Descendants of William de Ferrers
This historical tree shows the ancestry of the Paulet family, rulers of Jersey in the 16th century. Paulet family arms Elizabeth Kenn, wife of Lord John Paulet There is no family page for this surname at present
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- 1 William de Ferrers (1193-1254) m Sibyl Marshal (1191-1245)
- 2 Matilda de Ferrers (1217-1298) m William 'Fort' de Vivonne (1215-1259)
- 3 Joan de Vivonne (1235-1314) m Reynold FitzPiers (1222-1286)
- 4 Eleonor FitzPiers (1255- ) m John de Mohun (1251- )
- 5 John Mohun (1279-1330) m Christiane de Segrave (1290- )
- 6 John Mohun (1320- )
- 6 Eleanor Margaret Mohun (1321- ) m John Carew (1320- )
- 7 Elizabeth Carew (1372-1410) m Roger Lewknor (1369- 1405)
- 8 Thomas Lewknor (1392-1452) m Philippa Dallingridge (1390-1421)
- 9 Roger Lewknor (1413-1478) m Eleanor Camoys (1409-1445)
- 10 Agnes Lewknor (1432- ) m Robert Pollard (1435- )
- 11 Lewis Pollard (1465-1526) m Agnes Hext (1468- )
- 12 Philippa Pollard (1490- ) m Sir Hugh Paulet (1490-1562)
- 13 Sir Amias Paulet (1530- ) m Margaret Hervey (1540- )
- 14 Sir Anthony Paulet (1560- ) m Catherine Norreys (1570- )
- 15 Lord John Paulet born in Jersey (1586-1649) m Elizabeth Kenn born in Jersey (1593-1663) d of Christopher and Florence Stallenge (1570- )
- 16 Margaret Paulet (1607- ) m Denys Rolle
- 16 Florence Paulet (1612- ) m Thomas Smith
- 16 Elizabeth Paulet (1615- )
- 16 John Paulet (1615-1665) m Katherine Vere
- 16 Amias Paulet (1622- )
- 16 Susanna Paulet (1629-1682)
- 16 Anne Paulet (1619- )
- 15 Lord John Paulet born in Jersey (1586-1649) m Elizabeth Kenn born in Jersey (1593-1663) d of Christopher and Florence Stallenge (1570- )
- 14 Sir Anthony Paulet (1560- ) m Catherine Norreys (1570- )
- 13 George Paulet (1534-1621) m Elizabeth Perrin (1538- )
- 14 Rachel Paulet (1561-1650) m Philip de Carteret (1552- )
- 15 Elias de Carteret (1580- ) m Elizabeth Dumaresq (1589- )
- 15 Sir Philip de Carteret (1584-1643) m Ann Dowse (1585-1664)
- 15 Sarah de Carteret (1589- ) m Elias Dumaresq (1581-1639)
- 15 Susan de Carteret (1593-1658) m Abraham Dumaresq (1580- )
- 15 Judith de Carteret (1593- )
- 15 Gideon de Carteret (1595- )
- 15 Elizabeth de Carteret (1597- )
- 14 Rachel Paulet (1561-1650) m Philip de Carteret (1552- )
- 13 Sir Amias Paulet (1530- ) m Margaret Hervey (1540- )
- 12 Philippa Pollard (1490- ) m Sir Hugh Paulet (1490-1562)
- 11 Lewis Pollard (1465-1526) m Agnes Hext (1468- )
- 10 Agnes Lewknor (1432- ) m Robert Pollard (1435- )
- 9 Roger Lewknor (1413-1478) m Eleanor Camoys (1409-1445)
- 8 Thomas Lewknor (1392-1452) m Philippa Dallingridge (1390-1421)
- 7 Elizabeth Carew (1372-1410) m Roger Lewknor (1369- 1405)
- 5 John Mohun (1279-1330) m Christiane de Segrave (1290- )
- 4 Eleonor FitzPiers (1255- ) m John de Mohun (1251- )
- 3 Joan de Vivonne (1235-1314) m Reynold FitzPiers (1222-1286)
- 2 Isabel de Ferrers (1220-1260) m Reginald de Mohun (1206-1257)
- 3 Isabel de Mohun (1248-1280) m Baron Edmund Deincourt (1244-1327)
- 4 John Deincourt (1265- )
- 4 Isabel Deincourt (1270- )
- 4 Margaret Deincourt (1275-1333) m Sir Robert de Willoughby (1255- 1317)
- 5 Sir John de Willoughby (1304-1349) m Joan de Roscelyn (1307- 1354)
- 6 Sir John de Willoughby (1329-1372) m Cecily de Ufford (1331-1372)
- 7 Sir Robert de Willoughby (1349- )
- 7 Joan de Willoughby (1354-1414) m Sir William de Astley (1345-1404)
- 8 Joan Astley (1381-1448) m Sir Reynold de Grey (1362- 1440)
- 9 Alianore de Grey (1414- ) m Sir William Lucy (1403-1466)
- 10 William Lucy (1441- )
- 10 Rose Lucy (1446- ) m Sir Thomas Poultney (1442-1507)
- 11 Elizabeth Poultney (1470- ) m Thomas Andrews (1468-1530)
- 12 Richard Andrews (1485- )
- 12 William Andrews (1498- ) m Miss Knight (1503- )
- 13 John Andrews (1522-1544) m Judith de Sausmarez (1520- 3)
- 14 John Andros (1544-1609) m Cecile Blondel (1548-1588)
- 15 Thomas Andros (1570-1570)
- 15 Thomas Andros (1571-1637) m Elizabeth de Carteret (1579-1672)
- 15 Jean Andros (1573-1624)
- 15 Elizabeth Andros (1575- )
- 15 Marie Andros (1580- )
- 14 John Andros (1544-1609) m Cecile Blondel (1548-1588)
- 13 John Andrews (1522-1544) m Judith de Sausmarez (1520- 3)
- 11 Elizabeth Poultney (1470- ) m Thomas Andrews (1468-1530)
- 9 Alianore de Grey (1414- ) m Sir William Lucy (1403-1466)
- 8 Joan Astley (1381-1448) m Sir Reynold de Grey (1362- 1440)
- 6 Sir John de Willoughby (1329-1372) m Cecily de Ufford (1331-1372)
- 5 Joan de Willoughby (1310- )
- 5 Sir John de Willoughby (1304-1349) m Joan de Roscelyn (1307- 1354)
- 4 Joan Deincourt (1277- )
- 3 Maud de Mohun (1255- )
- 3 Isabel de Mohun (1248-1280) m Baron Edmund Deincourt (1244-1327)
- 2 Agnes de Ferrers (1222- )
- 2 Joan de Ferrers (1228-1267) m Robert de Aguillon (1235-1285)
- 2 Sibyl de Ferrers (1231- )
- 2 Eleanor de Ferrers (1232- )
- 2 Agatha de Ferrers (1236- )
- 2 Matilda de Ferrers (1217-1298) m William 'Fort' de Vivonne (1215-1259)
- 2nd wife of William de Ferrers – Margaret de Quincy (1223- )
- 2 William de Ferrers (1240-1287) m Ann Le Despenser (1248- )
- 3 William de Ferrers (1271-1234) m Ellen de Segrave (1275- )
- 4 Henry de Ferrers (1294-1343) m Isabel de Verdun
- 3 William de Ferrers (1271-1234) m Ellen de Segrave (1275- )
- 2 William de Ferrers (1240-1287) m Ann Le Despenser (1248- )