Bastard
- Le Bastelier
- Le Batard
- Le Bechec
- Le Becherel
- Le Becq
- Le Bellier
- Le Ber
- Le Ber/Le Bel
- Le Bert
- Le Biais
- Le Biez
- Le Bitter
- Le Blancq/Le Blanc
- Le Blond
- Le Boeuf
- Le Bon
- Le Bonhomme
- Le Boniee
- Le Bordays
- Le Borgne
- Le Bos
- Le Bosquet
- Le Boubey
- Le Boudet
- Le Bouef
- Le Bouette
- Le Boulanger
- Le Bourdon
- Le Bourgeois
- Le Bourgoise
- Le Bourhis
- Le Boutillier
- Le Boydre
- Le Boydu
- Le Boyer
- Le Boyere
- Le Branchu
- Le Bredonchel
- Le Breton
- Le Breuilly
- Le Bris
- Le Brise
- Le Brisez
- Le Brocq
- Le Broeton
- Le Brouilly
- Le Brun
- Le Cacheur
- Le Caer
- Le Cain
- Le Cair
- Le Callennec
- Le Calvez
- Le Cam
- Le Campion
- Le Cance
- Le Cannee
- Le Canu
- Le Capon
- Le Cappelain
- Le Cappelain/Le Capelain
- Le Carie
- Le Carree
- Le Cathelinais
- Le Cauchez
- Le Caudey
- Le Cauf
- Le Caumais/Le Caumetz
- Le Caust
- Le Caux
- Le Ceau
- Le Cerf
- Le Chair
- Le Chambrier
- Le Chanu
- Le Charpentier
- Le Chasseur
- Le Chat
- Le Chatrie
- Le Chavalier
- Le Cheminant
- Le Chenichal
- Le Chevalier
- Le Chevalier Dit Durell
- Le Chevallier
- Le Chevere
- Le Chiec
- Le Clair
- Le Claire
- Le Clerc
- Le Clercq/Le Clerc
- Le Clezio
- Le Cloche
- Le Coat
- Le Coc
- Le Cocq
- Le Cohic
- Le Colerre
- Le Collard
- Le Compte
- Le Comte
- Le Conte
- Le Contour
- Le Coq
- Le Cordie
- Le Cordier
- Le Cornec
- Le Cornier
- Le Cornu
- Le Corp
- Le Corps
- Le Corre
- Le Corriec
- Le Cors
- Le Corun
- Le Cos
- Le Cosmetz
- Le Couillard
- Le Cour
- Le Court
- Le Courtois
- Le Couteur
- Le Couteur/Le Cousteur
- Le Coutumier
- Le Couturier
- Le Couve
- Le Cozannet
- Le Cozic
- Le Cozie
- Le Cras
- Le Crecq
- Le Crogny
- Le Cronier
- Le Croynie
- Le Cuiro
- Le Cuirot
- Le Cuuiot
- Le Dain
- Le Daine
- Le Dentu
- Le Devin
- Le Diens
- Le Doble
- Le Doux
- Le Dran
- Le Droit
- Le Dron
- Le Druillenec
- Le Duc
- Le Duigon
- Le Dur
- Le Faou
- Le Faucheur
- Le Fauve
- Le Fenou
- Le Feuvre
- Le Feuvre Dit Cauchey
- Le Feuvre/Le Fevre/Le Fevbre/Le Febure/Le Feuvre Dit Filiastre
- Le Filiastre/Le Fillatre
- Le Flahec
- Le Flaher
- Le Flem
- Le Floch
- Le Flock
- Le Flocq
- Le Flohic
- Le Flouic
- Le Fol
- Le Foley
- Le Fondre
- Le Ford
- Le Fort
- Le Four
- Le Francais
- Le Francois
- Le Fustec
- Le Gac
- Le Gal
- Le Gale
- Le Gall
- Le Gallais
- Le Gallais/Le Gallez
- Le Gallou
- Le Galloudec
- Le Gan
- Le Garade
- Le Gardine
- Le Garignon
- Le Gassick
- Le Gatois
- Le Gendre
- Le Gerce
- Le Gerche
- Le Geyt
- Le Geyt Dit Maret
- Le Gigau
- Le Glatin
- Le Goff
- Le Goube
- Le Goubey
- Le Goubin
- Le Goupil
- Le Goupillot
- Le Gouve
- Le Grand
- Le Gras
- Le Gravants
- Le Grelsey
- Le Gresdley
- Le Gresley
- Le Griffen
- Le Griffon
- Le Gronier
- Le Gros
- Le Gros Bisson
- Le Gros/Le Gros Bisson
- Le Grove
- Le Guedard
- Le Guen
- Le Guerdain
- Le Guerrier
- Le Guevain
- Le Guilcher
- Le Guillou
- Le Haguais
- Le Hardi
- Le Hardy
- Le Hardy/Hardie
- Le Hartel
- Le Hegarat
- Le Hellidu
- Le Henaff
- Le Herissier
- Le Heron
- Le Heup
- Le Hillidu
- Le Hoch
- Le Hohoff
- Le Hou
- Le Houquet
- Le Housset
- Le Houx
- Le Hucquet
- Le Hucquet/Le Huquet/Hucquet
- Le Huede
- Le Huerou
- Le Hunte
- Le Huquet
- Le Huray
- Le Huret
- Le Jardins le Conte
- Le Jehan
- Le Jendre
- Le Jenne
- Le Jeune
- Le Jeune/Jeune/Jenne/Le Jenne
- Le Joli
- Le Jolie
- Le Lacheur
- Le Lairre
- Le Lanchon
- Le Landais
- Le Large
- Le Lay
- Le Leine
- Le Lere
- Le Lerre
- Le Levain
- Le Liard
- Le Lierd
- Le Liere
- Le Lievre
- Le Lion
- Le Loi
- Le Loit
- Le Long
- Le Lont
- Le Loquet
- Le Loreur
- Le Louarn
- Le Louarne
- Le Louche
- Le Loue
- Le Louet
- Le Loup
- Le Luan
- Le Luyer
- Le Lyebu
- Le Macon
- Le Magne
- Le Maigre
- Le Maillier
- Le Main
- Le Maistre
- Le Maitais
- Le Maitre
- Le Mallier
- Le Manquais
- Le Manuel
- Le Maout
- Le Marchand
- Le Marchand/Le Marchant
- Le Marchant
- Le Marie
- Le Marinel
- Le Marquand
- Le Marque
- Le Marrec
- Le Marwuand
- Le Masson
- Le Masurier/Le Mesurier/Le Mazurier
- Le Mauguais
- Le Mehaute
- Le Meltez
- Le Meltir
- Le Menager
- Le Menuel
- Le Mer
- Le Mercier
- Le Messle
- Le Mesurier
- Le Mettez
- Le Meune
- Le Meur
- Le Mier
- Le Miere
- Le Mierre
- Le Mieux
- Le Mineau
- Le Mintais
- Le Minter
- Le Moal
- Le Moat
- Le Moel
- Le Moeur
- Le Moignan
- Le Moignand
- Le Moigne
- Le Moignon
- Le Moine
- Le Moione
- Le Moisson
- Le Monier
- Le Monnier
- Le Montais
- Le Mosquet
- Le Mottee
- Le Mottee/Le Mottais/Le Mottez
- Le Mottez
- Le Moukon
- Le Moussu
- Le Mouton
- Le Mouvelle
- Le Mozon
- Le Muestel
- Le Muetel
- Le Nain
- Le Neveu
- Le Niece
- Le Noa
- Le Noble/Noble
- Le Noel
- Le Noir
- Le Norman
- Le Notre
- Le Noury
- Le Nouvel
- Le Nouvelle
- Le Ollierou
- Le Ouain
- Le Page
- Le Pape
- Le Parc
- Le Parcq
- Le Paturel
- Le Pavou
- Le Pavoux
- Le Pecheur
- Le Peinteur
- Le Pelletier/Le Peltier
- Le Pelley
- Le Pellier
- Le Pennec
- Le Perchais
- Le Pesant
- Le Pesqueux
- Le Petequin
- Le Petevin
- Le Petevin Dit Le Roux
- Le Petevin/Le Petevin Dit Le Roux
- Le Petit
- Le Pettiguen
- Le Peurian
- Le Piez
- Le Pivert
- Le Plangion
- Le Planquais
- Le Plongeon
- Le Poidevin
- Le Poitevin
- Le Polles
- Le Porcq
- Le Potier
- Le Prevet
- Le Preveu
- Le Prevost
- Le Prince
- Le Provost
- Le Provots
- Le Put
- Le Quarre
- Le Quelenec
- Le Quellenec
- Le Quere
- Le Querinee
- Le Querre
- Le Querree
- Le Quertier
- Le Quesne
- Le Quirot
- Le Quos
- Le Ray
- Le Rebours
- Le Regle
- Le Rendu
- Le Repose
- Le Reuz
- Le Reverand
- Le Reverend
- Le Riche
- Le Ricoles
- Le Rigoleur
- Le Riolet
- Le Riolet Dit l'Hermite
- Le Riverant
- Le Roche
- Le Roi
- Le Romain
- Le Rond
- Le Rossignol
- Le Rouge
- Le Rougetel
- Le Rouley
- Le Roulez
- Le Rouvillais
- Le Rouvilles
- Le Roux
- Le Rouzes
- Le Roy
- Le Rue
- Le Ruez
- Le Ruez/Le Rues/Le Rue
- Le Ryolet
- Le Sage
- Le Saint
- Le Saut
- Le Sauteru
- Le Sauteur
- Le Sauvage
- Le Saux
- Le Scelleur
- Le Sech
- Le Seelleur
- Le Sellier
- Le Senec
- Le Serf
- Le Serson
- Le Sieur
- Le Soudain
- Le Soudair
- Le Souder
- Le Souhaitier
- Le Squeren
- Le Stang
- Le Sudre
- Le Sueur
- Le Survenul
- Le Tacon
- Le Taconneur
- Le Tarouiller
- Le Tarouilly
- Le Telher
- Le Tellier
- Le Templier
- Le Teurtre
- Le Thiec
- Le Thuillier
- Le Tiec
- Le Tinevez
- Le Tocq
- Le Tondu
- Le Tor
- Le Touchais
- Le Tourgeon
- Le Tourner
- Le Tourneur
- Le Tousey
- Le Touzal
- Le Touze
- Le Touzel
- Le Trocair
- Le Troquer
- Le Trouit
- Le Tual
- Le Tubelin
- Le Tublin
- Le Turdu
- Le Turgeon
- Le Turgon
- Le Vaast
- Le Vaillant
- Le Vair
- Le Valait
- Le Valleton
- Le Vallez
- Le Vannais
- Le Vast
- Le Vaufre
- Le Vavasseur
- Le Vavasseur Dit Du Boys
- Le Vavasseur Dit Durell
- Le Vavasseur Dit Noel
- Le Vedert
- Le Veillier
- Le Veler
- Le Veller
- Le Ventura
- Le Ver
- Le Verdier
- Le Verrier
- Le Vesconte
- Le Veslet
- Le Vesque
- Le Vey
- Le Vicq
- Le Voguer
- Le Voguere
- Lea
- Leach
- Leader
- Leake
- Leal
- Leaman
- Leaming
- Lean
- Leanard
- Leaner
- Leang
- Leangham
- Lear
- Leary
- Leat
- Leath
- Leather
- Leatt
- Leaugeard
- Leavens
- Leaver
- Lebacle
- Lebe
- Lebeau
- Lebellier
- Leber
- Leboue
- Lebour
- Lebourgeois
- Lebris
- Lecarie
- Lecarrie
- Lecaude
- Lecaudey
- Lechanu
- Lechevalier
- Lechmere
- Leclair
- Lecoat
- Lecolier
- Leconte
- Lecouilliard
- Lecouturier
- Lecouvet
- Lecozamet
- Lecozannet
- Lecq
- Lecras
- Lecrivain
- Lecureuil
- Lecuyer
- Ledell
- Lederman
- Ledger
- Ledier
- Lediman
- Ledo
- Ledochowski
- Ledwich
- Ledwick
- Lee
- Leech
- Leed
- Leeds
- Leedy
- Leek
- Leel
- Leeming
- Leer
- Lees
- Leet
- Leff
- Lefol
- Lefondre
- Lefranc
- Legal
- Legalle
- Legarate
- Legaratte
- Legare
- Legastelois
- Lege
- Leger
- Legg
- Legge
- Legouix
- Legue
- Leguen
- Leguerlier
- Leheron
- Lehet
- Leheude
- Lehou
- Lehoux
- Leigh
- Leighton
- Leigton
- Leille
- Leipheardt
- Leison
- Leister
- Leives
- Lejeune
- Lel Cappelain
- Lel Cornu
- Lel Gallou
- Lel Huquet
- Lelai
- Leland
- Lelion
- Lelliott
- Lelong
- Lelous
- Leluan
- Lemaignen
- Lemain
- Lemauviot
- Lembert
- Lembor
- Lemenager
- Lemettez
- Lemeur
- Lemierre
- Lemmer
- Lemmon
- Lemoigne
- Lemoine
- Lemon
- Lemonier
- Lemonnier
- Lemoucheux
- Lemouton
- Lempriere
- Lemuer
- Len Rendu
- Lenaghan
- Lenard
- Lenberay
- Lendon
- Leneghan
- Leneveu
- Lenfant
- Lenfestey
- Lengrodoire
- Lennard
- Lenney
- Lenoel
- Lenormand
- Lenox
- Lenthall
- Lenverton
- Leo
- Leofndre
- Leon
- Leonard
- Leopold
- Leoville
- Lepetit
- Lepeurain
- Lepine
- Leplanquais
- Lepleux
- Lequerre
- Lerain
- Leree
- Lerivran
- Lerneur
- Leroux
- Leroy
- Lerrier
- Lerry
- Lesage
- Lesanby
- Lesbirel
- Lesbirel/Le Sbirel/Le Sebirel
- Lesborel
- Lesbriel
- Lescam
- Lescaudey
- Lescouarch
- Lesely
- Lesigne
- Lesjardins
- Lesjardins le Conte
- Leslae
- Leslie
- Lesne
- Lesplanquais
- Lesster
- Lestang
- Lester
- Lesticam
- Letaconneur
- Letcher
- Letellier
- Leteurtre
- Lethbridge
- Letoque
- Letoqueux
- Letot
- Letourneur
- Letoy
- Letten
- Letting
- Letto
- Letual
- Leturgeon
- Leuder
- Leugeard
- Leugee
- Leune
- Levaigneur
- Levain
- Levanlee
- Levans/Levens
- Levaufre
- Levedere
- Levee
- Leveilley
- Leveillez
- Levens
- Leverdier
- Leverty
- Levesque
- Levett
- Levick
- Levis
- Lewellyn
- Lewes
- Lewis
- Leworthy
- Ley
- Leyster
- Lezan
- Lezard
- Lezennec
- Lhey
- Liack
- Libertin
- Lichtenstein
- Liddell
- Liddy
- Lidstone
- Liech
- Liege
- Lienard
- Lievre
- Liggens
- Light
- Lightfoot
- Lihou
- Liivry
- Lilley
- Lillicrap
- Lilly
- Lillycraft
- Lillycrap
- Limen
- Limerick
- Limmons
- Limond
- Limpus
- Linagham
- Linane
- Linanhe
- Linard
- Linde
- Lindebam
- Lindon
- Lindsay
- Lindsey
- Line
- Ling
- Lingard
- Lingdon
- Lingeard
- Linger
- Lingshaw
- Linklater
- Linn
- Linnard
- Linney
- Lins
- Linstead
- Linth
- Linthorn
- Lintorn
- Lion
- Liot
- Lipscombe
- Liron
- Lirouet
- Lis
- Lisle
- Lislie
- Lison
- Lisons
- Lister
- Litcher
- Litstone
- Litt
- Little
- Livermon
- Livermore
- Livesey
- Livick
- Livingston
- Livingstone
- Livsey
- Lloiden
- Lloyd
- Loaden
- Lobb
- Locaudey
- Lock
- Locke
- Locket
- Lockley
- Lockyear
- Lockyer
- Loder
- Lodiski
- Loe Boutillier
- Loftey
- Loftis
- Loftiss
- Logan
- Lohiar
- Loivier
- Lomas
- Lomins
- Lomonaco
- Lonard
- Loncle
- London
- Lonet
- Long
- Longford
- Longland
- Longley
- Longman
- Longmead
- Longshaw
- Longstaff
- Longstreeth
- Longueville
- Looby
- Loock
- Loosemore
- Loraine
- Lord
- Lorence
- Loret
- Lorett
- Lorier
- Loriy
- Lorom
- Lorris
- Lorve
- Lorwsay
- Losack
- Lotherington
- Lott
- Louce
- Loud
- Louden
- Loudrigin
- Loued
- Louet
- Loughead
- Loughnan
- Louiellebecq
- Louis
- Louise
- Louise Dit Le Miere
- Loulo
- Louxes
- Louys
- Lovatt
- Love
- Loved
- Loveday
- Lovejoy
- Lovelace
- Lovelass
- Loveless
- Lovell
- Loveridge
- Lovett
- Low
- Lowcay
- Lowden
- Lowder
- Lowdon
- Lowe
- Lowen
- Lowman
- Lowndes
- Lowry
- Loyd
- Loyden
- Loyer
- Lozanne
- Lozey
- Lozouet
- Lozue
- Lozuet
- Lsampson
- Lucas
- Luce
- Luckarift
- Luckarit
- Luckey
- Lucy
- Luelin
- Luen
- Luet
- Lugg
- Luin
- Luis
- Luke
- Luker
- Lukey
- Lukin
- Lukins
- Lukis
- Lulien
- Lumbard
- Lumley
- Lumsdaine
- Lumsden
- Lundy
- Lunel
- Lunn
- Lupscombe
- Lusby
- Luscombe
- Lush
- Lushington
- Lusignan
- Lusk
- Lutman
- Luxford
- Luxmoore
- Luxton
- Lydiard
- Lye
- Lyhon
- Lyle
- Lylicrap
- Lymon
- Lynch
- Lyndon
- Lyne
- Lynet
- Lynn
- Lyon
- Lyons
- Lys
- Lysaght
- Lyte
- Maar
- Mabe
- Mabey
- Mabille
- Mabine
- Mabire
- Mabon
- Mabson
- Mabuy
- Maby
- Macadam
- Macalister
- Macallaster
- Macaulay
- Macbeath
- Macdermott
- Macdonald
- Mace
- Macey
- Macfadyen
- Macfarlane
- Macgivern
- Macgregor
- Macguire
- Machen
- Machin
- Machon
- Machon/Macon
- Mack
- Mackain
- Mackalen
- Mackann
- Mackannall
- Mackarty
- Mackay
- Mackaye
- Mackbride
- Mackdonald
- Mackdoul
- Mackenny
- Mackenzie
- Mackestay
- Mackever
- Mackey
- Mackie
- Mackin
- Mackintosh
- Mackleworth
- Macklin
- Maclaling
- Macland
- Maclaughlan
- Macle
- Maclean
- Macleod
- Macleworth
- Maclocklie
- Maclocklin
- Maclone
- Macloud
- Maclure
- Macmath
- Macmillan
- Macneall
- Macon
- Macpherson
- Macready
- Macreight
- Macridge
- Macright
- Macself
- Macworth
- Madden
- Maddlen
- Maddock
- Madelaine
- Madelonbedel
- Madess
- Madlen
- Madolaine
- Maelenz
- Maelle
- Maffard
- Magan
- Magdelaine
- Magee
- Mageneau
- Magg
- Magne
- Magnifi
- Maguenot
- Maguire
- Mahany
- Mahar
- Mahaut
- Mahe
- Maheer
- Maher
- Maheux
- Mahier
- Mahier/Mahie
- Mahieu
- Mahir
- Maholen
- Mahon
- Mahoney
- Mahy
- Maighney
- Maigre
- Maigueneau
- Maillard
- Main
- Mainard
- Maincenh
- Maindonald
- Maindonnas
- Maine
- Mainey
- Maingay
- Maingueneau
- Mainis
- Mainwaring
- Maire
- Mairier
- Maistre
- Maitland
- Major
- Makensy
- Makenzie
- Makin
- Making
- Makye
- Malakin
- Malaury
- Malcolm
- Male
- Malekin
- Malenfant
- Malerb
- Males
- Malester
- Malet
- Malet de Carteret
- Maletroit
- Malette
- Malgerie
- Malgris
- Malguerie
- Malherbe
- Malicet
- Malin
- Malinguely
- Mallandaine
- Malle
- Mallet
- Mallet/Mallett
- Mallett
- Malliel
- Mallinson
- Mallis
- Malloch
- Mallock
- Mallon
- Malloret
- Mallowby
- Malone
- Maloowish
- Malore
- Maloret
- Malorey
- Malory
- Maltby
- Malville
- Malzard
- Malzard/Malsard/Malzar
- Managhan
- Manaury
- Manceau
- Manchee
- Manchinton
- Mander
- Manders
- Mandess
- Mandeville
- Mandin
- Mandy
- Maneley
- Manen
- Maner
- Maney
- Mange
- Manges
- Manguy
- Maniart
- Manierre
- Manlaws
- Manley
- Manly
- Mann
- Mannan
- Mannell
- Mannering
- Manners
- Manness
- Manning
- Mannix
- Mannot
- Manns
- Manoury
- Manquet
- Mansbridge
- Mansell
- Mansey
- Manson
- Manuel
- Manuel de Bezie
- Manvielle
- Manwaring
- Many
- Manzell
- Maountain
- Mapes
- Mapleton
- Mara
- Marais
- Marcelin
- Marcer
- March
- Marcham
- Marchand
- Marchant
- Marche
- Marcheron
- Marchington
- Marchison
- Marck
- Marcus
- Marden
- Mare
- Maree
- Mareit
- Maret
- Maret/Marett/Marrett
- Margari
- Marger
- Margerie
- Margeson
- Margot
- Margrie
- Marguerie
- Marguerite
- Marhet
- Marie
- Marie de Cabot
- Marie Le Gros
- Mariette
- Marin
- Marinel
- Mariner
- Marinevoy
- Marion
- Marius
- Mark
- Markey
- Markin
- Marks
- Markwick
- Marley
- Marlin
- Marman
- Marmot
- Marquand
- Marque
- Marquer
- Marquerie
- Marquet
- Marquis
- Marr
- Marrens
- Marret
- Marrett
- Marrey
- Marriage
- Marrie
- Marriette
- Marriott
- Marritt
- Mars
- Marsault
- Marseille
- Marsh
- Marshal
- Marshall
- Marslem
- Marsoin
- Marsouin
- Marston
- Marteau
- Martel
- Martel/Martell
- Marth
- Marti
- Martimer
- Martin
- Martinard
- Martinnant
- Martins
- Marton
- Martret
- Martyn
- Maruis
- Marvell
- Marwick
- Mary
- Mary Blanche
- Maryon
- Marzier
- Mash
- Maskell
- Maslen
- Maslin
- Mason
- Masse
- Massey
- Massi
- Massine
- Massis
- Masson
- Massy
- Master
- Masterman
- Masters
- Masurier
- Match
- Matchet
- Materr
- Mather
- Mathers
- Mathew
- Mathews
- Mathurin
- Matihet
- Maton
- Matsen
- Matson
- Matt
- Matterface
- Matters
- Mattet
- Matthet
- Matthew
- Matthewman
- Matthews
- Matthias
- Mattingley
- Maubery
- Maubrey
- Maubry
- Maud
- Mauduit
- Mauge
- Maugen
- Maugent
- Mauger
- Mauler
- Maun
- Maunder
- Maunders
- Maunoury
- Mauransane
- Maurensane
- Maurice
- Maurielle
- Maurin
- Mauviel
- Mauvielle
- Mauvion
- Mauviot
- Maxwell
- Maxwell-Moffat
- May
- Mayatte
- Mayberry
- Maybille
- Mayblin
- Mayby
- Maycock
- Maye
- Mayer
- Mayes
- Mayeux
- Mayher
- Mayhew
- Maynard
- Mayne
- Maynes
- Maynis
- Mayo
- Mayston
- Maywell
- Mazier
- Mc Aleer
- Mc Allen
- Mc Allister
- Mc Alpin
- Mc Arthur
- Mc Ateer
- Mc Atier
- Mc Aulif
- Mc Auliffe
- Mc Bain
- Mc Bean
- Mc Blain
- Mc Blaine
- Mc Blair
- Mc Bride
- Mc Bright
- Mc Cabe
- Mc Caffery
- Mc Calastor
- Mc Call
- Mc Calvy
- Mc Camly
- Mc Cann
- Mc Carthy
- Mc Caubriac
- Mc Caule
- Mc Cay
- Mc Celligott
- Mc Chinery
- Mc Clanahan
- Mc Clarey
- Mc Clelland
- Mc Cleod
- Mc Clilland
- Mc Clinton
- Mc Clocklin
- Mc Clouck
- Mc Cloud
- Mc Clune
- Mc Clure
- Mc Clurg
- Mc Cocklin
- Mc Comb
- Mc Combes
- Mc Conbrey
- Mc Conky
- Mc Coolister
- Mc Coomb
- Mc Cormick
- Mc Coubrai
- Mc Coud
- Mc Court
- Mc Cra
- Mc Crakam
- Mc Crawsing
- Mc Creedy
- Mc Crery
- Mc Crosson
- Mc Cudden
- Mc Cullock
- Mc Cullom
- Mc Cumley
- Mc Cumly
- Mc Dade
- Mc Dermott
- Mc Dewell
- Mc Ditt
- Mc Donald
- Mc Donmert
- Mc Donnell
- Mc Dougall
- Mc Dowell
- Mc Eiver
- Mc Elhinney
- Mc Elroy
- Mc Evoy
- Mc Fadden
- Mc Fadyen
- Mc Farlane
- Mc Feterie
- Mc Garry
- Mc Gennis
- Mc Gilivere
- Mc Gill
- Mc Ginn
- Mc Ginnes
- Mc Givern
- Mc Glinchy
- Mc Gouley
- Mc Govern
- Mc Grachie
- Mc Gragh
- Mc Grath
- Mc Gregor
- Mc Grosan
- Mc Gugan
- Mc Guigan
- Mc Guinness
- Mc Guire
- Mc Gunegs
- Mc Hale
- Mc Haugh
- Mc Heal
- Mc Hillop
- Mc Illree
- Mc Innally
- Mc Innes
- Mc Interid
- Mc Intosh
- Mc Intyre
- Mc Ivoy
- Mc Kacknie
- Mc Kain
- Mc Kane
- Mc Kay
- Mc Kee
- Mc Kenley
- Mc Kenna
- Mc Kennay
- Mc Kenzie
- Mc Keoun
- Mc Keown
- Mc Kernen
- Mc Kevett
- Mc Killop
- Mc Kino
- Mc Knight
- Mc Lacklan
- Mc Laghan
- Mc Lane
- Mc Laud/Mc Leod
- Mc Laughland
- Mc Laughlin
- Mc Lauren
- Mc Lean
- Mc Leland
- Mc Leod
- Mc Linton
- Mc Locklin
- Mc Loud
- Mc Loughlin
- Mc Lunay
- Mc Mahon
- Mc Makin
- Mc Manament
- Mc Manus
- Mc Meekin
- Mc Millen
- Mc Moster
- Mc Mullen
- Mc Muran
- Mc Nally
- Mc Namara
- Mc Namee
- Mc Naughton
- Mc Neill
- Mc Niece
- Mc Niffe
- Mc Niskin
- Mc Nulty
- Mc Oven
- Mc Pherson
- Mc Quaters
- Mc Queen
- Mc Ravie
- Mc Ready
- Mc Rindell
- Mc Steer
- Mc Swiney
- Mc Vay
- Mc Whiney
- Mc Wire
- Mcallen
- Mcateer
- Mccall
- Mccallum
- Mcclure
- Mccormick
- Mccreight
- Mccroix
- Mcfadden
- Mcfadyen
- Mcfarling
- Mcgougan
- Mcgugan
- Mcguire
- Mckee
- Mckenzie
- Mckeown
- Mcleod
- Meacey
- Mead
- Meade
- Meaden
- Meadows
- Meagher
- Mealey
- Meaney
- Mear
- Meares
- Mearing
- Mears
- Meatton
- Meber
- Mecham
- Mechan
- Mechinn
- Medauna
- Meddar
- Medder
- Mediner
- Medland
- Medlin
- Medlyn
- Mee
- Meech
- Meecham
- Meek
- Meekhume
- Meerhoff
- Meheu
- Meheust
- Meheustg
- Meheut
- Meheux
- Mein
- Meleche
- Melenfant
- Melette
- Meleur
- Meliard
- Melie
- Meligue
- Melikin
- Melin
- Melingue
- Meller
- Mellez
- Mellin
- Mellish
- Mellon
- Mellor
- Mellowby
- Melmor
- Melois
- Melon
- Melvil
- Melvilet
- Melvill
- Melville
- Membery
- Menage
- Menard
- Mendy
- Menguy
- Menhinick
- Menhiuick
- Menidret
- Menie
- Menier
- Menuel
- Menzies
- Mer
- Mercer
- Merchant
- Merchart
- Mercier
- Mercy
- Mergler
- Merhait
- Merhet
- Merier
- Merifield
- Merill
- Merlet
- Merrell
- Merret
- Merrett
- Merrien
- Merrifield
- Merril
- Merrill
- Merrit
- Merritt
- Merry
- Merryful
- Merryier
- Mersy
- Merville
- Meslin
- Mesline
- Mesnar
- Mesnard
- Mesner
- Mesney
- Mesny
- Messenger
- Messervy
- Messiah
- Messinger
- Messiter
- Metagers
- Metais
- Metayer
- Metcalf
- Metcalfe
- Meteier
- Metherell
- Metier
- Metivier
- Metters
- Meurray
- Meville
- Mew
- Meyers
- Meyes
- Meyler
- Mezier
- Michael
- Micham
- Michard
- Michause
- Michaut
- Michaux
- Michel
- Michel/Michiel
- Michelin
- Michell
- Michinmore
- Midcalf
- Middleditch
- Middlediych
- Middlemore
- Middleton
- Midgley
- Midip
- Midlen
- Midleton
- Midwinter
- Miere
- Migaus
- Migley
- Mignan
- Migneaux
- Mignet
- Mignoc
- Mignot
- Mihin
- Mikchel
- Milbourne
- Mildon
- Mildren
- Mile
- Miles
- Milgrove
- Milhuish
- Milikin/Melikin/Malikin
- Mill
- Millais
- Millar
- Millard
- Mille
- Millemann
- Millener
- Miller
- Millikin
- Millins
- Millmore
- Millmour
- Millon
- Milloon
- Millow
- Mills
- Mills/Miles
- Millsted
- Millward
- Milmer
- Milmore
- Miln
- Milne
- Milner
- Milon
- Miloux
- Milton
- Milville
- Mina
- Minahan
- Mincheneer
- Minchin
- Minchineer
- Minchington
- Minchinton
- Minden
- Mindu
- Mineau
- Mineely
- Mineur
- Mingham
- Minier
- Minorel
- Minot
- Minson
- Minson/Misson
- Mintrom
- Mintrum
- Mirabel
- Mirriman
- Miryhen
- Misney
- Misson
- Mitchard
- Mitchel
- Mitchell
- Mitchelmoon
- Mitchelmore
- Mitcheneer
- Mitchineer
- Mitford
- Mitherell
- Mitson
- Moaitie
- Moal
- Moarett
- Moarn
- Mobbs
- Mobry
- Mobuchon
- Mockeridge
- Mockridge
- Moet
- Moffart
- Moffat
- Moffet
- Mogford
- Mogg
- Mogon
- Mogriche
- Mogridge
- Moignard
- Moignard/Moignand
- Moigne
- Moilan
- Moir
- Moirre
- Mois
- Moisan
- Moisel
- Moison
- Moissan
- Moisson
- Moitie
- Moitier
- Moizon
- Molam
- Moldoon
- Moldron
- Moles
- Molesworth
- Moley
- Moline
- Molland
- Mollet
- Mollonex
- Molloy
- Moloney
- Molony
- Molton
- Mombel
- Monaghan
- Monahan
- Monammy
- Monamy
- Monchinton
- Monck
- Monckton
- Monday
- Mondy
- Monet
- Money
- Moneypenny
- Monguy
- Monjaret
- Monk
- Monk/Monck
- Monks
- Monkton
- Monnamy
- Monnier
- Monnins
- Monoeur
- Monro
- Monsant
- Monsec
- Monson
- Montagu
- Montague
- Montais
- Montbrun
- Montbrun de La Tourette
- Montchaton
- Montesquis
- Montfort
- Montgomerie
- Montgomery
- Montie
- Montier
- Moody
- Moomey
- Moon
- Moone
- Mooney
- Moor
- Moore
- Moores
- Moorisse
- Moorman
- Moors
- Moppett
- Mops
- Moran
- Morarty
- Morcel
- Morcheil
- Mordant
- Morecraft
- Morel
- Moreland
- Morell
- Mores
- Moreson
- Moreton
- Morgan
- Morice
- Morin
- Morish
- Morland
- Morley
- Morman
- Moroney
- Morrall
- Morrant
- Morrey
- Morrice
- Morris
- Morrisay
- Morrish
- Morrison
- Morrow
- Morse
- Morsel
- Morteemoor
- Mortimer
- Mortimore
- Morton
- Mortyn
- Morvan
- Moses
- Mosquet
- Moss
- Mosse
- Mossey
- Mossop
- Mossy
- Mothee
- Motie
- Motier
- Mott
- Mottee
- Mottier
- Motto
- Motton
- Mottram
- Motts
- Moucheux
- Moulden
- Moulin
- Moullien
- Moullin
- Mouloin
- Mouls
- Moulson
- Moulton
- Moulyon
- Mouncher
- Moungay
- Mounier
- Mounoury
- Mountain
- Mountcastle
- Mourant
- Mourant/Mourand
- Mourart
- Mouraud
- Mouten
- Moutie
- Moutier
- Mouton
- Moverly
- Mowatt
- Mowbray
- Mowls
- Moxey
- Moy
- Moyan
- Moyce
- Moyes
- Moyle
- Moyns
- Moyse
- Moyson
- Much
- Muckford
- Muckridge
- Muckward
- Mudford
- Mudge
- Muels
- Muetel
- Mugford
- Muir
- Muirhead
- Mukulot
- Mulcaster
- Mulden
- Muldon
- Muldoon
- Muless
- Mulford
- Mulhallin
- Mulholland
- Mulins
- Muliot
- Mulius
- Mulkehey
- Mullet
- Mullett
- Mulligan
- Mullins
- Mullot
- Mulo
- Mulot
- Mulse
- Munckford
- Munckton
- Mundell
- Mundy
- Muner
- Mungumry
- Mungumry?
- Munier
- Munkton
- Munn
- Munns
- Munro
- Munson
- Munt
- Murchison
- Murdock
- Murens
- Murless
- Murley
- Murlin
- Murly
- Murnis
- Murphy
- Murray
- Murrel
- Murrell
- Murrow
- Murtagh
- Mury
- Musgrove
- Musso
- Musson
- Mutes
- Mutford
- Mutton
- Mynahon
- Naf
- Naftel
- Naile
- Naill
- Nairn
- Nance
- Nandale
- Nangle
- Nankivall
- Nans
- Nant
- Nantes
- Nants
- Napier
- Naples
- Napsey
- Narouet
- Narragan
- Narramore
- Narrish
- Narroway
- Nash
- Nathan
- Nathaniel
- Nation
- Nattin
- Naughton
- Naut
- Navard
- Navel
- Nay
- Naylis
- Naylor
- Nea
- Neal
- Neale
- Neamant
- Neary
- Neate
- Nee
- Needell
- Needham
- Needle
- Neel
- Neel/Neil/Neill
- Neelins
- Neely
- Neeper
- Nees
- Nego
- Neho
- Neil
- Neill
- Nel
- Nelbern
- Nell
- Nellen
- Nelson
- Nemo
- Nenem
- Nepo
- Nepveu
- Nerac
- Neron
- Nerou
- Nesbeth
- Nesbitt
- Ness
- Nestor
- Netherell
- Netherton
- Netten
- Netting
- Nettle
- Nettlefall
- Nettlefold
- Nettleton
- Neubegin
- Neusham
- Neville
- New
- Newall
- Newbegin
- Newber
- Newberry
- Newbery
- Newbold
- Newbury
- Newby
- Newcombe
- Newen/Newin
- Newenham
- Newham
- Newington
- Newis
- Newland
- Newlyn
- Newman
- Newnham
- Newport
- Newsham
- Newson
- Newton
- Neylan
- Neyle
- Nibbs
- Nibel
- Nicholas
- Nicholls
- Nichols
- Nicholson
- Nickell
- Nickels
- Nicolas
- Nicolle
- Nidelec
- Niel
- Nield
- Night
- Nightingale
- Nignoe
- Niney
- Ninnam
- Ninnas
- Ninnim
- Nisbet
- Nivel
- Nivet
- Nixon
- Nobas
- Nobbs
- Nobert
- Nobes
- Noble
- Noel
- Noel/Noe/Noeul
- Nogues
- Noiron
- Nolais
- Nolan
- Nolborn
- Noquet
- Norbury
- Norcott
- Norfolk
- Norman
- Norman/Normand/Le Normand
- Normand
- Nornaville
- Norrie
- Norris
- Norrish
- North
- Northeast
- Northedge
- Northey
- Northgate
- Northover
- Nortixdore
- Norton
- Norwood
- Nother
- Notherton
- Notley
- Nott
- Nottin
- Nouron
- Nourry
- Noury
- Novee
- Nowell
- Nowlan
- Nowland
- Nowlen
- Nowler
- Noyce
- Noyes
- Nudds
- Nuelin
- Nuemont
- Nueton
- Nugent
- Nunen
- Nunn
- Nurdin
- Nurse
- Nursey
- Nutt
- Nuttall
- Nutter
- Nutton
- Nyvet
- O'Brian
- O'brien
- O'Bryan
- O'callaghan
- O'Connell
- O'Connor
- O'Donald
- O'Donnell
- O'Donoghue
- O'Dwyer
- O'Farrell
- O'Hara
- O'Hare
- O'Loughlin
- O'neil
- O'Reilly
- O'Shea
- Oakes
- Oakley
- Oates
- Oatley
- Oaty
- Oberle
- Oblin
- Obren
- Obrien
- Obrine
- Oconnor
- Ocraft
- Odell
- Odgers
- Odoire
- Odson
- Oens
- Oetley
- Ofen
- Off
- Offeney
- Ogan
- Oger
- Ogier
- Ogilby
- Ogilvie
- Ogleby
- Oinge
- Oke
- Okiff
- Olavarria
- Old
- Olden
- Oldershaw
- Oldfield
- Oldham
- Olding
- Oldreive
- Oldrewe
- Oldridge
- Olever
- Oliveira
- Oliver
- Oliveria
- Olivie
- Olivier
- Olivier/Ollivier
- Olivry
- Olley
- Ollierou
- Ollivier
- Ollivier - Henry
- Ollivro
- Ollman
- Olsen
- Omiv
- Omlley
- Ommee
- Omnes
- Omont
- Onenham
- Onfray
- Onfrey
- Onfroy
- Onion
- Opie
- Oppenham
- Oppy
- Oram
- Orange
- Orchard
- Orchet
- Ord
- Orde
- Ordinaire
- Ore
- Oreal
- Orellana
- Organ
- Orman
- Ormand
- Ormes
- Ororkaprorke
- Orrell
- Orrock
- Orsato
- Orviss
- Osard
- Osborn
- Osborne
- Osbourne
- Osburn
- Oscar
- Oseman
- Osmand
- Osment
- Osmond
- Osmont
- Osney
- Oson
- Osouf
- Osourn
- Oswald
- Oteillier
- Othon
- Otsson
- Otte
- Oude
- Oudinot
- Ouedard
- Ouedart
- Ougros
- Ouless
- Ounan
- Ounen
- Ourry
- Outlaw
- Ouzeley
- Ovenden
- Over
- Overton
- Overy
- Owen
- Owens
- Oxborough
- Oxenham
- Oxford
- Oxland
- Ozanne
- Ozard
- Ozouf/Osouf
- Pace
- Pack
- Packer
- Packman
- Pacquet
- Paddock
- Paddon
- Padmore
- Pagarin
- Page
- Paillet
- Pain
- Paine
- Paing
- Paint
- Painter
- Paisley
- Paisnel
- Pait
- Paiton
- Pake
- Palie
- Palierne
- Pall
- Pallie
- Pallot/Palot
- Palmer
- Palmes
- Palzcker
- Palziard
- Pankridge
- Pannell
- Pannetier
- Panny
- Pansceel
- Paoli
- Paore
- Pape
- Papler
- Paquet
- Parade
- Parasier
- Parcels
- Parcq
- Parcut
- Pardew
- Pardington
- Paringate
- Pariot
- Paris
- Park
- Parke
- Parker
- Parker Edward
- Parkes
- Parking
- Parkins
- Parkinson
- Parkman
- Parks
- Parlett
- Parmentier
- Parmer
- Parmoitier
- Parnall
- Parns
- Parouty
- Parquer
- Parr
- Parret
- Parris
- Parrot
- Parrott
- Parrow
- Parry
- Parsly
- Parson
- Parsons
- Parteo
- Partington
- Partridge
- Pascal
- Pascoe
- Pascot
- Pascow
- Pashins
- Pashlay
- Paskins
- Pason
- Passein
- Passemain
- Passion
- Passmore
- Passnol
- Pastor
- Pasturel/Patourel
- Patch
- Patefill
- Paten
- Paterson
- Pateur
- Patin
- Patiner
- Paton
- Patout
- Patriarche
- Patridge
- Patson
- Patten
- Patterson
- Pattimore
- Pattison
- Pattoun
- Paturel
- Paturelle
- Paul
- Paulding
- Pauldring
- Paull
- Paulson
- Paur
- Pavett
- Pavey
- Pavou
- Pavour
- Pavoux
- Pawly
- Paye
- Payn
- Payn/Pain/Pains/Payne
- Payne
- Paysant
- Payter
- Peach
- Peachey
- Peacoche
- Peacock
- Peacocke
- Pead
- Peadan
- Peaden
- Peadon
- Peagam
- Peagle
- Peak
- Pealies
- Pearce
- Pearcy
- Peard
- Pearly
- Pearmain
- Pearn
- Pears
- Pearse
- Pearson
- Peart
- Peasant
- Peatchy
- Peavy
- Peck
- Peckham
- Pedro
- Peek
- Peek/Peck
- Peele
- Peel-Yates
- Peerless
- Peever
- Peignon
- Peirce
- Pelerin
- Pelet
- Pelgue
- Pelham
- Pelhan
- Pellan
- Pellant
- Pelle
- Pellerin
- Pellew
- Pellier
- Pellon
- Pellow
- Pellows
- Pelluet
- Peltro
- Pemberton
- Pembroke
- Pembrook
- Pen
- Penbrook
- Pene
- Peneelly
- Penery
- Peneywarden
- Pengelly
- Penick
- Penin
- Penivarden
- Penley
- Penn
- Pennant
- Pennery
- Pennett
- Penney
- Pennington
- Pennison
- Penny
- Pennycook
- Penrose
- Penry
- Pension
- Penson
- Penwarden
- Penwell
- Penwell/Pinwill
- Peny
- Pepin
- Pepler
- Pepperall
- Pepperell
- Pepprel
- Pepprell
- Peprel
- Peprell
- Pequin
- Peram
- Peraud
- Perchard
- Percival
- Percy
- Perczel de Bonyhad
- Peree
- Perezel de Bonyhad
- Perham
- Perhan
- Perier
- Perigo
- Perin
- Pering
- Periot
- Perke
- Perker
- Perkin
- Perkins
- Pernelle
- Pernftje
- Pero
- Peron
- Perot
- Perran
- Perraud
- Perredes
- Perree
- Perrel
- Perrelle
- Perrem
- Perren
- Perrenelle
- Perrenoud
- Perrie
- Perriee
- Perrien
- Perrier
- Perrier/Perier
- Perrin
- Perring
- Perrio
- Perriot
- Perrochon
- Perrodou
- Perron
- Perrot
- Perrott
- Perry
- Perryman
- Person
- Personne
- Persons
- Pery
- Pesant
- Pesche
- Pescie
- Peset
- Pessier
- Pestel
- Petel
- Peters
- Petersen
- Petherbridge
- Petherick
- Pethick
- Petier
- Petit
- Petitbon
- Petra
- Petre
- Petrie
- Pette
- Petteguen
- Pettequin
- Petter
- Pettifer
- Pettman
- Petty
- Pettyfer
- Peutequain
- Pevice
- Pezet
- Phalan
- Pheby
- Phelps
- Philadelphia
- Philan
- Philbert
- Philip
- Philippe
- Philippes de Gorrequer
- Philipps
- Philips
- Philladay
- Phillip
- Phillips
- Phillips/Philips/Philippes
- Phillipson
- Philpot
- Philpott
- Phinn
- Phipps
- Pic
- Pichard
- Pichon
- Pichous
- Pick
- Picken
- Pickering
- Picket
- Pickett
- Pickford
- Pickin
- Pickings
- Pickstock
- Pickthorn
- Picot
- Picquet
- Piddington
- Pidgeon
- Pied
- Pieouet
- Pierce
- Piercy
- Pierre
- Pierson
- Pieut
- Pigaut
- Pigeard
- Pigeon
- Piggot
- Pigneaux
- Pignero
- Pignet
- Pigott
- Pihan
- Pik
- Pike
- Pikes
- Pilbeam
- Pilbury
- Pilchard
- Pilditch
- Pile
- Pillar
- Piller
- Pillew
- Pillow
- Pilluet
- Pim
- Pimlott
- Pin
- Pinabel
- Pinaux
- Pincam
- Pincemin
- Pinch
- Pinching
- Pincket
- Pincott
- Pine
- Pineaux
- Pinel
- Pinet
- Pinett
- Pingelly
- Pinglan
- Pinglau
- Pinglaux
- Pingley
- Pink
- Pinkam
- Pinkard
- Pinkcam
- Pinket
- Pinkett
- Pinkham
- Pinkney
- Pinnet
- Pinnett
- Pinney
- Pinnick
- Pinoil
- Pinouel
- Pinsoell
- Pinwill
- Pipe
- Piper
- Piperill
- Pipet
- Pipon
- Pippes
- Pippin
- Piquel
- Piquet
- Piquet/Picquet
- Pirie
- Pironne
- Pironnet
- Pirot
- Pirouet
- Pirouette
- Pirrevaux
- Pirronet
- Pisoing
- Pisson
- Pitaway
- Pitcher
- Pitchford
- Pitchy
- Pite
- Pitel
- Pitivan
- Pitman
- Piton
- Piton/Pithon
- Pitre
- Pitrone
- Pitt
- Pittaway
- Pittman
- Pitts
- Pixley
- Pizzey
- Plaite
- Planner
- Platter
- Playle
- Plees
- Plessard
- Plett
- Pleven
- Plevin
- Plint
- Ploughman
- Plowman
- Pluck
- Plumbley
- Plumley
- Plummer
- Plumstard
- Plunket
- Plunkett
- Plyman
- Plymen
- Poak
- Poat
- Poate
- Poch
- Pockett
- Pocklington
- Podesta
- Podester
- Podger
- Podster
- Poiarier
- Poidvin
- Poignan
- Poignand
- Poignant
- Poincheval
- Poincitval
- Poingdestre
- Poingdestre Dit Billot
- Pointer
- Poiognand
- Poiongdestre
- Poiret
- Poirier
- Poison
- Poisson
- Poitevin
- Poitie
- Poitier
- Poland
- Poleson
- Poll
- Polland
- Pollard
- Pollet
- Pollett
- Polley
- Pollid
- Pollock
- Pollon
- Polmor
- Polson
- Polston
- Pomeroy
- Pommelet
- Pommerel
- Pommeret
- Ponsart
- Ponsonby
- Pont
- Pontes
- Ponthieu
- Pool
- Poole
- Pooley
- Poolty
- Poor
- Poore
- Pope
- Popham
- Popkin
- Poree
- Poret
- Porey
- Porger
- Porley
- Porree
- Portchmouth
- Porter
- Porteus
- Portland
- Postlethwaite
- Poteur
- Potier
- Potocki
- Potter
- Pottle
- Potts
- Poucin
- Poucle
- Pouclee
- Poujol
- Poulaie
- Poulain
- Poulen
- Poullain
- Poulloen
- Poulouin
- Poulsen
- Poulson
- Poulton
- Pound
- Poundwell
- Pouquelet
- Pouquet
- Poussin
- Povey
- Pow
- Powel
- Powell
- Power
- Powley
- Powline
- Powney
- Poyner
- Pqueanet
- Praceur
- Praise
- Praisley
- Prall
- Pralle
- Prankard
- Prankhard
- Prat
- Pratt
- Pratt/Prall
- Praull
- Precher
- Prechy
- Precisdge
- Preddy
- Preece
- Preese
- Prempain
- Prendpain
- Prenpaim
- Prenpain
- Prentice
- Prescott
- Preshaw
- Presle
- Prest
- Prestney?
- Preston
- Prestwood
- Pret
- Prevel
- Prevelle
- Prevost
- Prevot
- Prey
- Priaulx
- Priaulx/Priaux
- Price
- Prichard
- Prickett
- Priday
- Priddle
- Priddy
- Prideaux
- Prieaux
- Priestley
- Priestwood
- Prieu
- Prig
- Prigent
- Prigeon
- Prigg
- Prike
- Primer
- Primmer
- Primpain
- Princard
- Prince
- Pringle
- Prior
- Priouet
- Prioux
- Prising
- Pristage
- Pritchard
- Privet
- Prizulx
- Probart
- Profichet
- Prole
- Proper
- Prosser
- Prott
- Prouet
- Prouings
- Prous
- Prouse
- Prout
- Prouten
- Provel
- Provost
- Prowse
- Prowten
- Prudden
- Prunier
- Prye
- Pryor
- Puck
- Puckett
- Puddicombe
- Puel
- Pugh
- Pugsley
- Puirvaux
- Pullayblank
- Pullen
- Pulley
- Pullin
- Pullman
- Pulsford
- Punkin
- Punt
- Pup
- Purcel
- Purchas
- Purchase
- Purches
- Purdon
- Purdy
- Puritte
- Purkes
- Purkess
- Purkins
- Purkis
- Purkiss
- Pursey
- Purvis
- Pushee
- Puson
- Pustree
- Putland
- Puttick
- Puttock
- Pyke
- Pym
- Pyne
- Quadot
- Quadrake
- Quaijnac
- Quaintaine
- Quant
- Quanto
- Quaratrait
- Quark
- Quarm
- Quarn
- Quarre
- Quaunet
- Quebot
- Quedart
- Quedeville
- Queen
- Queinec
- Quellenec
- Quemard
- Quemart
- Quemper
- Quenard
- Quenault
- Quenault/Quenaut/Quenaud
- Quenrin
- Quenterre
- Quentrie
- Queree
- Queree/Querez
- Querest
- Querinec
- Queripel
- Queroteret
- Querree
- Querrien
- Quersteret
- Quertier
- Quesnel
- Quesnet
- Quesron
- Quetteville
- Queveyn
- Quibriac
- Quick
- Quickmore
- Quidley
- Quien
- Quigley
- Quilgars
- Quillerou
- Quilliec
- Quim
- Quin
- Quince
- Quinn
- Quinnel
- Quinnell
- Quinquis
- Quint
- Quintain/Quintaine
- Quintaine
- Quintal
- Quinton
- Quirk
- Quirot
- Quoepe
- Quoype
- Rabasse
- Rabaste
- Rabayotte
- Rabet
- Rabey
- Rabin
- Rachel
- Rackett
- Radband
- Radbin
- Radcliff
- Radcliffe
- Radford
- Radley
- Rae
- Rae Me
- Rael
- Rafferty
- Raffray
- Raffrey
- Rafter
- Rafusseau
- Ragan
- Raggett
- Raglan
- Raiht
- Raij
- Raimbault
- Raimon
- Rainey
- Rainsford
- Raison
- Rakeman
- Raketschild
- Raleigh
- Ralph
- Ralphs
- Rambridge
- Ramie
- Ramier
- Ramsay
- Ramsdin
- Ramsey
- Rancloud
- Rand
- Randal
- Randall
- Randals
- Randell
- Randle
- Raney
- Ranier
- Rankin
- Ranney
- Ranold
- Ranouf
- Ransford
- Ransome
- Ranson
- Ransson
- Ranwell
- Raoul
- Raper
- Rapper
- Rapsay
- Rapsey
- Rapson
- Rard
- Rardon
- Rashley
- Rason
- Ratcliff
- Ratcliffe
- Ratel
- Rateliford
- Rathbome
- Rathbone
- Rattenberry
- Rattenbury
- Rauault
- Rauland
- Raulin
- Rault
- Rausson
- Rauvet
- Raux
- Raven
- Ravenel
- Ravenscroft
- Raves
- Ravin
- Raw
- Rawle
- Rawling
- Rawlings
- Rawlins
- Rawson
- Ray
- Raydred
- Raye
- Rayment
- Raymond
- Raymont
- Raynar
- Rayndols
- Raynel
- Rayner
- Raynes
- Raynor
- Raysen
- Rayser
- Rayson
- Rayth
- Rea
- Read
- Readding
- Reading
- Ready
- Reall
- Reaney
- Reany
- Rearden
- Reardon
- Reasin
- Reath
- Reaugh
- Reaux
- Reay
- Rebasse
- Rebel
- Rebert
- Rebindaine
- Rebour
- Rebourg
- Rebours
- Reboux
- Rebuen
- Recks
- Redcliff
- Redcliffe
- Redden
- Redding
- Reddle
- Reddy
- Redeur
- Redfern
- Redford
- Redgrave
- Redman
- Redmand
- Redway
- Reeby
- Reece
- Reed
- Reede
- Reeks
- Reep
- Reese
- Reeve
- Reeves
- Refault
- Regan
- Reggs
- Regier
- Regnart
- Regner
- Regnier
- Regon
- Rehau
- Reid
- Reignolds
- Reilly
- Reiner
- Reinhard
- Reinne
- Reison
- Rello
- Relly
- Relph
- Rement
- Remfry
- Remi
- Remington
- Remon
- Remond
- Remphry
- Remy
- Renard
- Renault
- Renault/Renaud/Renaut
- Renaut
- Rendall
- Rendel
- Rendell
- Rendle
- Rendu
- Rene
- Renee
- Renel
- Reneuf
- Renier
- Rennel
- Rennell
- Renner
- Renney
- Rennick
- Rennier
- Rennison
- Reno
- Renof
- Renon
- Renory
- Renouard
- Renouet
- Renouf
- Rent
- Renter
- Renwick
- Renyard
- Reobin
- Reper
- Repper
- Rerden
- Rerdon
- Restall
- Resveur
- Retallick
- Retchford
- Retouf
- Reux
- Revell
- Rever
- Revin
- Rey
- Reydman
- Reyment
- Reynard
- Reyneil
- Reynel
- Reyner
- Reynier
- Reynold
- Reynolds
- Rhoda
- Riach
- Riant
- Ribert
- Ric
- Ricard
- Rice
- Rich
- Richard
- Richards
- Richardson
- Richardson/Richerson
- Riche
- Richecoeur
- Richelieu
- Richeloys
- Riches
- Richmond
- Richomme
- Rickard
- Rickards
- Ricket
- Rickett
- Ricketts
- Rickman
- Ricks
- Rickson
- Rickston
- Ricou
- Riddell
- Riddick
- Riddle
- Ride
- Rideout
- Rider
- Ridge
- Ridges
- Ridgeway
- Ridgeway/Ridgway
- Ridgway
- Riding
- Ridler
- Ridley
- Ridout
- Ried
- Riel
- Rigby
- Rigg
- Riggs
- Right
- Rigler
- Rignaux
- Rihou
- Rihouet
- Riichomme
- Riley
- Rillker
- Rillou
- Rimeu
- Rimeur
- Rimier
- Rimington
- Rine
- Ring
- Ringland
- Ringshaw
- Rio
- Rion
- Riordan
- Riot
- Riou
- Ripon
- Ripper
- Rippon
- Riquet
- Risbecq
- Risbridger
- Risby
- Rise
- Risebrough
- Risquard
- Risson
- Ritcher
- Ritchie
- Ritchin
- Ritchins
- Ritson
- Rival
- Rivalle
- Rive
- Riverent
- Rivers
- Rivet
- Rivett
- Riviere
- Rivoal
- Rivoallan
- Rivoallon
- Rivoil
- Rivoual
- Rivrend
- Rixon
- Rm
- Ro
- Roach
- Road
- Roarke
- Robb
- Robbins
- Robert
- Roberts
- Robertson
- Robichon
- Robielle
- Robilliard
- Robin
- Robins
- Robinson
- Robiolle
- Robiou de Latrehanais
- Robison
- Robisson
- Roborough
- Robottom
- Robrough
- Robson
- Roch
- Roche
- Rochelle
- Rocher
- Rock
- Rocke
- Rockett
- Rocquet
- Roctin
- Roczee
- Roda
- Rodcliff
- Rodda
- Roddam
- Rodder
- Rodecot
- Rodel
- Roder
- Roderick
- Rodes
- Rodet
- Rodgers
- Rodney
- Rodolphe
- Roe
- Roesier
- Roessie
- Roesye
- Roet
- Roger
- Rogere
- Rogeri
- Rogers
- Rogerson
- Rogery
- Rogier
- Rogon
- Rohrs
- Roisie
- Roissier
- Roissy
- Roisye
- Roit
- Roker
- Roland/Rolland
- Role
- Rolestone
- Rolisson
- Rollan
- Rolland
- Rolling
- Rollings
- Rolls
- Rolston
- Rolstone
- Rolt
- Romain
- Rome
- Romeril
- Romeril/Rommeril/Rumerill
- Romia
- Ronal
- Roncliffe
- Rondeau
- Rondel
- Rondell
- Rondelle
- Rondo
- Roney
- Ronie
- Ronxin
- Rook
- Rooke
- Rooks
- Roome
- Rooney
- Roos
- Ropert
- Roplin
- Ropper
- Roptin
- Roquelaire
- Roquet
- Ros
- Rosby
- Roscliff
- Roscouet
- Rose
- Rosenfeld
- Rosier
- Rositer
- Roskilly
- Rosquet
- Ross
- Rossborough
- Rosse
- Rossignol
- Rossiter
- Roswell
- Rothwell
- Rottin
- Roualle
- Roualt
- Rouault
- Roubilliard
- Roucel
- Roudot
- Rouel
- Rouesier
- Rouet
- Rouey
- Rouget
- Rougetel
- Rouill
- Rouillard
- Rouillaud
- Rouille
- Roul
- Rouland
- Rouley
- Roullant
- Roulle
- Roulliard
- Rourk
- Rourke
- Rous
- Rouse
- Rousel
- Rouset
- Rousse
- Rousseau
- Roussel
- Rousselle
- Rousset
- Route
- Routier
- Roux
- Rouxel
- Rouxelle
- Rouzee
- Row
- Rowan
- Rowbotham
- Rowbreson
- Rowcliff
- Rowcliffe
- Rowden
- Rowe
- Rowecliff
- Rowecliffe
- Rowland
- Rowlands
- Rowlandson
- Rowley
- Rowling
- Rown
- Rows
- Rowsaw
- Rowse
- Rowsell
- Rowsewell
- Rowss
- Rowswell
- Roxborough
- Roy
- Royal
- Royer
- Royl
- Royle
- Rozary
- Rozery
- Rualt
- Ruault
- Ruaux
- Rubilliard
- Rubin
- Ruchkamp
- Rudd
- Rudram
- Rue
- Rueland
- Ruellan
- Ruelland
- Ruez
- Ruff
- Ruffo
- Rugg
- Ruis
- Rulayotte
- Rule
- Rullen
- Rumbold
- Rumfitt
- Rumford
- Rumsey
- Rundel
- Rundell
- Rundle
- Runnells
- Rupell
- Rupertoa
- Rusby
- Ruse
- Rush
- Rushforth
- Russ
- Russel
- Russell
- Rust
- Ruth
- Rutland
- Rutledge
- Rutt
- Rutte
- Rutter
- Ryal
- Ryall
- Ryalls
- Ryals
- Ryan
- Rybot
- Ryden
- Ryder
- Rylance
- Ryles
- Ryley
- Rynd
- Sabot
- Saddler
- Sadler
- Sadot
- Safford
- Sagan
- Sage
- Sagorin
- Sailly
- Saint
- Saintgeorge
- Sale
- Salemon
- Salisbury
- Sallai
- Sallaiy
- Sallenova
- Sallever
- Salley
- Sallioud
- Sallivant
- Salmon
- Salneuve/Saleneuve
- Saloman/Salmon
- Salomon
- Salou
- Salt
- Salter
- Saltern
- Salthill
- Saltmarch
- Saltmarsh
- Salway
- Sami ?
- Sampson
- Samson
- Samuel
- Samways
- Samwell
- Samwells
- Sand
- Sandelie
- Sandell
- Sander
- Sandercock
- Sanders
- Sanders/Saunders
- Sanderson
- Sandes
- Sandey
- Sandford
- Sandham
- Sandiford
- Sandray
- Sandrey
- Sandry
- Sands
- Sandwith
- Sandy
- Sandys-lumsdaine
- Sanford
- Sangan
- Sanguin
- Sankey
- Sansom
- Sanson
- Santier
- Saout
- Sarchet
- Sarde
- Sargent
- Sargison
- Sarre
- Sarret
- Sarsfield
- Sartorius
- Satchvill
- Satchwell
- Satchwite
- Satelwell
- Satter
- Satterfet
- Satterfett
- Satterley
- Saturley
- Saudain
- Sauders
- Saulbery
- Saulbury
- Saulnier
- Sault
- Saultern
- Saumarez
- Saunders
- Saunier
- Sauson
- Saussaye
- Saussey
- Sauvage
- Sauvarin
- Sauve
- Sauvert
- Sauvey
- Sauvrezy
- Savage
- Savary
- Savy
- Sawyer
- Saxby
- Saxon
- Saxtry
- Saybourn
- Sayce
- Sayers
- Scaddan
- Scagell
- Scale
- Scales
- Scallan
- Scamitel
- Scammel
- Scammell
- Scandlin
- Scandlon
- Scandred
- Scanlan
- Scanlon
- Scannell
- Scantling
- Scarborough
- Scarel
- Scarey
- Scarf
- Scarrett
- Scearet
- Scelle
- Scelleur
- Scenos
- Schackell
- Scholefield
- Schollar
- Schollhammer
- Schomberg
- Schreiber
- Schrodelsecker
- Scioux
- Sclateur
- Scobel
- Scoble
- Scones
- Scoombs
- Scoones
- Scot
- Scott
- Scott Dixon
- Scott-kennedy
- Scotton
- Scourfield
- Scoville
- Screaton
- Screech
- Scriven
- Scrivens
- Scrivin
- Scrogey
- Scuiller
- Scully
- Seabrook
- Seaburn
- Seacombe
- Seadge
- Seagar
- Seage
- Seager
- Seale
- Seales
- Sealey
- Sealy
- Seammen
- Searle
- Searles
- Searrel
- Searson
- Seary
- Seat
- Seavy
- Sebastia
- Sebert
- Sebire
- Sebirel
- Seborn
- Seccombe
- Seckerson
- Secombe
- Secourable De La Camp
- Sedgewick
- Sedgley
- Sedley
- Seear
- Seecombe
- Seeds
- Seeleur
- Seelle
- Seeney
- Segouin
- Segrave
- Segu
- Seguin
- Seigneuret
- Seimonds
- Seison
- Selby
- Self
- Sellek
- Sellen
- Sellick
- Sellis
- Sells
- Selous
- Semple
- Senard
- Sency
- Senderson
- Sendry
- Senechal
- Senechaux
- Seney
- Senos
- Senson
- Septembre
- Serall
- Sercombe
- Sergant
- Sergeant
- Serjeant
- Sernique
- Serrel
- Serrell
- Seruen
- Servan
- Servant
- Servantes
- Servard
- Setchill
- Seter
- Sethbridge
- Setivain
- Setterfit
- Sevalle
- Sevens
- Severn
- Seville
- Seward
- Sewell
- Sexey
- Sexton
- Seymour
- Shackell
- Shackerley
- Shackforth
- Shackle
- Shackleton
- Shadwell
- Shaffner
- Shairp
- Shakell
- Shakespeare
- Shakoe
- Shale
- Shales
- Shalford
- Shalton
- Shambrook
- Shanaiju
- Shane
- Shangeht
- Shanley
- Shannon
- Shanon
- Shapcott
- Shapto
- Sharkey
- Sharland
- Sharlock
- Sharman
- Sharp
- Sharpcott
- Sharpe
- Sharpet
- Sharples
- Sharrock
- Shaswell
- Shave
- Shaves
- Shaw
- Shaw/Sheers
- Shayer
- Shayler
- Shazaul
- Shazrul
- Shazuel
- Shea
- Sheail
- Shean
- Shearloc
- Shearn
- Shearon
- Sheehan
- Sheehy
- Sheer
- Sheffield
- Sheiver?
- Shelard
- Sheldon
- Sheldrake
- Shelladay
- Shellady
- Shellane
- Shellard
- Shelledy
- Shells
- Shelmerdine
- Shelter
- Shelton
- Shenton
- Shepard
- Shephard
- Shepheard
- Shepherd
- Sheppard
- Sheppeck
- Shepperd
- Sheridan
- Sheriff
- Sherlock
- Sherriff
- Sherring
- Sherrott
- Sherry
- Shertliffe
- Sherwood
- Shetler
- Shetler ?
- Shevill
- Shewry
- Shields
- Shiers
- Shinener
- Shiner
- Shipperlee
- Shipwright
- Shireff
- Shirlan
- Shirland
- Shirley
- Shirreff
- Shirvall
- Shivers
- Shoell
- Shoemaker
- Shone
- Shoosmith
- Shopland
- Shore
- Shorland
- Short
- Shorto
- Shorts
- Shotillier
- Shott
- Shousmith
- Shousmith/Shoosmith
- Showell
- Shurry
- Shuttleworth
- Sibbald
- Sibbles
- Sibley
- Siborn
- Sibson
- Sibun
- Sicklemore
- Sickmore
- Siddons
- Siddorn
- Sidgwick
- Siems
- Silbey
- Silby
- Silcock
- Silk
- Sill
- Silly
- Silq/Silc
- Silque
- Silsbury
- Silvester
- Silvey
- Silvy
- Sime
- Simer
- Simmens
- Simmond
- Simmonds
- Simmons
- Simon
- Simonds
- Simoneau
- Simonet
- Simonet/Simoneau
- Simonneau
- Simons
- Simpson
- Sims
- Sinclair
- Sinclaire
- Sinclar
- Sinel
- Singer
- Singilton
- Single
- Singleton
- Sinnatt
- Sinnet
- Sinnick
- Sinnicks
- Sinos
- Siouville
- Skan
- Skanling
- Skawes
- Skea
- Skeen
- Skeggs
- Skeleton
- Skelley
- Skelley/Skelly
- Skelly
- Skelton
- Skenas
- Skey
- Skibo
- Skilley
- Skinifick
- Skinner
- Skipwith
- Sklendon
- Skyes
- Slack
- Slade
- Slader
- Slaid
- Slann
- Slater
- Slatford ?
- Slattery
- Sledgehall
- Slee
- Sleep
- Sleigh
- Sleight
- Slett
- Slivens
- Sloan
- Sloane
- Sloggett
- Slogrove
- Sloman
- Slomon
- Slone
- Slous
- Slow
- Slowan
- Slowly
- Slowman
- Slugett
- Sluggett
- Slyfield
- Smale
- Small
- Smallacombe
- Smallridge
- Smart
- Smarth
- Smartley
- Smith
- Smith Heriz
- Smithard
- Smoker
- Smyth
- Smythe
- Smythers
- Sneek
- Snelgrove
- Snell
- Snelling
- Snelson
- Snook
- Snouke
- Snow
- Snowden
- Snowdon
- Snowey
- Snudden
- Snutton
- Soaday
- Soady
- Soaper
- Sohier
- Soler
- Solier
- Sollit
- Sollith
- Solomon
- Soltock
- Somers
- Somerville
- Somon
- Son
- Sone
- Sonnet
- Sonsom
- Sook
- Sooley
- Soper
- Sophia
- Sorb
- Sorel
- Sormany
- Sorol
- Sorrel
- Sorrell
- Sorsoleil
- Sosan
- Sosse
- Sothill
- Sotinel
- Soudain
- Soude
- Soudel
- Souder
- Soudey
- Soudin
- Souleman
- Soulemon
- Souley
- Souper
- Souplat
- Soupre
- Sous
- Sousday
- Sousdel
- Southby
- Southbyh
- Southern
- Southgate
- Southon
- Southrott
- Southwood
- Soutoul
- Sowden
- Sowerby
- Soye
- Soyer
- Spalding
- Spanner
- Sparge
- Spargo
- Spark
- Sparkes
- Sparkling
- Sparks
- Sparling
- Sparrow
- Spatt
- Speak
- Spearman
- Spearmen
- Spears
- Speed
- Speer
- Speerman
- Speers
- Spencer
- Spense
- Sperring
- Spice
- Spicer
- Spiegleberg
- Spikeman
- Spiller
- Spilsbury
- Spinel
- Spinell
- Spingate
- Spitter
- Spittle
- Splatt
- Spooner
- Sport
- Spragg
- Spraggett
- Sprague
- Spratling
- Spratt
- Spriggs
- Spring
- Springate
- Springer
- Springfield
- Sprot
- Spry
- Spurr
- Spurrier
- Square
- Squeren
- Squib
- Squibb
- Squiere
- Squinte
- Squire
- Squires
- Ssplet
- St Cast
- St Clair
- St George
- St Helier
- Stabbington
- Stacet
- Stacey
- Stack
- Stadden
- Staddon
- Stadge
- Stadgwick
- Stadler
- Stadwick
- Stafford
- Stainer
- Stainforth
- Stainton
- Stalker
- Stalkerd
- Stallard
- Stamberg
- Stamberg/Stanbury
- Stambery
- Stamburg
- Stammers
- Stanaway
- Stanbary
- Stanberry
- Stanbury
- Standfield
- Standon
- Stanfield
- Stanford
- Stanley
- Stanmore
- Stann
- Stannage
- Stannisforth
- Stansbury
- Stansfield
- Stansley
- Stansmore
- Stanson
- Stanton
- Staples
- Stapleton
- Staplyton
- Stapp
- Starck
- Stark
- Starks
- Startin
- Starvis
- State
- Statford
- Statt
- Statton
- Staunton
- Staveley
- Stavely
- Stayte
- Stead
- Stear
- Stears
- Steed
- Steel
- Steelcourt
- Steele
- Steen
- Steer
- Steers
- Stegg
- Steggler
- Steigenbeyer
- Stell
- Stembridge
- Stendley
- Stenhouse
- Stenlake
- Stenson
- Stent
- Stephen
- Stephens
- Stephenson
- Stercq
- Stericker
- Sterling
- Sterlingo
- Steunou
- Stevain
- Steveley
- Steven
- Stevens
- Stevenson
- Steward
- Stewart
- Stickland
- Stickley
- Stiers
- Stile
- Stileman
- Stiles
- Still
- Stille
- Stiney
- Stire
- Stitson
- Stivey
- Stivings
- Stivy
- Stocall/Stockill
- Stock
- Stocker
- Stocking
- Stockley
- Stockwell
- Stoddard
- Stoddart
- Stodfel
- Stodgel
- Stokas
- Stoker
- Stokes
- Stone
- Stonebridge
- Stoneley
- Stonely
- Stoneman
- Stoner
- Stoodley
- Stoodly
- Stooks
- Stoops
- Stopher
- Storcq
- Storm
- Storry
- Story
- Stott
- Stow
- Stowell
- Stoyle
- Stradwick
- Strafford
- Straith
- Stralford
- Strang
- Stratford
- Strathers
- Straton
- Stratton
- Straude
- Street
- Streeton
- Stretch
- Stretford
- Streton
- Stretton
- Stricker
- Strickland
- Stricland
- Stride
- Strike
- Striker
- Stringfellow
- Striton
- Strong
- Strongman
- Strood
- Stroud
- Strout
- Strudwick
- Strudwicke
- Strunton
- Struthers
- Struve
- Stuart
- Stubbs
- Stuber
- Stubin
- Stuckey
- Stude
- Studley
- Studly
- Studwick
- Study
- Sturgeon
- Sturgess
- Sturmey
- Sturmy
- Sturock
- Stych
- Style
- Styles
- Styrch
- Suavage
- Suckling
- Suett
- Sufferign
- Suffield
- Suinicks
- Suiret
- Suit
- Sullivan
- Sully
- Sulman
- Sumers
- Summer
- Summerfield
- Summerhays
- Summers
- Summersby
- Summerwell
- Sun
- Sundrey
- Sunnicks
- Supple
- Surath
- Surcouf
- Surcout
- Suret
- Surgery
- Surget
- Surgey
- Surguy
- Surlock
- Surrant
- Surret
- Susanne
- Sutcliff
- Sutcliffe
- Sutherland
- Sutton
- Swaffield
- Swain
- Swanger
- Swann
- Swanson
- Swayn
- Sweatman
- Swede
- Sweeney
- Sweeny
- Sweet
- Sweetapple
- Swenson
- Swietoslawski
- Swift
- Swill
- Swinden
- Swiney
- Swingletwist
- Swinney
- Swiny
- Swit
- Swung
- Sybaorne
- Sybern
- Syborn
- Syborne
- Syborns
- Syburn
- Syers
- Sykes
- Sylvester
- Symes
- Symmonds
- Symond
- Symonds
- Symone
- Symons
- Syms
- Syrus
- Syvret
- Syvret/Sivret/Siveret
- Syzes
- Szultz
- Taaffe
- Tabb
- Tabbs
- Tabernacle
- Tachain
- Tachel
- Tachon
- Tackaberry
- Tacker
- Tadier
- Taggert
- Tagney
- Tagny
- Tague
- Taiffeneau
- Tailley
- Talbert
- Talbot
- Talford
- Talibard
- Talibart
- Talker
- Tall
- Talling
- Tallis
- Tallon
- Talmere
- Tamblingson
- Tambrook
- Tamlett
- Tamlinson
- Tampson
- Tamson
- Tancock
- Tandain
- Tandy
- Tane
- Tangey
- Tangieur
- Tangjy
- Tanglieur
- Tanguai
- Tangui
- Tanguier
- Tanguy
- Tank
- Tankey
- Tanner
- Tanquele
- Tanqueray
- Tanquerel
- Tanquier
- Tanquin
- Tansley
- Tantin
- Tanty
- Tapin
- Tapir
- Tapley
- Tapp
- Tapper
- Taprell
- Tapson
- Tardier
- Tardif
- Tardivel
- Tardy
- Target
- Targett
- Tarin
- Tarner
- Tarone
- Tarouilly
- Tarpley
- Tarr
- Tarrant
- Tassel
- Tasset
- Tatam
- Tate
- Tathwell
- Taton
- Tatton
- Taunton
- Taureau
- Taurel
- Taurin
- Tavenor
- Taydell
- Taylor Domville
- Taylor/Tailleur
- Taylor/Tayler
- Teague
- Teakel
- Teakle
- Teale
- Teaque
- Tease
- Teaser
- Teatman
- Teaux
- Tebb
- Tebbetts
- Teer
- Tekell
- Telford
- Telman
- Temple
- Templeman
- Templier
- Temson
- Tenant
- Tennant
- Tenny
- Tennyson
- Tenori
- Tepet
- Terel
- Teriaux
- Terlot
- Teroni
- Terrain
- Terre
- Terresse
- Terri
- Terrien
- Terrin
- Terry
- Terson
- Tesdorpf
- Tesley
- Tessier
- Tesson
- Tetcomb
- Tetlow
- Tetzloff
- Teverton
- Tew
- Tewkesbury
- Teychenne
- Teyleur
- Thacker
- Thackrey
- Thackshwaite
- Thackthwaite
- Thamson
- Thanot
- Thao
- Thatcher
- Thaualt
- Thauault
- Thauot
- Thayer
- Theaudore
- Thebault
- Thelland
- Theobald
- Theodore
- Theresse
- Therin
- Theriss
- Thermel
- Theshrie
- Thevenin
- Thibault
- Thiebaut
- Thiebot
- Thine
- Thingle
- Tho
- Thobin
- Thoburn
- Thom
- Thoman
- Thomas
- Thomasic
- Thomason
- Thomasse
- Thomasse Dit Janvrin
- Thomazic
- Thomazie
- Thomes
- Thompkins
- Thompson
- Thoms
- Thomson
- Thoreau
- Thorel
- Thorin
- Thorn
- Thorne
- Thorner
- Thorns
- Thornton
- Thorogood
- Thorp
- Thorpe
- Thouault
- Thoumain
- Thoumaine
- Thoume
- Thoumine
- Thoury
- Thousult
- Thoxas
- Thresher
- Threshie
- Thruston
- Thuillier
- Thurgood
- Thursh
- Tibbert
- Tibbles
- Tibot
- Tickell
- Tickle
- Tiddy
- Tideman
- Tidey
- Tidiman
- Tidy
- Tierney
- Tilford
- Tillar
- Tiller
- Tilley
- Tillman
- Tillotson
- Tilly
- Tiltloe
- Tily
- Timotee
- Timothee
- Timothie
- Tinckham
- Tinet
- Tingley
- Tinkam
- Tinkan
- Tinkham
- Tinnel
- Tinsdall
- Tiphaine
- Tippet
- Tipping
- Tirel
- Tiret
- Tirey
- Tirraut
- Tirrel
- Tison
- Tisseaux
- Tisson
- Titcombe
- Tite
- Titterton
- Tiverton
- Tivey
- Tizard
- Tnckham
- Toad
- Toanchon
- Tobin
- Tocher
- Tockart
- Tocque
- Tocque/Toque
- Todd
- Toet
- Toffen
- Tolcher
- Told
- Toll
- Tolly
- Tolman
- Tolton
- Tomes
- Tomison
- Tomkins
- Tomlin
- Tomlins
- Tomlinson
- Tomlison
- Tomney
- Tompkins
- Toms
- Tomson
- Toner
- Toneri
- Tongue
- Tonkin
- Tonnelier
- Tonner
- Toogood
- Toole
- Toovey
- Tooze
- Toplis
- Topping
- Toret
- Torn
- Torneur
- Tornton
- Torode
- Torpy
- Torr
- Torre
- Torrens
- Torrin
- Tory
- Tosland
- Tostevin
- Toten
- Tothill
- Touche
- Toudic
- Toudit
- Touet
- Toule
- Tourault
- Tourel
- Tourgis
- Tourington
- Tourmel
- Tournay
- Tourneur
- Tourpin
- Toury
- Toussaint
- Tout
- Toutain
- Toute
- Touzard
- Touze
- Touzeau
- Touzel
- Touzey
- Tow
- Towaine
- Towel
- Towele
- Towell
- Towlle
- Town
- Townay
- Towner
- Townlay
- Townley
- Townsand
- Townsend
- Townson
- Towsend
- Towton
- Towy
- Toy
- Toyne
- Tozer
- Trace
- Tracey
- Trachy
- Trachy/Trachie
- Tracy
- Tradin
- Trail
- Trainel
- Traish
- Traisnel
- Tramp
- Tranchard
- Tranchell
- Tranquille Le Tellier
- Trask
- Tratt
- Travers
- Travert
- Travis
- Traylen
- Trdeant
- Treadway
- Treadwell
- Treadwinn
- Trebert
- Trechie
- Trechy
- Tredan
- Tredant
- Tredeant
- Tredgill
- Treeby
- Treene
- Treeve
- Tref
- Treganna
- Tregaskis
- Tregay
- Tregeagle
- Tregeale
- Tregear
- Tregeare
- Treglos
- Tregoning
- Trehan
- Trehanon
- Trehen
- Trehiou
- Trehious
- Trehorel
- Trelease
- Treloar
- Tremel
- Tremlett
- Trenchard
- Trengove
- Trescott
- Treseder
- Tresidder
- Tresider
- Tresnel
- Tressard
- Tretheway
- Trethewey
- Trethivey
- Treusard
- Treussard
- Trevartan
- Trevarton
- Trevelyan
- Trevett
- Treviot
- Trewin
- Trewins
- Trewrin
- Trezise
- Triagel
- Trianeau
- Trianon
- Tricker
- Tricot
- Trigall
- Trigell
- Trigg
- Triggs
- Triguel
- Trill
- Trille
- Trim
- Trimleltt
- Trimlett
- Trinchard
- Triplet
- Triplett
- Tripley
- Tripp
- Tripps
- Trist
- Trivet
- Trivier
- Trivitt
- Trocaire
- Trodd
- Trogui
- Troke
- Trolley
- Trolly
- Troon
- Troquair
- Troquere
- Trotman
- Trotnan
- Trott
- Trotter
- Trouteaud
- Troward
- Trowbidge
- Trowbridge
- Troy
- Trubay
- Trubey
- Truby
- True
- Trueman
- Trufem
- Truffaut
- Truman
- Trump
- Truron
- Trusar
- Trusard
- Truscott
- Truscow
- Trush
- Trusked
- Trussard
- Trussell
- Truve
- Tryanon
- Trydell
- Tryey
- Tryon
- Tuause
- Tubbs
- Tublin
- Tuck
- Tucker
- Tuckerman
- Tuckett
- Tudo
- Tudor
- Tuffen
- Tuffley
- Tuffs
- Tuite
- Tull
- Tullock
- Tuloch
- Tumkins
- Tuner
- Tunick
- Tunks
- Tunnick
- Tuorny
- Tuoutt
- Tuphonse
- Tupper
- Turban
- Turbervill
- Turberville
- Turgis
- Turgot
- Turmail
- Turmel
- Turnel
- Turner
- Turner?
- Turnet
- Turneur
- Turney
- Turnidge
- Turnly
- Turnnidge
- Turpin
- Tutman
- Tutten
- Tuttle
- Tutton
- Tutty
- Twaits
- Twart
- Tweddle
- Tweedie
- Twidney
- Twight
- Twining
- Twyning
- Tyarl
- Tydd
- Tyler
- Tyrel
- Tyrrell
- Tyson
- Tytherleigh
- Ulrich
- Umpleby
- Underdown
- Underhay
- Underhayes
- Underhill
- unknown
- Upsdale
- Upsdell
- Urroy
- Urry
- Urvey
- Urvoy
- Usk
- Utting
- Vablets
- Vacat
- Vade
- Vagg
- Vague
- Vaillen
- Vajdin
- Valencia
- Valentine
- Valet
- Valette
- Valle
- Vallee
- Vallence
- Vallet
- Vallette
- Vallois
- Vallor
- Valognes
- Valois
- Valot
- Valpy
- Valpy/Valepie/Valpie/Valpy dit Janvrin
- Van Toll
- Vanbark
- Vanbrook
- Vance
- Vandaler
- Vande
- Vanec
- Vaneck
- Vanie
- Vann
- Vannamen
- Vanner
- Vanston
- Vanstone
- Vanton
- Varah
- Varaillon
- Varcoe
- Vardon
- Vardote
- Vare
- Varin
- Varlet
- Varley
- Varney
- Varnham
- Varon
- Varran
- Varsillon
- Varson
- Vasler
- Vaslin
- Vasse
- Vasselin
- Vassie
- Vast
- Vatcher
- Vauborel
- Vaucour
- Vaucourt
- Vaude
- Vaudeleur
- Vaudet
- Vaudin
- Vaughan
- Vaughn
- Vauquelin
- Vauquer
- Vautier
- Vauvert
- Vaux
- Veage
- Veale
- Vean
- Veasey
- Veasey Simon
- Vecellet
- Vedier
- Vee
- Veins
- Veitch
- Veldon
- Velitte
- Vellier
- Vembrook
- Venables
- Venell
- Venemen
- Venement
- Venn
- Vennen
- Venner
- Vennor
- Venson
- Verant
- Verdier
- Vere
- Verein
- Vergin
- Verheggen
- Veribs
- Verin
- Verins
- Verner
- Vernon
- Vernot
- Veron
- Verron
- Vescelet
- Vescellet
- Vesconte
- Veslet
- Vetier
- Veulet
- Veusles
- Vezier
- Vial
- Vialle
- Viard
- Vibert/Vybert
- Vic
- Vicars
- Vick
- Vickary
- Vicker
- Vickers
- Vickery
- Vicq
- Victor
- Vidamour
- Videgrain
- Vidors
- Viel
- Viennet
- Vieq
- Vigers
- Vigo
- Vigot
- Vilain
- Vilalard
- Vilere
- Villain
- Villalard
- Villalon
- Villard
- Villars
- Villbau
- Ville
- Villebau
- Villeneuve
- Viller
- Villiams
- Villiers
- Viltem
- Vilton
- Vimons
- Vinall
- Vinard
- Vincent
- Vine
- Vinecombe
- Viner
- Viney
- Vint
- Vinton
- Virelicq
- Virely
- Virgin
- Vismes
- Visser
- Vitel
- Viton
- Vittem
- Vitton
- Vivian
- Vivier
- Vizard
- Vobberg
- Vockley
- Voclet
- Voiel
- Vois
- Voisin
- Voison
- Voix
- Vokes
- Volais
- Vonberg
- Vontom
- Vontom/Voutom
- Vontombe
- Vontonberg
- Vosper
- Voss
- Vosslin
- Voy
- Voyel
- Voysey
- Vrao
- Vulson
- Waddell
- Wadderton
- Waddington
- Waddseward
- Wade
- Wadge
- Wadler
- Wadmore
- Wadsworth
- Wadworth
- Wafield
- Wagg
- Waglen
- Wagstaffe
- Wailer
- Wailler
- Waily
- Wain
- Wait
- Waite
- Wake
- Wakefield
- Wakeham
- Wakeley
- Wakely
- Wakeman
- Wakfer/Wakford
- Wakley
- Walbridge
- Walcott
- Walden
- Waldergrove
- Waldren
- Waldron
- Wales
- Walford
- Walis
- Walk(E)
- Walkam
- Walkem
- Walker
- Walkers
- Walkey
- Wall
- Wallace
- Wallah
- Wallbridge
- Waller
- Walles
- Walling
- Wallis
- Walls
- Wallsar
- Wallser
- Walmesley
- Walmsley
- Walsh
- Walt
- Walter
- Walters
- Walteur
- Walthers
- Walton
- Wanshall
- Want
- War
- Waram
- Waran
- Warboys
- Warburton
- Ward
- Ward Saunders
- Wardell
- Wardley
- Wardly
- Wardon
- Wardsor
- Wareham
- Warington
- Warley
- Warn
- Warne
- Warner
- Warnes
- Warness
- Warp
- Warr
- Warre
- Warrel
- Warrell
- Warren
- Warrens
- Warrent
- Warrewn
- Warrin
- Warrington
- Warry
- Wart
- Warwick
- Warwicker
- Washer
- Waterer
- Waterfall
- Waterfield
- Waterman
- Waters
- Waterson
- Waterton
- Waterworth
- Watford
- Watham
- Wathen
- Wathing
- Watkin
- Watkings
- Watkins
- Watmaugh
- Watmore
- Watmough
- Watson
- Watt
- Wattan
- Watters
- Watther
- Watton
- Watts
- Waugh
- Wavel
- Wavell
- Waw
- Way
- Waylen
- Waymor
- Wead
- Weain
- Weakes
- Weakley
- Weaks
- Weale
- Wear
- Wearin
- Wearing
- Wearings
- Wearn
- Weary
- Weatherdon
- Weatley
- Weaver
- Weay
- Webb
- Webber
- Webbs
- Weber
- Webert
- Webley
- Webster
- Weddall
- Wedge
- Weeble
- Weech
- Weedob
- Weekes
- Weekham
- Weeks
- Weeping
- Weglan
- Weigall
- Weir
- Wekeham
- Welch
- Weldon
- Wele
- Welisol
- Wellbecq
- Wellecott
- Weller
- Wellesley
- Wellett
- Wellington
- Wellman
- Wells
- Wellshire
- Wellspring
- Welsby
- Welsford
- Welsh
- Weltch
- Wenks
- Weque
- Werin
- Werrey
- Werrin
- Werring
- Werry
- West
- Westall
- Westaway
- Westbrook
- Westbury
- Westcott
- Westercoat
- Westerman
- Western
- Westlake
- Westley
- Weston
- Westwood
- Weter
- Wetherell
- Wetherly
- Wethon
- Weward
- Wewer
- Weymouth
- Whaley
- Whalley
- Wharbridge
- Whareham
- Wharem
- Whaterman
- Whatton
- Wheadon
- Whealan
- Wheath
- Wheeldon
- Wheeler
- Whefil
- Whelan
- Whelard
- Wheldon
- Wheller
- Wherington
- Wherry
- Whett
- Whetter
- Whettingslett
- Whettingstall
- Whicker
- Whight
- Whiler
- Whilfield
- Whiller
- Whillier
- Whinham
- Whinnett
- Whistler
- Whitcher
- Whitcomb
- Whitcombe
- Whitcroft
- White
- Whitehouse
- Whitehurst
- Whitel
- Whitelaw
- Whiteley
- Whitely
- Whiteman
- Whitemarch
- Whiteside
- Whitfield
- Whitham
- Whitherall
- Whitley
- Whitmore
- Whittaker
- Whittall
- Whittard
- Whittee
- Whittel
- Whitten
- Whittingham
- Whittingstall
- Whittle
- Whitty
- Whitworth
- Whodmore
- Whoff
- Whyatt
- Whyte
- Wibert
- Wickers
- Wickett
- Wicking
- Wickins
- Wicks
- Widcombe Court
- Wier
- Wiggin
- Wiggings
- Wiggins
- Wight
- Wigley
- Wilbraham
- Wilchiere
- Wilcocks
- Wilcocks/Willcocks/Wilcox
- Wilcockson
- Wilcox
- Wild
- Wilde
- Wilden
- Wildman
- Wile
- Wiles
- Wiliams
- Wilke
- Wilkes
- Wilkey
- Wilkins
- Wilkinson
- Will
- Willacy
- Willcock
- Willcoks
- Willcox
- Willdern
- Willes
- Willet
- Willett
- William
- Williams
- Williams Gaudin
- Williamson
- Willian
- Willicot
- Willicott
- Willing
- Willingham
- Willington
- Willis
- Willison
- Willisson
- Willment
- Willmet
- Willmets
- Willmett
- Willmot
- Willmott
- Willoby
- Willott
- Willowby
- Wills
- Willsher
- Willshire
- Willson
- Willstead
- Willsteed
- Willy
- Wilmet
- Wilmot
- Wilmott
- Wilsdon
- Wilson
- Wilton
- Wiltshire
- Wily
- Wimbee
- Wimble
- Wincey
- Winching
- Wind
- Windale
- Windebank
- Windel
- Windelbanck
- Windham
- Windows
- Windsor
- Wines
- Wingate
- Winks
- Winn
- Winrigth
- Winsay
- Winship
- Winstanley
- Winston
- Winter
- Winterbottom
- Winters
- Winterton
- Wiquet
- Wisby
- Wisden
- Wise
- Wiseman
- Wishard
- Wishart
- Wisher
- Witchard
- Witcomb
- Witel
- Witell
- Withall
- Withemor
- Witherall
- Witherell
- Withers
- Witt
- Wittat
- Witte
- Wittel
- Witter
- Wittet
- Wittingham
- Witts
- Woadsuard
- Woallis
- Woarne
- Woather
- Woddey
- Wodham
- Wolacott
- Wolf
- Wolf Van Dopff
- Wolfe
- Wolfingden
- Wolfrey
- Wolfreys
- Wollacott
- Wolleurs
- Wolson
- Womsley
- Wonnacott
- Wonton
- Wood
- Wood Johnson
- Woodall
- Woodcock
- Woodey
- Woodford
- Woodgate
- Woodham
- Woodhouse
- Woodland
- Woodley
- Woodly
- Woodman
- Woodnutt
- Woodoford
- Woodofred
- Woodridge
- Woodroff
- Woodrow
- Woods
- Woodsford
- Woodward
- Woodwards
- Woodworth
- Woody
- Woolcock
- Wooldridge
- Wooldrige
- Wooley
- Woolf
- Woolfield
- Woolfray
- Woolfryes
- Woolhouse
- Woollcott
- Woolldridge
- Woolley
- Woolson
- Woolston
- Woolward
- Woon
- Woonton
- Woothsford
- Wooton
- Woouton
- Worboy
- Worboys
- Word
- Worden
- Workman
- Worley
- Worman
- Worms
- Worrall
- Worsey
- Worsfold
- Worsford
- Worsley
- Worth
- Wotton
- Wovenden
- Wraith
- Wray
- Wren
- Wrigglesworth
- Wriggley
- Wright
- Wroe
- Wulff
- Wurr
- Wyatt
- Wyber
- Wyers
- Wyett
- Wylde-Browne
- Wylds
- Wylie
- Wyndham
- Wynhall
- Wynn
- Yabslay
- Yabsley
- Yandall
- Yandell
- Yank
- Yaouane
- Yard
- Yardley
- Yarington
- Yateman
- Yates
- Ybrown
- Yeale
- Yealland
- Yeandle
- Yeateman
- Yeatman
- Yelf
- Yelland
- Yelton
- Yeo
- Yeoman
- Yestman
- Yollest
- Yongue
- York
- Yorke
- Youl
- Youlton
- Young
- Younge
- Younger
- Younghusband
- Yoxall
- Yrand
- Yray
- Yvetot
- Zadd
- Zade
- Zeiss
- Zielanowicz
- Zielanowiez